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Nascimento, MM.  2020.  O professor de Física na escola pública estadual brasileira: desigualdades reveladas pelo Censo escolar de 2018. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física. 42: SciELO Brasil Abstract
Nascimento, MM.  2020.  Os privilégios da branquitude e a reprodução de desigualdades sociais na educação brasileira. Revista Educação, Cultura e Sociedade. Sinop. Vol. 10, n. 2 (jul./dez. 2020), p. 21-33. Abstract
Panitz, LM.  2020.  Paisageiro: uma entre-tese musical. Geograficidade. 10:367–373., Number Especial Abstract
Garcia, AWA, Kinskovski UP, Diehl C, Reuwsaat JCV, Motta de Souza H, Pinto HB, da Trentin DS, de Oliveira HC, Rodrigues ML, Becker EM, Kmetzsch L, Vainstein MH, Staats CC.  2020.  Participation of Zip3, a ZIP domain-containing protein, in stress response and virulence in Cryptococcus gattii. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 144 AbstractWebsite
Wust, KM, Beck TS, Burrow RA, Oliveira SM, Brum ES, Brusco I, Machado G, Bianchi O, Villetti MA, Frizzo CP.  2020.  Physicochemical characterization, released profile, and antinociceptive activity of diphenhydraminium ibuprofenate supported on mesoporous silica. Materials Science and Engineering C. 108 AbstractWebsite
Lanferdini, FJ, Silva ES, Machado E, Fischer G, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2020.  Physiological Predictors of Maximal Incremental Running Performance. Frontiers in Physiology. 11 AbstractWebsite
Côrte Real, G, Dagnino R, Favaretto F.  2020.  Projeto mapeia casos do Corona V{\'ırus no RS e no BR. Abstract
Allem, LE, Braga RO, Pastine A.  2020.  Randic index and energy. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 83:611–622. Abstract
Borowski, RGV, Barros MP, da Silva DB, Lopes NP, Zimmer KR, Staats CC, de Oliveira CB, Giudice E, Gillet R, Macedo AJ, Gnoatto SCB, Zimmer AR.  2020.  Red pepper peptide coatings control Staphylococcus epidermidis adhesion and biofilm formation. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 574 AbstractWebsite
Carpi Junior, S, Dagnino R.  2020.  Risco e vulnerabilidade ambiental: métodos e experiências. : Editora ANAP Abstract
Lopes, W, Cruz GNF, Rodrigues ML, Vainstein MH, Kmetzsch L, Staats CC, Vainstein MH, Schrank A.  2020.  Scanning electron microscopy and machine learning reveal heterogeneity in capsular morphotypes of the human pathogen Cryptococcus spp.. Scientific Reports. 10, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Ladeia, CA, Schramm M, Fernandes JCL.  2020.  A simple numerical scheme to linear radiative transfer in hollow and solid spheres. SEMINA. CIÊNCIAS EXATAS E TECNOLÓGICAS. Abstract
Dagnino, R, WEBER EJ, SARMIENTO DWP, SILVEIRA PG.  2020.  Sistema de Informação Geográfica para mapeamento de escolas: um exemplo no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Conteúdo Conceitual e Aspectos Práticos da Ciência da Computação. :233–248.: Atena Editora Abstract
Niederle, P, Loconto A, Lemeilleur S, Dorville C.  2020.  Social movements and institutional change in organic food markets: Evidence from participatory guarantee systems in Brazil and France. Journal of Rural Studies. 78:282-291. AbstractWebsite

Institutional change and diversity have been two major topics of debate in contemporary social sciences. At the core of this debate are actors’ skills to manage the institutional frame that defines limits and possibilities for their strategies. This article analyses how social movements produce institutional change and diversity in the organic food market. It contrasts the experiences of Participatory Guarantee Systems created by Nature & Progrès (France) and Ecovida Agroecology Network (Brazil) to reframe the institutional order of the organic market. Results demonstrate that, while the conventional third-party certification remains the dominant institutional frame, there is space for competing schemes. However, the relevance of the alternatives depends both on the characteristics of the institutional order historically shaped in each context, and on the skills social movements possess to face the interests of the dominant actors. In this way, the article demonstrates that, in comparison to Nature & Progrès, Ecovida has been a more skillful movement because of its closer connection with other social movements and state actors, compelling Brazil to produce an institutional frame more open to diversity than that found in France.

Passos-Monteiro, E, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Zanardi APJ, da Silva ES, Jimenez-Reyes P, Morin J-B, Pagnussat AS.  2020.  Sprint exercise for subjects with mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease: Feasibility and biomechanical outputs. Clinical Biomechanics. 72:69–76.: Elsevier Abstract
Passos-Monteiro, E, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Zanardi APJ, da Silva ES, Jimenez-Reyes P, Morin J-B, Pagnussat AS.  2020.  Sprint exercise for subjects with mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease: Feasibility and biomechanical outputs. Clinical Biomechanics. 72:69-76. AbstractWebsite
Berriel, GP, Costa RR, da Silva ES, Schons P, de Vargas GD, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Kruel LFM.  2020.  Stress and recovery perception, creatine kinase levels, and performance parameters of male volleyball athletes in a preseason for a championship. Sports Medicine-Open. 6:1–12., Number 1: SpringerOpen Abstract
Berriel, GP, Costa RR, da Silva ES, Schons P, de Vargas GD, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Kruel LFM.  2020.  Stress and recovery perception, creatine kinase levels, and performance parameters of male volleyball athletes in a preseason for a championship. Sports Medicine - Open. 6, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Nascimento, MM, Cavalcanti C, Ostermann F.  2020.  Sucesso escolar em contextos populares: uma análise a partir do Enem. Estudos em Avaliação Educacional. 31(76):134-163. Abstract
Bianchi, O, Ornaghi Jr HL, N. Martins J, Dal Castel C, Bresciani Canto L.  2020.  A survey of the rheological properties, phase morphology, and crystallization behavior of PP-POSS materials with weak phase separation. Polymer Engineering and Science. 60:2272-2284., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Techio, J.  2020.  The Threat of Privacy in Wittgenstein's Investigations: Kripke vs Cavell. Wittgenstein-Studien. 11:79-104. Abstract
Franken, M, Diefenthaeler F, dos Santos Cunha G, Aires AG, Baptista RR, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2020.  Velocidade cr{\'ıtica na caminhada: consumo de oxigênio, frequência de passada e esforço percebido. Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento. 28:162–172., Number 1 Abstract