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Schmidt, A.  2018.  Christine de Pizan contra os Filósofos. Vozes Femininas na Filosofia. (Schmidt, A., Zanuzzi, I., Secco, G., Eds.).:15-38., Porto Alegre: UFRGS Abstract
Santos, P, Dagnino R.  2018.  Construindo um sistema de informação geográfica do litoral gaúcho para subsidiar pol{\'ıticas públicas. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica da UFRGS. 30 Abstract
Franco, GA, Dagnino R.  2018.  Construindo uma ferramenta de consulta de dados online sobre o Litoral Norte gaúcho. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica da UFRGS. 30 Abstract
Finatto, P, da Silva ES, Okamura AB, Almada BP, Storniolo JLL, Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Correction: Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in trained runners. Plos one. 13:e0196509., Number 4: Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA Abstract
Demoliner, LB, Agnol LD, Zanotti SB, Dias FTG, Angeli VW, Bianchi O.  2018.  Correlation between rheological properties and capillary fixation for modelling creams. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 54, Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Schons, P, Fischer G, da Rosa RG, Berriel GP, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Correlations between the strength of knee extensor and flexor muscles and jump performance in volleyball players: a review. Journal of Physical Education. 29: {Universidade Estadual de Maringá Abstract
Squizani, ED, Oliveira NK, Reuwsaat JCV, Marques BM, Lopes W, Gerber AL, de Vasconcelos ATR, Lev S, Djordjevic JT, Schrank A, Vainstein MH, Staats CC, Kmetzsch L.  2018.  Cryptococcal dissemination to the central nervous system requires the vacuolar calcium transporter Pmc1. Cellular Microbiology. 20, Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Schmidt, A.  2018.  Did the medieval philosophers admit the identity principle as prior to the principle of non-contradiction? Veritas. 63:976-997. AbstractWebsite

The present article deals with the not very common opinion among medieval philosophers according to which the identity principle (ens est ens) is the true first principle, undermining the primacy of the principle of non-contradiction. Following a refutation of this position in the logical work of the Franciscan Geraldus Odonis, we intend to investigate its target as well as other cases of the same dispute in 14th century authors: Antoine Andre, John of Buridan, John of Baconthorpe and Nicolas of Autrecourt. We defend that Odonis presents a successful response to this position.

Pinto, SS, Alberton CL, Cadore EL, Kanitz AC, Delevatti RS, Pantoja P{\'ıcia D, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Reichert T{\'ıs, Bregagnol LP, Lisboa SDC, others.  2018.  Does Aerobic Exercise Impair Neuromuscular Function During Water-Based Resistance Exercises? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 89:465–473., Number 4: Routledge Abstract
Pinto, SS, Alberton CL, Cadore EL, Kanitz AC, Delevatti RS, Pantoja PD, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Reichert T, Bregagnol LP, Lisboa SDC, Kruel LFM.  2018.  Does Aerobic Exercise Impair Neuromuscular Function During Water-Based Resistance Exercises? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 89:465-473., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
da Silva Junior, WJ, Falcão RM, de Sousa-Paula LC, Sbaraini N, dos Vieira WAS, Lima WG, de Paiva Junior SLSá, Staats CC, Schrank A, Benko-Iseppon AM, de Balbino VQ, Câmara MPS.  2018.  Draft genome assembly of Colletotrichum musae, the pathogen of banana fruit. Data in Brief. 17:256–260. AbstractWebsite
Lopes, W, Reuwsaat JCV, Henning Vainstein M, Staats C, Kmetzsch L, Schrank A, Henning Vainstein M.  2018.  The duality of a deadly pathogen. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 24:1064–1065., Number 10 AbstractWebsite
de Fagundes, AO, Teixeira L{\'ısa BT, Gomes RB, Fiori JM, Tonelo FT, de Magalhães GA, Martinez FG, Valentini NC, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Haas AN, others.  2018.  EDUCA{\c{C}}ÃO CONTEMPORÂNEA EM CIÊNCIA-ARTE POR MEIO DA POÉTICA VISUAL DO MOVIMENTO. Abstract
do Amaral, FCN, Ernzen JR, Fiorio R, Martins JDN, Dias FTG, Avolio R, Bianchi O.  2018.  Effect of the partially hydrolyzed EVA-h content on the morphology, rheology, and mechanical properties of PA12/EVA blends. Polymer Engineering and Science. 58:335-344., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Pantoja, P{\'ıcia D, Carvalho AR, Ribas LR, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Effect of weighted sled towing on sprinting effectiveness, power and force-velocity relationship. PloS one. 13:e0204473., Number 10: Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA Abstract
Pantoja, PD, Carvalho AR, Ribas LR, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Effect of weighted sled towing on sprinting effectiveness, power and force-velocity relationship. PLoS ONE. 13, Number 10 AbstractWebsite
Sobreira, ACM, das Pinto FCL, Florêncio KGD, Wilke DV, Staats CC, de Streit RAS, das de Freire FCO, Pessoa ODL, Trindade-Silva AE, Canuto KM.  2018.  Endophytic fungus Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum produces cyclopeptides and plant-related bioactive rotenoids. RSC Advances. 8:35575–35586., Number 62 AbstractWebsite
Altmann, S.  2018.  Expressions of Existence and Limits in Kant and in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Natur und Freiheit,. (WAIBEL, V. L; RUFFING, M.; WAGNER, D., Ed.).:355-376.: De Gruyter Abstract
de Holanda Cavalcanti, CJ, Nascimento MM, Ostermann F.  2018.  A falácia da culpabilização do professor pelo fracasso escolar. Revista Thema. 15(3):1064-1088. Abstract
da Machry, SR, Vargas JC, Borda BVU, Valentini L.  2018.  Forma urbana e mobilidade: os desafios da mobilidade ativa na cidade informal.. Abstract
da Silva, ES, Fischer G, da Rosa RG, Schons P, Teixeira L{\'ısa BT, Hoogkamer W, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Gait and functionality of individuals with visual impairment who participate in sports. Gait & Posture. 62:355–358.: Elsevier Abstract
da Silva, ES, Fischer G, da Rosa RG, Schons P, Teixeira LBT, Hoogkamer W, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2018.  Gait and functionality of individuals with visual impairment who participate in sports. Gait and Posture. 62:355-358. AbstractWebsite
Barcellos, VA, Martins LMS, Fontes ACL, Reuwsaat JCV, Squizani ED, de Sousa Araújo GR, Frases S, Staats CC, Schrank A, Kmetzsch L, Vainstein MH.  2018.  Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Cryptococcus gattii VGII clinical isolates and its impact on virulence. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9, Number FEB AbstractWebsite
Ferrari, NC, Martell R, Okido DH, Romanzini G, Magnan V, Barbosa MC, Brito C.  2018.  Geographic and gender diversity in the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 90:2543–2552., Number 2: Academia Brasileira de Ciências Abstract
