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They, NH, Marins L{\'ıs F, Möller Jr OO, Abreu PC.  2019.  High bacterial activity in nutrient rich saltwater: Evidence from the uncoupling between salinity and nutrients in the Patos Lagoon estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 216:148–156.: Academic Press Abstract
Machado, GD, Zanardi APJ, Martins VF, Burguêz D, Scudeiro L{\'ıs AJ, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Saute JAM.  2019.  História natural das anormalidades do movimento nas paraparesias espásticas hereditárias: validação de instrumentos funcionais de marcha. Clinical and biomedical research. Porto Alegre. Abstract
Rosing, CK, Fiorini T, Haas AN, Muniz F, Oppermann RV, Susin C.  2019.  The impact of maintenance on peri-implant health. Braz Oral Res. 33:e074., Number suppl 1 AbstractWebsite

Most of the literature evaluating dental implants focuses on implant survival, which is a limited proxy for the successful rehabilitation of patients with missing teeth. Success should include not only survival but also lack of mechanical, biological, and esthetics problems. A comprehensive review of local and systemic risk factors prior to implant placement will allow the tailoring of treatment planning and maintenance protocols to the patient's profile in order to achieve longitudinal success of the therapy. This review discusses the role of controlling different risk factors and prevention/treatment of peri-implant mucositis in order to avoid peri-implantitis. Although the literature addressing the topic is still scarce, the existing evidence shows that performing optimal plaque control and regular visits to the dentist seem to be adequate to prevent peri-implant lesions. Due to impossibility of defining a probing depth associate with peri-implant health, radiographic evaluations may be considered in the daily practice. So far, there is a strong evidence linking a past history of periodontal disease to peri-implant lesions, but this is not so evident for other factors including smoking and diabetes. The prevention of biological complications starts even before implant placement and include a broader analysis of the patient risk profile and tailoring the rehabilitation and maintenance protocols accordingly. It should be highlighted that the installation of implants does not modify the patient profile, since it does not modify genetics, microbiology or behavioral habits of any individual.

do Ritter, MN, They NH, Konzen ER.  2019.  Introdução ao software estat{\'ıstico R. : UFRGS. Campus Litoral Norte Abstract
Monteiro, E, Peyré-Tartaruga L, da Silva E, Zanardi A, Jimenez-Reyes P, Morin J, Pagnussat A.  2019.  Is sprint running exercise feasible, safe and enjoyable to subjects with mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease?: 673 Movement Disorders. 34 Abstract
da Rosa, RG, Oliveira HB, Gomeñuka NA, Masiero MPB, da Silva ES, Zanardi APJ, de Carvalho AR, Schons P, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2019.  Landing-takeoff asymmetries applied to running mechanics: a new perspective for performance. Frontiers in Physiology. 10:415.: Frontiers Abstract
da Rosa, RG, Oliveira HB, Gomeñuka NA, Bienert Masiero MP, da Silva ES, Janner Zanardi AP, De Carvalho AR, Schons P, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2019.  Landing-takeoff asymmetries applied to running mechanics: A new perspective for performance. Frontiers in Physiology. 10, Number MAR AbstractWebsite
Ravasio, R, Flatt SM, Yan L, Zamuner S, Brito C, Wyart M.  2019.  Mechanics of allostery: contrasting the induced fit and population shift scenarios. Biophysical journal. 117:1954–1962., Number 10: Cell Press Abstract


Custódio, A, Dagnino R.  2019.  Menos perguntas, tempo de resposta mais rápido e questionário pela internet. Gaúcha ZH (Zero Hora). Abstract
Rempel, SP, Engler LG, Soares MRF, Catafesta J, Moura S, Bianchi O.  2019.  Nano/microfibers of EVA copolymer obtained by solution blow spinning: Processing, solution properties, and pheromone release application. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 136, Number 24 AbstractWebsite
Saute, J, Machado G, Zanardi A, Martins V, Burguêz D, Jacinto-Scudeiro L, Monteiro E, Peyré-Tartaruga L.  2019.  Natural History of Movement Abnormalities on Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: validation of timed functional instruments: 1376. Movement Disorders. 34 Abstract
ROSA, T, SPACSEK C, ANGST I, WELTER L, WITT N, SCHWALM P, DAGNINO R, TANURE S, FRANCO G, DUARTE J, others.  2019.  NAU Campus Litoral Norte. RAAI 2018: Relatório de autoavaliação institucional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: 14º Ciclo: 2018.. : Comissão Própria de Avaliação; Secretaria de Avaliação Institucional-UFRGS Abstract
Lima, NW, Nascimento MM.  2019.  Nos becos da Episteme: Caminhos confluentes para uma contra colonização didática em meio à crise da verdade. Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física. 36(3):589-598. Abstract
Benini, KCCC, Ornaghi Júnior HL, Bianchi O, de Magalhães WF, Henriques FF, Windmoller D, Voorwald HJC, Cioffi MOH.  2019.  Novel biodegradable composites based on PHBV: Effect of nanocellulose incorporation on the non-isothermal crystallization kinetic and structural parameters. Polymer Composites. 40:3156-3165., Number 8 AbstractWebsite
Reis, FCG, Borges BS, Jozefowicz LJ, Sena BAG, Garcia AWA, Medeiros LC, Martins ST, Honorato L, Schrank A, Vainstein MH, Kmetzsch L, Nimrichter L, Alves LR, Staats CC, Rodrigues ML.  2019.  A novel protocol for the isolation of fungal extracellular vesicles reveals the participation of a putative scramblase in polysaccharide export and capsule construction in Cryptococcus gattii. mSphere. 4, Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Ladeia, CA, Bodmann BEJ, Vilhena MT.  2019.  On the Integro-Differential Radiative Conductive Transfer Equation: A Modified Decomposition Method. Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. Abstract
Pazinatto, CB, Barichello LB.  2019.  On the use of the adjoint operator for source reconstruction in particle transport problems. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. 27:513–539., Number 4 Abstract
Zimbres, ACG, Reuwsaat JCV, Barcellos VA, Joffe LS, Fonseca FL, Staats CC, Schrank A, Kmetzsch L, Vainstein MH, Rodrigues ML.  2019.  Pharmacological inhibition of pigmentation in Cryptococcus. FEMS Yeast Research. 19, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Lima, NW, Nascimento MM, de Holanda Cavalcanti CJ, Ostermann F.  2019.  The Polysemic Nature of Photons: Hybridization and Backwards Causation in Contemporary Undergraduate Quantum Physics Textbooks. Re-introducing science Sculpting the image of science. :541. Abstract
Agnol, LD, Dias FTG, Nicoletti NF, Marinowic D, Moura e Silva S, Marcos-Fernandez A, Falavigna A, Bianchi O.  2019.  Polyurethane tissue adhesives for annulus fibrosus repair: Mechanical restoration and cytotoxicity. Journal of Biomaterials Applications. 34:673-686., Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Dagnino, R.  2019.  População: Elementos demográficos para compreender o Brasil e suas transições. Brasil em Números. 27:71–89., Number 2019: IBGE Abstract
de Sampaio Dagnino, R.  2019.  População: Elementos demográficos para compreender o Brasil e suas transições. : Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Abstract
Dagnino, R.  2019.  Population: Demographic elements to understand Brazil and its transitions. Brazil in Figures. 27:71–89., Number 2019: IBGE Abstract
de Sampaio Dagnino, R, Kalsing RMS, Do Amaral HC, Luiz RT.  2019.  Projeto Hortas Urbanas e Periurbanas do munic{\'ıpio de Tramanda{\'ı. MoExP-Mostra de Ensino, Extensão e Pesquisa do Campus Osório. 1:1–1., Number 1 Abstract