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Reuwsaat, JCV, Motta H, Garcia AWA, Vasconcelos CB, Marques BM, Oliveira NK, Rodrigues J, Ferrareze PAG, Frases S, Lopes W, Barcellos VA, Squizani ED, Horta JA, Schrank A, Rodrigues ML, Staats CC, Vainstein MH, Kmetzsch L.  2018.  A predicted mannoprotein participates in Cryptococcus gattii capsular structure. mSphere. 3, Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Yan, L, Ravasio R, Brito C, Wyart M.  2018.  Principles for optimal cooperativity in allosteric materials. Biophysical journal. 114:2787–2798., Number 12: Cell Press Abstract


Ladeia, CA, Bodmann BEJ, Vilhena MT.  2018.  The Radiative Conductive Transfer Equation in Cylinder Geometry: Rocket Launch Exhaust Phenomena for the Alcântara Launch Center. American Journal of Environmental Engineering. 8:118-127. Abstract
Ladeia, CA, Bodmann BEJ, Vilhena MT.  2018.  The radiative conductive transfer equation in cylinder geometry: Semi-analytical solution and a point analysis of convergence. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 217:338–352. Abstract
Peyré-Tartaruga, LA, Schons P, Fischer G, da Rosa RG, Berriel G.  2018.  Relação entre a força dos músculos extensores e flexores de joelho e o desempenho de saltos em jogadores de voleibol: uma revisão. Journal of Physical Education. 29:2926., Number 1 Abstract
Schons, P, da Rosa RG, Fischer G, Berriel GP, Fritsch CG, Nakamura FY, Baroni BM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  The relationship between strength asymmetries and jumping performance in professional volleyball players. Sports biomechanics. : Routledge Abstract
Altmann, S.  2018.  Representações sensíveis e apercepção originária. Studia Kantiana. 17:27-48., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Melo, OUM, Bernardo RT, Silva ESD, Rosa KPDS, Coimbra RDS, Peyré‐Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Short‐time race time and training volume as predictors of Marathon performance [Tempo de provas curtas e volume de treinamento como preditores do desempenho de maratona]. Revista Brasileira de Ciencias do Esporte. 40:117-122., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Toledo, MM, Allem LE.  2018.  Suporte de grafos unic{\'ıclicos. Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 6, Number 1 Abstract
Petró, SM, Do Nascimento Ritter M, Pivel MAG, Coimbra JC.  2018.  Surviving in the water column: Defining the taphonomically active zone in pelagic systems. Palaios. 33:85-93., Number 3: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology AbstractWebsite

The dynamic physical interval where postmortem alteration of biological remains takes place is widely known as the taphonomically active zone (TAZ). In benthic systems, the TAZ is conventionally considered to be delimited by an upper boundary at the sediment-water interface and a lower boundary corresponding roughly to the deepest sediment layer influenced by bioturbation. However, this definition was developed in the context of marine or continental environments inhabited by benthic fauna and disregards the modifications that pelagic remains undergo while sinking through the water column. Indeed, long before the skeletal remains of planktonic organisms reach the sediment-water interface, they may suffer significant taphonomic damage, primarily due to dissolution. The magnitude of dissolution depends on the composition of the skeletal remains, seawater properties, and the nature and intensity of biological processes in the water column. In open ocean environments, siliceous remains (e.g., diatoms, radiolarians) suffer enhanced dissolution in the upper water column, where seawater is undersaturated in silica, whereas pelagic carbonate remains (e.g., foraminifers, coccolithophores) experience higher dissolution below the lysocline (the depth where there is a sharp increase in dissolution rate) until they reach the carbonate compensation depth (CCD), where dissolution is complete. Therefore, we argue that the TAZ concept for pelagic organisms should be extended to include the water column through which they settle after death. Furthermore, the extent of taphonomic damage of pelagic microfossils can be used as a potential proxy for past changes in seawater chemistry and circulation related to oceanographic conditions. © 2018, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).

Andrade, A, de Steffens RAK, Sieczkowska SM, Tartaruga LAP, Vilarino GT.  2018.  A systematic review of the effects of strength training in patients with fibromyalgia: clinical outcomes and design considerations. Advances in Rheumatology. 58:36., Number 1: BioMed Central Abstract
Andrade, A, de Azevedo Klumb Steffens R, Sieczkowska SM, Peyré Tartaruga LA, Torres Vilarino G.  2018.  A systematic review of the effects of strength training in patients with fibromyalgia: clinical outcomes and design considerations. Advances in rheumatology (London, England). 58:36., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Melo, OUM, Bernardo RT, da Silva ES, da Rosa KPS, dos Coimbra RS, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Tempo de provas curtas e volume de treinamento como preditores do desempenho de maratona. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte. 40:117–122., Number 2: Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Abstract
Brito, C, Lerner E, Wyart M.  2018.  Theory for swap acceleration near the glass and jamming transitions for continuously polydisperse particles. Physical Review X. 8:031050., Number 3: American Physical Society Abstract


Melo, OUM, Bernardo RT, da Silva ES, da Rosa KPS, dos Coimbra RS, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Tiempo de pruebas cortas y volumen de entrenamiento como predictores del rendimiento de Maratón. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte. 40:117–122., Number 2 Abstract
Andrade Neto, J, da Cunha R  D, Barichello L  B.  2018.  Um problema de autovalor para caracterização de criticalidade de reatores nucleares. Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics. 6(1):010269:1–2.: SBMAC Abstract
Nascimento, MM, Cavalcanti C, Ostermann F.  2018.  Uma busca por questões de Física do ENEM potencialmente não reprodutoras das desigualdades socioeconômicas. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física. 40(3): SciELO Brasil Abstract
Brito, C, Ikeda H, Urbani P, Wyart M, Zamponi F.  2018.  Universality of jamming of nonspherical particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115:11736–11741., Number 46: National Academy of Sciences Abstract


Eckhard, D, Campestrini L, Boeira EC.  2018.  Virtual Disturbance Feedback Tuning. IFAC Journal of Systems and Control. 3:23–29. Abstract
Schmidt, A., Zanuzzi, I., Secco, G. (Eds.).  2018.  Vozes Femininas na Filosofia. , Porto Alegre: UFRGS Abstract
Zen Vasconcellos, CA, Costa JES, Hadjimichef D, Machado MVT, Köpp F, Volkmer GL, Razeira M.  2018.  {Compact stars in the pseudo-complex general relativity}. J. Phys. Conf. Ser.. 1143(Ochoa, Rosendo, Salinas, Ener, Blas, Harold, Eds.).:012002., Number 1 Abstract