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Carvalho, EM.  2020.  A tese da mente estendida à luz do externismo ativo: Como tornar Otto responsivo a razões? Trans/Form/Ação. 43(3):143-166. AbstractWebsite

The extended mind thesis claims that some mental states and cognitive processes extend onto the environment. Items external to the organism or exploratory actions may constitute in part mental states and cognitive processes. In Clark and Chalmers’ original paper, ‘The Extended Mind’, this thesis receives support from the parity principle and from the active externalism. In their paper, more emphasis is given to the parity principle, which is presented as neutral regarding the nature of cognition. It would be advantageous to maintain that extended mental states and processes do not require a reform of our pre-theoretical view of cognition. In the present paper, I submit that we should give more emphasis on the active externalism, which, I argue, is not neutral regarding the nature of cognition. Cognition is viewed as successful adaptation to a specific task. Although this move may seem at first disadvantageous, it is necessary for the correct understanding and justification of Otto case as an example of extended mental state. Additionally, the parity principle cannot handle Weiskopf’s criticism that information registered in Otto’s notebook is not responsive to reasons. In order to address this criticism, we need to appeal to active externalism and its corresponding view of cognition.

Oliveira, MLC, da Cunha AR, Prass TS, Martins MAT, Hugo FN, Martins MD.  2020.  Trends of mortality due to Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancers in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal . 25(3):e403-e409.. AbstractWebsite

To analyze the trends of oral and oropharyngeal cancer mortality in Uruguay between 1997 and 2014 according to sex and age groups and its possible association with sociodemographic factors.

A time-series ecological study using secondary data was performed. The data about mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancers were obtained from the Statistics Vitals Department of the Public Health Ministry of Uruguay. To estimate the mortality trends of the historical series, by sex, anatomical site and age groups, linear regressions generated by the Prais-Winsten procedure were used.

The analysis of mortality trends for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in Uruguay indicated that the global mortality rate was stable over the studied period. The women's mortality rate increased from 0.51 per 100,000 in 1997 to 0.65 per 100,000 in 2014 while for men, rates per 100,000 went from 3.22 in 1997 to 2.20 per 100,000 in 2014. Mortality from oral cancer in men decreased between 1997 and 2014. Mortality by oropharyngeal cancer, irrespective of sex, remained stable. Analysis by cancer site revealed decreasing trends tumors situated in the base of the tongue and gum. Years of education, unemployment, smoking and Gini index were not associated with mortality trends.

The overall mortality from oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay has remained constant in the period between 1997 and 2014. Oral cancer mortality decreased in men and increased in women and decreased at the base of the tongue. It's necessary to continue monitoring the behavior of these diseases.

Miliante, CM, Christmann AM, Usuda EO, Imamura W, Paixão LS, Carvalho AMG, Muniz AR.  2020.  Unveiling the Origin of the Giant Barocaloric Effect in Natural Rubber. Macromolecules. 53(7):2606-2615.
FONSECA, Pedro CD e SALOMÃO, I.  2020.  Vargas e Goulart: o Populismo em Questão. Populismo: Teoria e Casos. , Fortaleza: Ed Metapdf_populismo_teorias_e_casos.pdf
Giardino, S.  2020.  Virial theorem and generalized momentum in quaternionic quantum mechanics. Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 135:114.Website
Abreu, E, Lambert W, Perez J, Santo A.  2020.  A weak asymptotic solution analysis for a Lagrangian-Eulerian scheme for scalar hyperbolic conservation laws. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems. :223–230., University Park, Pennsylvannia, United States of America
CYFER, I, SILVA FG.  2020.  Z. Amy Allen e as reconciliações do feminismo.. Mulheres na Filosofia. 6(3)
González, RS, Baquero M, Grohmann LGM.  2020.  ¿Nueva derecha o vino viejo en odres nuevos? La trayectoria conservadora en Brasil en el último siglo Política y Sociedad. 57(3):647-670.Website
Camboim, J, Ferreira LM, Fernandes MEG, Cabezudo MM, Ribeiro Júnior M, de Dagnino RS, Campani F.  2020.  AGRICULTURA URBANA E PERIURBANA: ALIMENTA{\c{C}}ÃO, EDUCA{\c{C}}ÃO E SAÚDE (SEGUNDA EDI{\c{C}}ÃO). Salão de Extensão (21.: 2020: Porto Alegre, RS). Caderno de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS/PROREXT, 2020.. Abstract
de Aydos, HP, Chaves IY, Cezimbra KM, Ferreira LM, Cabezudo MM, Ribeiro Júnior M, de Dagnino RS.  2020.  ALIMENTA{\c{C}}ÃO: AGROECOLOGIA, ÉTICA E SAÚDE NO RS. Salão de Extensão (21.: 2020: Porto Alegre, RS). Caderno de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS/PROREXT, 2020.. Abstract
Presser, MK, de Dagnino RS, Weber EJ.  2020.  Automatização da aquisição de dados da covid-19 por web scraping e atualização de mapas arcgis online utilizando python. Mostra de Ensino, Extensão e Pesquisa do IFRS (10.: 2020: Osório, RS). Anais [recurso eletrônico].[Osório, RS: IFRS, 2020.]. Abstract
Tanure, S, Rosa T, Angst I, Dagnino R, Witt NS, de Moura VD, Schwalm PC.  2020.  Cadernos de Avaliação: Resultados da UFRGS no contexto dos NAUs. Cadernos de Avaliação do Fórum dos Núcleos de Avaliação das Unidades. :30. Abstract
Squizani, ED, Reuwsaat JCV, Lev S, Motta H, Sperotto J, Kaufman-Francis K, Desmarini D, Vainstein MH, Staats CC, Djordjevic JT, Kmetzsch L.  2020.  Calcium binding protein Ncs1 Is calcineurin regulated in Cryptococcus neoformans and essential for cell division and virulence. mSphere. 5, Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Dos Santos Delabary, M, Monteiro EP, Donida RG, Wolffenbuttel M, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Haas AN.  2020.  Can Samba and Forró Brazilian rhythmic dance be more effective than walking in improving functional mobility and spatiotemporal gait parameters in patients with Parkinson's disease? BMC Neurology. 20, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Dagnino, R, Freitas MWD.  2020.  Casos de covid-19 nos munic{\'ıpios do estado do Amazonas, Brasil. : SocArXiv Abstract
Techio, J.  2020.  Ceticismo e Tragédia: Stanley Cavell leitor de Otelo. Imaginando a vida examinada. :120-134., Pelotas: NEPFIL Online Abstract
Techio, J.  2020.  Cinema como filosofia? Uma introdução ao debate Filosofia e cinema: uma antologia. :193-239., Pelotas: NEPFIL online Abstract
Sibemberg, LS, Allem LE, Hoppen C, da Peixoto PS.  2020.  Classificação de risco em redes complexas: o caso da COVID-19 no Rio Grande do Sul. Anais do X Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS. Abstract
Dagnino, R, Freitas M.  2020.  Coronav{\'ırus (Covid-19) nos munic{\'ıpios do Brasil. Harvard Dataverse. Abstract
Nascimento, MM, Cavalcanti C, Ostermann F.  2020.  Dez anos de instituição da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica: o papel social dos institutos federais. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos. 101(257):120-145.: SciELO Brasil Abstract
Boullosa, D, Esteve-Lanao J, Casado A, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, da Rosa RG, Del Coso J.  2020.  Factors Affecting Training and Physical Performance in Recreational Endurance Runners. Sports. 8:35., Number 3: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Abstract
Boullosa, D, Esteve-Lanao J, Casado A, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, da Rosa RG, Del Coso J.  2020.  Factors affecting training and physical performance in recreational endurance runners. Sports. 8, Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Techio, J, Williges(O)F.  2020.  Filosofia e cinema: uma antologia. , Pelotas: Editora da UFPEL (NEPFIL Online) v. 1. 480p AbstractWebsite
Niederle, P, Schubert MN.  2020.  HOW does veganism contribute to shape sustainable food systems? Practices, meanings and identities of vegan restaurants in Porto Alegre, Brazil Journal of Rural Studies. 78:304-313. AbstractWebsite

This article discusses if and how the practices of vegan restaurants and their consumers converge towards the construction of sustainable food systems. Analysis is supported by concepts issue from Practice Theory and is based on data collected between October 2018 and April 2019 with owners, chefs, nutritionists, managers, and consumers of vegan restaurants in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The research identified and classified three arrangements of practices: production-consumption reconnection, food and nutritional security, and political engagement. Results highlight that, despite a weak engagement with vegan and other food movements, vegan restaurants (and their consumers) develop several practices that contribute to shape more sustainable models of food production, distribution, and consumption.