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FONSECA, P.  2018.  Final melancólico. Zero Hora. 27/12zero_hora_27_de_dezembro_de_2018.jpg
Chen, M, Muniz AR, Maroudas D.  2018.  Formation and Mechanical Behavior of Nanocomposite Superstructures from Interlayer Bonding in Twisted Bilayer Graphene. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 10:28898−28908.
FONSECA, PCD, SALOMÃO I.  2018.  Furtado vs Prebisch: a Latin American Controversy. Investigación Económica. 77(77):74-93.fonseca_e_salomao_furtado_x_prebisch.pdf
Carvalho, E.  2018.  Goodman e o projeto de uma definição construtiva de "indução válida". Principia: an international journal of epistemology. 22(3):439-460. AbstractWebsite

In Fact, Fiction and Forecast, Nelson Goodman claims that the problem of justifying induction is not something over and above the problem of describing valid induction. Such claim seems to open up the possibility that the new riddle of induction could be addressed empirically. Discoveries about psychological preferences for projecting certain classes of objects could function as a criterion for determining which predicates are after all projectible. In this paper, I argue that Goodman's claim must be construed within his project for constructional definitions, which is methodologically oriented by reflective equilibrium. The description of inductive practice is committed to the articulation of the extension of the class selected by the predicate ‘valid induction’. The mutual adjustment between theoretical considerations and inductive practice involved in the proposal of a definition of ‘valid induction’ must preserve that practice as much as possible, there is no way to get rid of entrenchment. Empirical discoveries about the psychological mechanism that underlies projections may help that adjustment but they cannot substitute the role played by the entrenchment of predicates.

Crestani, AP, Sierra RO, Machado A, Haubrich J, Scienza KM, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2018.  Hippocampal plasticity mechanisms mediating experience-dependent learning change over time. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
Frejlich, P, Marcut I.  2018.  The homology class of a Poisson transversal. International Mathematics Research Notices. Advance Article rny105
Porto, RR, F D, Crestani AP, Holsinger DM, Quillfeldt JA, de Bittencourt PIH, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2018.  HSP70 Facilitates Memory Consolidation of Fear Conditioning through MAPK Pathway in the Hippocampus. Neuroscience.
Levy, L.  2018.  Il concetto cartesiano di attributo principale. Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee. 1:2018. AbstractLink para acesso gratuito

Versão a convite de um artigo homônimo para o italiano.

In 1995 the publication of Marleen Rozemond’s paper Descartes’s Case for Dualism has triggered the revival of the discussion on his argument in favor of the real distinction between body and soul among the Anglo-Saxon scholars. In particular the discussion then resumed was on the necessity of introducing a hidden premise (the so called the attribute premise) in order to regain its probatory character. This debate has reflected on the Cartesian studies in Brazil and my objective in this text is to bring to the debate two texts still unexplored related to this interpretative problem. My hypothesis is that the attempts to justify the thesis that the substance has exactly one principal attribute have not yet better succeeded because they underestimated the contribution brought about by the transformation of the notion of nature entailed by the introduction of the concept of principal attribute. Understanding the Cartesian proof of substantial dualism, and more particularly the “attribute premise”, would involve, I suggest, the thesis according to which the concept of principal attribute, insofar as it expresses the essence of the substance, is not – and cannot be – according to Descartes, an abstract universal, but rather a particular nature

Azevedo, FS, Sauter E, Konzen PHA, Thompson M, Barichello LB.  2018.  Integral Formulation and Numerical Simulations for the Neutron Transport Equation in X-Y Geometry. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 112:735-747.
Cepik, M.  2018.  Inteligência. Dicionário de Segurança e Defesa. , São Paulo: Editora Unesp
Horst, D, Tenenbaum S.  2018.  Introduction: Special issue on agency and rationality. Manuscrito. 41(4)
Zalla, J.  2018.  A invenção de Simões Lopes Neto: literatura e memória histórica no sul do Brasil. , Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroA invenção de Simões Lopes Neto
Abreu, E, Perez J, Santo A.  2018.  Lagrangian-Eulerian approximation methods for balance laws and hyperbolic conservation laws. Revista UIS Ingenierías. 17:191–200., Number 1: Universidad Industrial de Santander
Haas, F, Soares LGF.  2018.  Large amplitude oscillations in a trapped dissipative electron gas. Phys. Plasmas. 25(1):012310.
Castillo, PI, Metz FL.  2018.  Large-deviation theory for diluted Wishart random matrices. Physical Review E. 032124 :97.
Haas, F, Mahmood S.  2018.  Magnetosonic waves in a quantum plasma with arbitrary electron degeneracy. Physical Review E. 97(6):063206.
Cepik, M.  2018.  Memorial. , Porto Alegrecepik_2018_titular_memorial_jan_14.pdf
Frejlich, P.  2018.  Morita Invariance of Intrinsic Characteristic Classes of Lie Algebroids. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA). 14(124):12pp.