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SILVA, FG.  2018.  Nancy Fraser e um drama feminista em três atos. Vozes Femininas na Filosofia. , Porto Alegre: Editora UFRGS
Silveira, JFRV, Pagnusatti RA, Kleinpaul J, Paupitz R, Muniz AR.  2018.  Nanoporous Carbon Superstructures based on Covalent Bonding of Porous Fullerenes. Carbon. 130:424-432.
FONSECA, P.  2018.  Nem isto, nem aquilo. Zero Hora. 22/02
ANDRUSKIEWITSCH, NICOLÁS, GIRALDI JOÃOMATHEUSJURY.  2018.  Nichols algebras that are quantum planes. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 66(5):961-991.DOI
Frejlich, P, Marcut I.  2018.  Normal forms for Poisson maps and symplectic groupoids around Poisson transversals. Letters in Mathematical Physics. 108(3):711-735.
Blank, D.  2018.  O atendimento pediátrico. Pediatria na Graduação. , São Paulo: Atheneublank_o_atendimento_pediatrico_2018.pdf
BRUNHARA, R, ROSA TK.  2018.  O Fragmento de Télefo e a Fuga em Arquíloco. Cadernos de Letras da UFF. 28(56):49-63.o_fragmento_de_telefo_e_a_fuga_em_arquil.pdf
FONSECA, P.  2018.  O IPTU e o liberalismo pampiano. Zero Hora. 03/05
Ripoll, J, Telichevesky M.  2018.  On the asymptotic Plateau problem for CMC hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series. online
Ferrarini, F, Flores GB, Muniz AR, Soares RP.  2018.  An open and extensible sigma‐profile database for COSMO‐based models. AIChE Journal. 64(9):3443-3455.
Nunes, GT, Mancini PL, Bugoni L.  2018.  Os grandes atobás-marrons do pequeno Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo. ASPSP 20 anos de pesquisa. : Marinha do BrasilASPSP 20 anos de pesquisa.pdf
Carvalho, E.  2018.  Overcoming Intellectualism about Knowledge and Understanding: A Unified Approach. Logos & Episteme: An International Journal of Epistemology. 9(1):7-26. AbstractWebsite

In this paper I defend a unified approach to knowledge and understanding. Both are achievements due to cognitive abilities or skills. The difference between them is a difference of aspects. Knowledge emphasizes the successful aspect of an achievement and the exclusion of epistemic luck, whereas understanding emphasizes the agent's contribution in bringing about an achievement through the exercise of one's cognitive skills. Knowledge and understanding cannot be separated. I argue against the claim that understanding is distinct from knowledge because the former is compatible with environmental luck. Achievements rule out environmental luck because abilities can be exercised only in their proper environment. I also reject the intellectualist claim that understanding requires the ability to explain what one intends to understand. The understanding of an item is reflected in our ability to solve cognitive tasks using that item. The more tasks one can deal with by using an item, the deeper is one's understanding of that item. Being able to explain why a claim holds is not necessary for possessing understanding, even though it may be necessary for accomplishing some very specific tasks. Neither understanding nor knowledge require any kind of second-order cognition by default.

Pedraza, LK, Sierra RO, Lotz FN, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2018.  Periodical reactivation under the effect of caffeine attenuates fear memory expression in rats. Scientific Reports.
Bolfe, M, Nicolao L, Metz FL.  2018.  Phase diagram and metastability of the Ising model on two coupled networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics. :083404.
Cepik, M, Lopes DB, Sorj B.  2018.  Política Internacional e Comparada. Sonhos e Labores. , Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG
FONSECA, P.  2018.  A popularidade de Lula. Zero Hora. 25/01
Schmitt, LR, Blank D.  2018.  Prevenção de lesões não intencionais. Pediatria Consulta Rápida. 2ª ed.. , Porto Alegre: Artmedschmitt_prevencao_de_lesoes_nao_intencionais_2018.pdf
do Teichmann, PV, Machado TS, Serafim DFF, dos Souza RS, Hirakata VN, da Silva CH.  2018.  Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente: percepção dos profissionais da Atenção Primária em Saúde. Revista de Saúde e Tecnologias Digitais. 3(1):51-68.