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Nunes, M, da Silva CH, Bosa VL, Bernardi JR, Werlang ICR, Goldani MZ.  2017.  Could a remarkable decrease in leptin and insulin levels from colostrum to mature milk contribute to early growth catch-up of SGA infants? BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 17(410)
Haas, F, Pascoal KA, Mendonça JT.  2017.  Coupling between ion-acoustic waves and neutrino oscillations. Phys. Rev. E. 95(1):013207.
FONSECA, P.  2017.  Difícil explicação. Zero Hora. 10/08
FONSECA, P.  2017.  Dormindo com o inimigo. Zero Hora. 30/11
Grohmann, LGM.  2017.  EFEITOS DO SISTEMA ELEITORAL SOBRE A REPRESENTAÇÃO POLÍTICA: A MAGNITUDE DISTRITAL DOS MUNÍCIPIOS NO BRASIL EM 2004. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudíos Municipales. (16):137-165. AbstractRIEM download

The article examines the effects of the change in the number of municipal councilors in Brazilian municipalities, in the 2004 elections, on political representation. The experimental method is used. It reveals that the effects are the increase of the disproportionality of the electoral system and the party concentration, but in levels that do not take away its fundamental characteristics, especially the maintenance of the multiparty system. It also examines the regional distribution of these effects.

Lunardi, P, Sachser RM, Sierra RO, Pedraza LK, Medina C, De La Fuente V, Romano A, Quillfeldt JA, De Oleveira Alvares L.  2017.  Effects of Hippocampal LIMK Inhibition on Memory Acquisition, Consolidation, Retrieval, Reconsolidation, and Extinction. Molecular Neuroiology.
FEITEN WINGERT ODY, L.  2017.  Einführung in das brasilianische Recht. , München: C H Beckfoto-capa-einfuehrung.jpeg
Carbonai, D, Abdala ZPR.  2017.  Engajamento cívico e internet. Notas de pesquisa, a partir de uma tipologia. Revista Sociedade e Estado. XXXII(2):521-532.sev32n2_notas_de_pesquisa.pdf
Horst, D.  2017.  Enkratic Agency. European Journal of Philosophy. 25(1):47-67.
FONSECA, P.  2017.  A escolha faz o destino. Zero Hora. 07/09
Hamm, JBS, Muniz AR, Pollo LD, Marcilio NR, Tessaro IC.  2017.  Experimental and computational analysis of carbon molecular sieve membrane formation upon polyetherimide pyrolysis. Carbon. 119:21-29.
FONSECA, P.  2017.  A falta e o excesso. Zero Hora. 02/11
Silveira, JFRV, Muniz AR.  2017.  First-principles calculation of the mechanical properties of diamond nanothreads. Carbon. 113:260-265.
Silveira, JFRV, Muniz AR.  2017.  Functionalized diamond nanothreads from benzene derivatives. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19:7132-7137.
FONSECA, P.  2017.  Há vida lá fora. Zero Hora. 06/04
Chedid, S, Blank D, Cury JA.  2017.  Higiene bucal com uso de fluoretos - Medidas de prevenção. Tratado de Pediatria - Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. , Barueri, SP: Manolechedid_higiene_bucal_fluoreto_tratado_pediatria_sbp_2017.pdf