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LUIZ, R, AMARAL H, Dagnino R, KALSING R.  2019.  Projeto Hortas Urbanas e Periurbanas do Munic{\'ıpio de Tramanda{\'ı. 9ª Mostra de Ensino, Extensão e Pesquisa do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul-Campus Osório. : Anais da 9ª MoExP-Mostra de Ensino, Extensão e Pesquisa do Instituto Federal … Abstract
SILVEIRA, PG, de Sampaio Dagnino R, SARMIENTO DWP.  2019.  Projeto SIG Litoral. MoExP-Mostra de Ensino, Extensão e Pesquisa do Campus Osório. 1:1–1., Number 1 Abstract
Panitz, LM.  2019.  REDES MUSICAIS E (RE) COMPOSI{\c{C}}ÕES TERRITORIAIS NO PRATA: POR UMA GEOGRAFIA DA MÚSICA. Espaço e Cultura. :11–30., Number 45 Abstract
Schons, P, da Rosa RG, Fischer G, Berriel GP, Fritsch CG, Nakamura FY, Baroni BM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2019.  The relationship between strength asymmetries and jumping performance in professional volleyball players. Sports Biomechanics. 18:515-526., Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Favero, D, Marcon VRR, Barcellos T, Gómez CM, Sanchis MJ, Carsí M, Figueroa CA, Bianchi O.  2019.  Renewable polyol obtained by microwave-assisted alcoholysis of epoxidized soybean oil: Preparation, thermal properties and relaxation process. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 285:136-145. AbstractWebsite
da Rosa, RG, de Oliveira HB, Ardigò LP, Gomeñuka NA, Fischer G, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2019.  Running Stride Length And Rate Are changed And Mechanical Efficiency Is Preserved After Cycling In Middle-Level Triathletes. Scientific reports. 9:1–8., Number 1: Nature Publishing Group Abstract
da Rosa, RG, Oliveira HB, Ardigò LP, Gomeñuka NA, Fischer G, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2019.  Running Stride Length And Rate Are Changed And Mechanical Efficiency Is Preserved After Cycling In Middle-Level Triathletes. Scientific Reports. 9, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Luvison, C, Wanke CH, Moura S, Manchado G, Farias MCM, Bianchi O.  2019.  Self-assembly of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane structures through ion exchange. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology. 243:38-46. AbstractWebsite
Allem, LE, Molina G, Pastine A.  2019.  Short note on Randic energy. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 82:515–528. Abstract
de Saboya, RT, Netto VM, Vargas JC.  2019.  The social effects of architecture: built form and social sustainability. Urban social sustainability: theory, practice and policy. (Keivani, Ramin, Shirazi, M. Reza, Eds.).:125–148., London ; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Abstract
Dias, FTG, Ingracio AR, Nicoletti NF, Menezes FC, Dall Agnol L, Marinowic DR, Soares RMD, da Costa JC, Falavigna A, Bianchi O.  2019.  Soybean-modified polyamide-6 mats as a long-term cutaneous wound covering. Materials Science and Engineering C. 99:957-968. AbstractWebsite
Techio, J.  2019.  Strawson e Wittgenstein. P. F. Strawson e a Tradição Filosófica. (GELAIN, Itamar Luís; CONTE, Jaimir (Orgs.), Ed.).:187-222., Porto Alegre: Editora Fi Abstract
They, NH, da Marques DM.  2019.  The structuring role of macrophytes on plankton community composition and bacterial metabolism in a large subtropical shallow lake. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia. 31: Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Abstract
de Dagnino, RS.  2019.  Tendências demográficas no Brasil e no Mundo. Seminário em Agronegócios. Abstract
Ourique, PA, Ornaghi FG, Ornaghi HL, Wanke CH, Bianchi O.  2019.  Thermo-oxidative degradation kinetics of renewable hybrid polyurethane–urea obtained from air-oxidized soybean oil. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 137:1969-1979., Number 6 AbstractWebsite
Agnol, LD, Ceratti HL, Favero D, Rempel SP, Schiavo LSA, Ernzen JR, Dias FTG, Bianchi O.  2019.  Transurethanization reaction as an alternative for melt modification of polyamide 6. Journal of Polymer Research. 26, Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Asensio, M, Costa V, Nohales A, Bianchi O, Gómez CM.  2019.  Tunable structure and properties of segmented thermoplastic polyurethanes as a function offlexible segment. Polymers. 11, Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Menezes, DP, Brito C, Anteneodo C.  2019.  Women in Physics: Scissors Effect from the Brazilian Olympiad of Physics to Professional Life. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.05536. Abstract


Techio, J.  2019.  The world viewed and the world lived: Stanley Cavell and film as the moving image of skepticism. Film and Philosophy: Bridging Divides. (Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva, Steven S. Gouveia, Eds.).: Routledge Abstract
Razeira, M, Hadjimichef D, Machado MVT, Köpp F, Volkmer G, Bodmann B, Degrazia GA, Vasconcellos CAZ.  2019.  {Effective field theory with genuine many-body forces and tidal effects on neutron stars}. Astron. Nachr.. 340(Strassmeier, K. G., Brandenburg, A., Cuntz, M., Hasinger, G., Montmerle, T., Neuhäuser, R., Eds.).:209–212., Number 1-3 Abstract
Ben, FG, Machado MVT, Sauter WK.  2019.  {Geometric scaling applied to lepton–{}ion collisions}. Astron. Nachr.. 340(Zen Vasconcellos, C. A., Pérez Mart\'ı{}nez, A., Pérez Rojas, H., Roth, M., Gonzalez Felipe, R., Boller, Th., Hess, P., Eds.).:898–903., Number 9-10 Abstract
Machado, MVT.  2019.  {Investigating the asymptotic proton-proton cross section at the Large Hadron Collider using parton saturation models and geometric scaling phenomenon}. Astron. Nachr.. 340(Zen Vasconcellos, C. A., Pérez Mart\'ı{}nez, A., Pérez Rojas, H., Roth, M., Gonzalez Felipe, R., Boller, Th., Hess, P., Eds.).:971–976., Number 9-10 Abstract