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Novello, J, Sillankorva S, Pires P, Azeredo J, Wanke CH, Tondo EC, Bianchi O.  2020.  Inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in mineral water by DP1 bacteriophage immobilized on ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer used as seal caps of plastic bottles. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 137, Number 35 AbstractWebsite
Allem, EL, Jaume DA, Molina G, Toledo MM, Trevisan V.  2020.  Independence and matching numbers of unicyclic graphs from null space. Computational and Applied Mathematics. 39:1–18.: Springer Abstract
Carli, LN, Daitx TS, Gonçalves GPO, Bianchi O, Crespo JS, Mauler RS.  2020.  Influence of the thermomechanical degradation on the formation of the crystalline structure of PHBV evaluated by temperature-resolved SAXS experiments. Polymer Engineering and Science. 60:2945-2957., Number 11 AbstractWebsite
Allem, LE, Tura F.  2020.  Integral cographs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 283:153–167.: Elsevier Abstract
Techio, J, Williges F.  2020.  Introdução: a recriação da filosofia a partir do cinema. Filosofia e cinema: uma antologia. :16-30., Pelotas: NEPFIL online Abstract
Nunes, GN, Pinto SS, Krüger GR, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Andrade LS, Mendes GF, de Lima Krüger V, Pinheiro RB, Marques AC, Alberton CL.  2020.  Kinetic parameters during land and water walking performed by individuals with Down Syndrome. Gait & Posture. : Elsevier Abstract
Nunes, GN, Pinto SS, Krüger GR, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Andrade LS, Mendes GF, Krüger VDL, Pinheiro RB, Marques AC, Alberton CL.  2020.  Kinetic parameters during land and water walking performed by individuals with Down Syndrome. Gait and Posture. 79:60-64. AbstractWebsite
Lima, NW, Nascimento MM, Cavalcanti C, Ostermann F.  2020.  Louis de Broglie's wave-particle duality: from textbooks’ blackboxes to a chain of reference presentation. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física. 42: SciELO Brasil Abstract
Dias, FTG, Rempel SP, Agnol LD, Bianchi O.  2020.  The main blow spun polymer systems: processing conditions and applications. Journal of Polymer Research. 27, Number 8 AbstractWebsite
Balbinot, G, Schuch CP, Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2020.  Mechanical and energetic determinants of impaired gait following stroke: segmental work and pendular energy transduction during treadmill walking. Biology Open. 9, Number 7: The Company of Biologists Ltd Abstract
Ornaghi, HL, Ornaghi FG, Neves RM, Monticeli F, Bianchi O.  2020.  Mechanisms involved in thermal degradation of lignocellulosic fibers: a survey based on chemical composition. Cellulose. 27:4949-4961., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Dagnino, R, WEBER E, PANITZ LUCAS.  2020.  Monitoramento do Coronav{\'ırus (Covid-19) nos munic{\'ıpios do Rio Grande do Sul. : SocArXiv (web) Abstract
Dagnino, R, WEBER EJ, Panitz LM, others.  2020.  Monitoramento do Coronav{\'ırus (Covid-19) nos munic{\'ıpios do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. SocArXiv. March. 28 Abstract
Techio, J.  2020.  Mourning the Loss of the Ordinary: A Cavellian Reading of Ozu's Late Spring. Aesthetic Investigations. 3, Number 2 AbstractWebsite
da Cunha, R  D, Oliveira E  R, Strobin F.  2020.  A multiresolution algorithm to approximate the Hutchinson measure for IFS and GIFS. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. AbstractWebsite
da Cunha, R  D, Oliveira E  R, Strobin F.  2020.  A multiresolution algorithm to generate images of generalized fuzzy fractal attractors. Numerical Algorithms. AbstractWebsite
Passos-Monteiro, E, Schuch FB, Franzoni LT, Carvalho AR, Gomeñuka NA, Becker M, Rieder CRM, Andrade A, Martinez FG, Pagnussat AS, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2020.  Nordic Walking and Free Walking Improve the Quality of Life, Cognitive Function, and Depressive Symptoms in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 5, Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Gomeñuka, NA, Oliveira HB, da Silva ES, Passos-Monteiro E, da Rosa RG, Carvalho AR, Costa RR, Paz M{\'ın CR{\'ıguez, Pellegrini B, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2020.  Nordic walking training in elderly, a randomized clinical trial. Part II: Biomechanical and metabolic adaptations. Sports medicine-open. 6:1–19., Number 1: SpringerOpen Abstract
Gomeñuka, NA, Oliveira HB, da Silva ES, Passos-Monteiro E, da Rosa RG, Carvalho AR, Costa RR, Rodríguez Paz MC, Pellegrini B, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2020.  Nordic walking training in elderly, a randomized clinical trial. Part II: Biomechanical and metabolic adaptations. Sports Medicine - Open. 6, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Allem, EL, Jaume DA, Molina G, Toledo MM, Trevisan V.  2020.  Null decomposition of unicyclic graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 285:594–611.: Elsevier Abstract
de Sampaio Dagnino, R, Panitz LM, WEBER EJ, de Freitas MWD, Oliveira GG, Batista S, Megiato E, RODRIGUES M, Presser M, Sarmiento D, others.  2020.  O monitoramento da Covid-19 através de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica: estratégias e desafios para a transparência de dados públicos no Rio Grande do Sul. Boletim Gaúcho de Geografia. 47, Number 2 Abstract