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Carbonai, D.  2017.  Algumas lições da reforma administrativa italiana nos anos 1990. Rev. Serv. Público . 68(2):343-364.1240-5875-1-pb.pdf
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McLeod, A, Schramm R, Steedman M, Benetos E.  2017.  Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Vocal Music. Applied Sciences. 7(12)applsci-07-01285.pdf
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SILVA, FG, BRESSIANI N.  2017.  Axel Honneth e a Teoria Crítica dos Conflitos Sociais. Sociologia Jurídica. , São Paulo: Ed. Saraiva
de Medeiros, TS, Bernardi JR, de Brito ML, Bosa VL, Goldani MZ, da Silva CH.  2017.  Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy in Different Intrauterine Environments and its Association with Infant Anthropometric Measurements at 3 and 6 Months of Age. Maternal & Child Health Journal. 2017
Haas, F, Pascoal KA, Mendonça JT.  2017.  Collisional effects, ion-acoustic waves and neutrino oscillations. Phys. Plasmas. 24(5):052115.
FONSECA, P.  2017.  Com que roupa? Zero Hora. 26/01
Tofoli, P, Ziegelmann FA, Filho SOC.  2017.  A Comparison Study of Copula Models for European Financial Index Returns. International Journal of Economics and Finance. 9:155-178.
Siqueira, M, Júnior SD, Pereira LB, Ferrari CG, Lopes N.  2017.  Compreensão de expressões idiomáticas em período de aquisição da linguagem. Letras de Hoje. 52(3):391-400.2017. Siqueira, Junior, Pereira, Ferrari, Lopes.pdf
Barbosa, MM, Blank D.  2017.  A consulta do adolescente. Tratado de Pediatria: Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. , Barueri: Manolebarbosa_consulta_adolescente_tratado_pediatria_2017.pdf
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Eckhard, D, Bazanella AS, Rojas CR, Hjalmarsson H.  2017.  Cost function shaping of the output error criterion. Automatica. 76:53–60. AbstractWebsite

Abstract Identification of an output error model using the prediction error method leads to an optimization problem built on input/output data collected from the system to be identified. It is often hard to find the global solution of this optimization problem because in most cases both the corresponding objective function and the search space are nonconvex. The difficulty in solving the optimization problem depends mainly on the experimental conditions, more specifically on the spectra of the input/output data collected from the system. It is therefore possible to improve the convergence of the algorithms by properly choosing the data prefilters; in this paper we show how to perform this choice. We present the application of the proposed approach to case studies where the standard algorithms tend to fail to converge to the global minimum.