Fiorini, SR, Bermejo-Alonso J, Gon P, de Freitas PE, Alarcos OA, Olszewska JI, Prestes E, Schlenoff C, Ragavan SV, Redfield S, Spencer B, Li H.
A Suite of Ontologies for Robotics and Automation [Industrial Activities], March. IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine. 24:8-11., Number 1
Costa, KL, Taboza ZA, Angelino GB, Silveira VR, Montenegro, R. J, Haas AN, Rego RO.
Influence of Periodontal Disease on Changes of Glycated Hemoglobin Levels in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Jan. J Periodontol. 88:17-25., Number 1
AbstractBACKGROUND: Little evidence is available regarding the effects of long-term periodontal infection on diabetes mellitus (DM) control. The aim of this retrospective cohort study is to evaluate influence of periodontal status on changes of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels of patients with type 2 DM (DMt2). METHODS: Eighty patients (mean age: 56.0 +/- 8.9 years) with DMt2 were included. Patients were non-smokers, aged >/=40 years, and using antidiabetic drugs. Demographics, health history, and HbA1c levels were retrieved from medical charts. Probing depth and clinical attachment loss (AL) were recorded. RESULTS: Patients were examined at two time points within a mean interval of 38.6 +/- 6.6 months. Increase in HbA1c over time was statistically significant when severe periodontitis was diagnosed at baseline (2.32%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.50% to 3.15%), in patients showing at least one tooth with >/=2 mm of AL progression (2.24%, 95% CI: 1.56% to 2.91%), in males (2.75%, 95% CI: 1.72% to 3.78%), and in those with HbA1c <6.5% at baseline (3.08%, 95% CI: 2.47% to 3.69%). After adjusting for baseline HbA1c, significant changes were still observed for severe periodontitis and progression of AL with increases of 0.85% and 0.9%, respectively. After adjusting for sex and HbA1c, AL progression was also statistically significant, with increases of 0.84%. CONCLUSIONS: Periodontitis progression was associated with increase in HbA1c in patients with DMt2. Identification of these risk factors suggests that periodontal treatment may improve glycemic control of patients with DMt2 by eliminating periodontal infection.
Wagner, MC, Haas AN, Oppermann RV, Rosing CK, Albandar JM, Susin C.
Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Clinical Attachment Loss Progression in an Urban Population From South Brazil: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study, Dec. J Periodontol. 88:1271-1280., Number 12
AbstractBACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of alcohol consumption on clinical attachment loss (AL) progression over a period of 5 years. METHODS: A multistage probability sampling strategy was used to draw a representative sample of the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Five hundred thirty-two individuals (209 males and 293 females) aged 18 to 65 years at baseline with no medical history of diabetes and at least six teeth were included in this analysis. Full-mouth periodontal examinations with six sites per tooth were conducted at baseline and after 5 years. Alcohol consumption was assessed at baseline by asking participants about the usual number of drinks consumed in a week. Four categories of alcohol consumption were defined: 1) non-drinker; 2) 1 glass/week and 1 glass/day. Individuals showing at least two teeth with proximal (clinical AL) progression >/=3 mm over 5 years were classified as having disease progression. Multiple Poisson regression models adjusted for age, sex, smoking, socioeconomic status, and body mass index were used to estimate relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: Overall, individuals who consumed >1 glass/day had 30% higher risk for clinical AL progression (RR = 1.30; 95% CI: 1.07 to 1.58) than non-drinkers. Among males, risk of clinical AL progression for individuals drinking >1 glass/day was 34% higher than non-drinkers (RR = 1.34; 95% CI: 1.09 to 1.64). Never-smoker males drinking 1 glass/day had significantly higher risk (RR = 1.50; 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.99). Among females, no association between alcohol consumption and clinical AL progression was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol consumption increased the risk of clinical AL progression, and this effect was more pronounced in males. Low dosages (
Hoppe, CB, Oliveira JAP, Grecca FS, Haas AN, Gomes MS.
Association between chronic oral inflammatory burden and physical fitness in males: a cross-sectional observational study, Aug. Int Endod J. 50:740-749., Number 8
AbstractAIM: To evaluate the association between chronic oral inflammatory burden (OIB) - as the combination of periodontal and endodontic disease load - and physical fitness. METHODOLOGY: One hundred and twelve nonsmoker male police officers who performed a standardized physical fitness test (PFT) were analysed. Participants underwent oral clinical and periapical radiographic examinations. Periodontal disease was assessed by probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (AL). For radiographic analysis, both apical periodontitis (AP) and root canal treatment (RCT) variables were analysed. Endodontic Burden (EB) was calculated merging the total number of teeth with AP and/or RCT per individual. OIB was calculated combining EB and AL. The outcome of physical fitness was dichotomized according to whether the highest PFT score was 'achieved' or 'not-achieved'. Multivariable logistic regression models were adjusted for age, body mass index and frequency of daily exercise. RESULTS: There was no significant association between AP, RCT and EB with physical fitness whereas PD, AL and OIB were significantly associated with low physical fitness (P < 0.05). Multivariate regression analysis revealed that individuals with OIB = EB >/= 3 and AL >/= 4 mm had a 81% lower chance of reaching the highest PFT score (OR = 0.19, 95%CI = 0.04-0.87, P = 0.03) compared to individuals with EB < 3 and and no AL >/= 4 mm. Individuals with unfavourable periodontal parameters but with low EB (OIB = EB < 3 & AL >/= 4 mm) showed no significant differences on the chance to reach the highest PFT score compared to participants with favourable periodontal status and low EB (OIB = EB < 3 & no AL >/= 4 mm). CONCLUSIONS: The OIB - higher levels of EB in periodontal patients - was independently associated with poor physical fitness in males.
Galibus, T, de B. Vieira TP, de Freitas EP, de O. Albuquerque R, ao C. L da Costa JP, T. de Sousa Júnior R, Krasnoproshin V, Zaleski A, Vissia HERM, del Galdo G.
Offline Mode for Corporate Mobile Client Security Architecture, Aug. Mobile Networks and Applications. 22:743–759., Number 4
AbstractPreventing data leakage on the mobile client is a crucial security problem. Therefore, additional control and protection should be taken for the confidential data on the mobile clients that leave the boundaries of the organization. This paper presents a novel approach to the security of the corporate mobile clients, in particular when they operate in the offline mode. The presented approach includes the essential conceptualization and the definition of the core methodology to solve the problem of offline mobile security, i.e. the protection of the confidential data in use when the mobile client is not connected to the corporate cloud. The protection of the sensitive data is provided by the combination of cryptographic means and analytics methods to detect malicious user behavior. The proposed security architecture supports the basic mobile client protection principles: minimized traffic load and reduced communication with the cloud; usage of light-weighted operations and an optimized combination of the security methods.
Campestrini, L, Eckhard D, Bazanella AS, Gevers M.
Data-driven model reference control design by prediction error identification, April. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 354:2828–2647., Number 6
AbstractAbstract This paper deals with Data-Driven (DD) control design in a Model Reference (MR) framework. We present a new \{DD\} method for tuning the parameters of a controller with a fixed structure. Because the method originates from embedding the control design problem in the Prediction Error identification of an optimal controller, it is baptized as Optimal Controller Identification (OCI). Incorporating different levels of prior information about the optimal controller leads to different design choices, which allows to shape the bias and variance errors in its estimation. It is shown that the limit case where all available prior information is incorporated is tantamount to model-based design. Thus, this methodology also provides a framework in which model-based design and \{DD\} design can be fairly and objectively compared. This comparison reveals that \{DD\} design essentially outperforms model-based design by providing better bias shaping, except in the full order controller case, in which there is no bias and model-based design provides smaller variance. The practical effectiveness of the design methodology is illustrated with experimental results.
Bressan, F, Teixeira FG, Júnior WK.
Design e Tecnologia: transposição de volumetrias entre superficies poligonais e polysurfaces nurbs, 2017. REVISTA EDUCAÇÃO GRÁFICA. 21:213-229.
AbstractThe present study is divided in two constructive ways: conversion of volumetric bodies constituted by polygonal surfaces (quads) into surfaces NURBS and conformation of patterns or other polygonal entities on such volumetric bodies. There are numerous cases where the target topology cannot be converted to a single and unique NURBS surface, a procedure that would make the task of volumetric transposition easier and which would already be solved by the use of ready made parametric modeling tools. To carry out this article's tasks, generative modeling systems and associative parametrization strategies were adopted. The knowledge for the construction of the systems used in the present research can be used in different fields that have, as a paradigm, the design creativity as one of its beacons, such as Visual Arts, Architecture and Design. The present work aims to make use of digital manufacturing through laser cutting, 3D printing or CNC milling technologies, at the same time expanding strategies.
Corrêa, P, Teixeira FG, Maldonado P.
Design-by-Analogy: proposta para um modelo de ferramenta computacional de auxílio ao processo de design, 2017. DESIGN E TECNOLOGIA. 7(14):30-40.
AbstractNew products development is a highly complex activity, where applying methodologies and tools to support the engineering design process is fundamental in conducting the numerous activities between the phases involved. The conceptual design phase is a critical moment for product success, where access to the existingdesign knowledgeand the prior experience of the designer are the basis for building the creative process. Thus, the Design-by-Analogy (DbA) field isa design approach that uses analogousprocesses to stimulate ideas generation seeking innovative solutions through computational techniques and tools. In this context, this article aims to propose a model forasoftware developmentbased on DbA techniques to stimulate and assist designers during project process. To fulfill this objective, literature review and existing state of the art DbA software survey establish the knowledge bases for this study. Given extracted information from these sources, analysis criteria were defined for the existing software quality characteristics evaluation. This, combined a set of desirable characteristics to establish the requirements that guided theelaboration of theproposed model, specifying its components and structure. Theresult of this paper is the model proposal, where combining existing techniques and new components that explore alternative paths will promote advances in DbA field. This model will guide the development of a softwareto aid and stimulate the conceptual phase of the project, allowing the registration of the knowledge generated during the development of projects so that they can be reused in future projects, adds new possibilities giving continuity to the studies in digital tools to support the engineering design process.
Senna, CE, Teixeira FG.
Rendering: a evolução da linguagem gráfica, seus precursores e sua relação com o design de produto, 2017. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EXPRESSÃO GRÁFICA. 5:48-68.
AbstractThis article focuses the evolution of a graphical language, introduced at the start of the twentieth century, namely with the term Rendering, in the USA. The works of Raymond Loewy, Norman Bel Geddes, Henry Dreyfuss and Walter Dorwin Teague between 1930 and 1960 were chosen as subjects of analysis. This article presents an overall view of their projects at the time, knowing that they were pioneers in changing the visuality, construction and presentation of images. As a methodological strategy, our research took the biographies of different authors, their main projects, collaborations and individual image productions into consideration. In carrying out our research, it became clear that precursors of this graphic language were not treated with appropriate consideration in design literature. Even today, when the subject is dealt with, it's often treated lightly, even in specialized biographies.
Câmara, A, Teixeira FG, Duarte JP, Ferrão L, Passos M, Correia N, Maldonado P, Correa PE.
Inspædia: [Almost] Everything About Simplicity, Playfulness and Inspiration, 2016. Advances in Ergonomics Modeling, Usability & Special Populations. 486:231-243.: Springer
AbstractThe aim of this paper is to disclose the new research developments and the results from the systematization of experience and user interaction with the Inspaedia (a new web knowledge " Agora "), to inspire a dynamic, collaborative, and interactive intelligence among the inspaediers. We will explain in detail and describe the design process and discuss the ultimate design interaction concept and development regarding (almost everything about) simplicity and playfulness of the inspaediers' experience to transform relevant information (related > mean-full > useful) in productive knowledge (inspiration > insight > foresight) in a very easy and quick way (usability: learnability; understandability; operability; attrac-tiveness…), with a smile in the face (satisfaction) and a wow in the mind (or in the soul).