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Cepik, M, Rodriguez JC.  2020.  América Latina en tiempos de pandemia: desafíos estratégicos. Pensamiento Propio. 52:83-108.008-cepik-rodriguez.pdf
SILVA, FG.  2020.  Amy Allen e o empoderamento do mundo da vida. HABERMAS 90 ANOS: ENSAIOS. , Porto Alegre: Editora Fundação Fênix
Barichello, LB, Pazinzatto CB, Rui K.  2020.  An Analytical Discrete Ordinates Nodal Solution to the Two-Dimensional Adjoint Transport Problem. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 135:106959.
Zalla, J.  2020.  Apresentação. A crise da representação rural na literatura rio-grandense. , Porto Alegre: Editora Fi
SILVA, FG, MELO RS.  2020.  Apresentação à edição brasileira de Facticidade e Validade. Facticidade e Validade: contribuições para uma teoria discursiva do Estado democrático de direito. , São Paulo: Ed. Unesp
Radomsky, G.  2020.  As políticas de desenvolvimento entre a sedução e a sedação. Sociedade & Cultura. 23(1):1-26.Website
Schmidt, AR.  2020.  Body and Rationality: The Philosophical Contribution of Christine de Pizan. XIV International Congress of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale. :601-610., Porto Alegre: Brepols
Zanette, R, Barichello LB, Petersen CZ.  2020.  Cálculo da Criticalidade pela Teoria da Difusão de Nêutrons: uma análise comparativa de aproximações da densidade de corrente. Revista Eletrônica da Matemática. 6:e4006.
Becker, PC, Mariot MDM, Kretzer DC, Bosa VL, Goldani MZ, da Silva CH, Bernardi JR.  2020.  Can the pregnant woman's food intake be influenced by her clinical condition during pregnancy? Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil. 20(2):515-524.
Borsato, L, Sousa RR, Horta E.  2020.  A characterization of the strong law of large numbers for Bernoulli sequences. : arXiv Preprint
FONSECA, P.  2020.  Conta para dividir. Zero Hora. 09/01
Caprara, GL, Bernardi JR, Bosa VL, da Silva CH, Goldani MZ.  2020.  Does domestic violence during pregnancy influence the beginning of complementary feeding? BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 20(447)
Marcondes, DF, Valk M.  2020.  Dynamic Var Model-Based Control Charts for Batch Process Monitoring. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR). 285(1):296-305. AbstractWebsite

In the field of Statistical Process Control (SPC) there are several different approaches to deal with monitoring of batch processes. Such processes present a three-way data structure (batches × variables × time-instants), so that for each batch a multivariate time series is available. Traditional approaches do not take into account the time series nature of the data. They deal with this kind of data by applying multivariate techniques in a reduced two-way data structure, in order to capture variables dynamics in some way. Recent developments in SPC have proposed the use of the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) time series model considering the original three-way structure. However, they are restricted to control approaches focused on VAR residuals. This paper proposes a new approach to deal with batch processes using the VAR model, but focusing on coefficients instead of residuals. Through a simulated batch process, we illustrate the better performance of our approach over the residual-based control charts in both offline and online context.

Horta, E.  2020.  Econometria. 00-main-new.pdf
DATHEIN, Ricardo e FONSECA, PCD.  2020.  Economic Structure and Growth in Brazil: an Analysis of their Relations and Determinations on Long and Short-Time Performance. Economic Policies for Development: Beyond the Millennium Goals. , New York: Nova Science Publishers New Yorkdathein_e_fonseca_economic_structure_and_growth.pdf
Lunardi, P, De Souza LW, Dos Santos B, Popik B, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2020.  Effect of the Endocannabinoid System in Memory Updating and Forgetting. Neuroscience.
Carvalho, EM, Rolla G.  2020.  An enactive-ecological approach to information and uncertainty. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:1-11. AbstractFrontiers in Psychology

Information is a central notion for cognitive sciences and neurosciences, but there is no agreement on what it means for a cognitive system to acquire information about its surroundings. In this paper, we approximate three influential views on information: the one at play in ecological psychology, which is sometimes called information for action; the notion of information as covariance as developed by some enactivists, and the idea of information as minimization of uncertainty as presented by Shannon. Our main thesis is that information for action can be construed as covariant information, and that learning to perceive covariant information is a matter of minimizing uncertainty through skilled performance. We argue that the agent’s cognitive system conveys information for acting in an environment by minimizing uncertainty about how to achieve her intended goals in that environment. We conclude by reviewing empirical findings that support our view and by showing how direct learning, seen as instance of ecological rationality at work, is how mere possibilities for action are turned into embodied know-how. Finally, we indicate the affinity between direct learning and sense-making activity.

Benvegnu, VC, Radomsky G.  2020.  Entre o sucesso e o fracasso: desenvolvimento, sementes crioulas e transgênicas. Novos Cadernos NAEA. 23(1)Website
Jr., JBC, de Silva MAO.  2020.  A escrita grega no Império Romano: recepção e transmissão. , Porto Alegre: Editora UFRGS