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Burguêz, D, Zanardi APJ, Martins VF, Machado GD, Scudeiro L{\'ıs AJ, Monteiro EP, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Saute JAM.  2018.  História natural das anormalidades do movimento nas paraparesias espásticas hereditárias: validação dos instrumentos funcionais cronometrados. Clinical and biomedical research. Porto Alegre. Abstract
Klaudat, A.  2018.  Hume on pleasure and value and the Kantian challenge. Filosofia Unisinos. 19 AbstractWebsite

In this paper I examine Hume’s claims about the nature of moral sentiments (mainly in T 3.1.2) using as a foil the Kantian challenge to all material practical principles: they are all of the same type, being based on self-love and making all choices, including moral ones, hedonically fungible. The paper explores Hume’s views on pleasure as constitutive of moral sentiment as an answer to that challenge arguing that for him only pleasure is essentially valuable for beings like us. It thus grounds a notion of value which, through a “progressive or dynamic” view of human nature, informs a conception of moral pleasure – a “taste in character traits” – as a distinctive type of pleasure that is not amenable to a mere quantitative criterium to guide moral choice.

da Rosa, RG, Gomeñuka NA, de Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Inclined weight-loaded walking at different speeds: pelvis-shoulder coordination, trunk movements and cost of transport. Journal of motor behavior. 50:73–79., Number 1: Routledge Abstract
Rosa, RGD, Gomeñuka NA, Oliveira HBD, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Inclined Weight-Loaded Walking at Different Speeds: Pelvis-Shoulder Coordination, Trunk Movements and Cost of Transport. Journal of Motor Behavior. 50:73-79., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Diniz, R, Del Vecchio F{\'ıcioB, Schaun GZ, Oliveira HB, Portella EG, da Silva ES, Formalioni A, Campelo PCC, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Pinto SS.  2018.  Kinematic comparison of the roundhouse kick between Taekwondo, Karate, and MuayThai. J Strength Cond Res. 2018:25. Abstract
Sanseverino, MA, Pecchiari M, Bona RL, Berton DC, de Queiroz FB, Gruet M, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Limiting factors in walking performance of subjects with COPD. Respiratory care. 63:301–310., Number 3: Respiratory Care Abstract
Sanseverino, MA, Pecchiari M, Bona RL, Berton DC, de Queiroz FB, Gruet M, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Limiting factors in walking performance of subjects with COPD. Respiratory Care. 63:301-310., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Peyré-Tartaruga, LA, Coertjens M.  2018.  Locomotion as a powerful model to study integrative physiology: efficiency, economy, and power relationship. Frontiers in Physiology. 9:1789.: Frontiers Abstract
Rocha, CMF, Vargas JCB.  2018.  Mobilidade urbana saudável e segregação socioespacial: desafios da aliança entre pesquisa e participação comunitária. 20:10., Number 02 AbstractWebsite

Healthy urban mobility is the concept that deals with how the physical structure of cities affect the mobility of the population and how it relates to collective health and well-being. The article seeks to share the experience of conducting a research on healthy urban mobility in the Cruzeiro Region in Porto Alegre (RS-Brazil) and the experiences and reflections raised during the survey. In order to make viable the large-scale survey in the territory, it became necessary the researchers' partnership with the local population, a relationship that caused tensions and adaptations. The text provides an analytical description of the survey steps, using the field diary and the research report as sources of information. As a result, the importance of community participation in association with academic research in the search for social transformations is highlighted, even though symbolic barriers must be overcomed. We hope, with this report, to share the lessons learned, which show mobility limitations faced by low-income residents and the challenge of transposing social and spatial segregation in large urban centers.

de Oliveira, ES, Junges Â, Sbaraini N, Andreis FC, Thompson CE, Staats CC, Schrank A.  2018.  Molecular evolution and transcriptional profile of GH3 and GH20 β-n-acetylglucosaminidases in the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 41:843–857., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Klaudat.  2018.  Motivação e Valor em Hume e Kant. O lugar das emoções na ética e na metafísica. (Williges, Flavio, Fishborn, Marcelo, Copp, David, Eds.).:397-415., Pelotas: Editora da UFPel Abstract
Allem, LE, Tura FC.  2018.  Multiplicity of eigenvalues of cographs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 247:43–52.: Elsevier Abstract
Boeira, EC, Eckhard D.  2018.  Multivariable Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning with Bayesian regularization. XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática. :1–8., João Pessoa: {SBA} Sociedade Brasileira de Automática Abstract

This paper proposes the use of regularization on the multivariable formulation of the Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning (VRFT). When the process to be controlled has a significant amount of noise, the standard VRFT approach, that uses the instrumental variable technique, provides estimates with very poor statistical properties. To cope with that, this paper considers the use of regularization on the estimation procedure, reducing the covariance error at the cost of inserting a small bias. Also, this paper explains different types of regularization matrices and presents the methodology to tune these matrices. In order to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed formulation, a numerical example is presented.

De Souza, MF, Panitz LM.  2018.  O LITORAL NORTE NAS CAN{\c{C}}ÕES DO FESTIVAL TAFONA DA CAN{\c{C}}ÃO NATIVA (1998), OSÓRIO/RS. XXXV Encontro Estadual de Geografia (EEG) 2018-“A diversidade da Geografia e a Geografia da diversidade nas primeiras décadas do século XXI”. :10–10., Number 35 Abstract
Techio, J.  2018.  O papel da indignação moral de uma perspectiva perfeccionista. O lugar das emoções na ética e na metaética. (Flavio Williges; David Copp; Marcelo Fischborn, Ed.).:177-197.: NEPFil Online Abstract
de Moura, F  W, Barichello L  B, da Cunha R  D, Picoloto C  B.  2018.  On the Influence of Quadrature Schemes for the Iterative Solution of Linear Systems in Explicit Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Nodal Formulations. Proc. PHYSOR. :123–134.: American Nuclear Society Abstract
Vargas, JC, Rocha C, Silveira LH.  2018.  Os obstáculos para a mobilidade urbana e seus possíveis efeitos na saúde da população: relato de experiência na {Grande} {Cruzeiro}, {Porto} {Alegre}. Vulnerabilidades e saúde: grupos em cena por visibilidade no espaço urbano. , São Paulo: Hucitec Editora Abstract
Allem, EL, Cafure A, Dratman E, Grippo LN, Safe M{\'ınD, Trevisan V.  2018.  Partial Characterization of Graphs Having a Single Large Laplacian Eigenvalue. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. :P4–65. Abstract
Finatto, P, da Silva ES, Okamura AB, Almada BP, Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in trained runners. PloS one. 13:e0194057., Number 3: Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA Abstract
Finatto, P, da Silva ES, Okamura AB, Almada BP, Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in trained runners. PLoS ONE. 13, Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Niederle, PA.  2018.  A pluralist and pragmatist critique of food regime’s genealogy: varieties of social orders in Brazilian agriculture. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 45:1460-1483., Number 7: Routledge AbstractWebsite
Agnol, LD, Dias FTG, Nicoletti NF, Falavigna A, Bianchi O.  2018.  Polyurethane as a strategy for annulus fibrosus repair and regeneration: A systematic review. Regenerative Medicine. 13:611-627., Number 5 AbstractWebsite