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Amaral, JT, Fagundes DA, Machado MVT.  2021.  {QCD traveling waves phenomenology revisited}. Phys. Rev. D. 103:016013., Number 1 Abstract
Moriggi, LS, Peccini GM, Machado MVT.  2021.  {Role of nuclear gluon distribution on particle production in heavy ion collisions}. Phys. Rev. D. 103:034025., Number 3 Abstract
Capaverde, CB, Lopes FT, Gómez CM, Oltramari AP, Panitz LM.  2021.  “A gente nunca pensou que teria que recomeçar”: histórias de vida na extinção das fundações do Rio Grande do Sul. Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho. 24:119–134., Number 1 Abstract
Ikeda, H, Brito C, Wyart M, Zamponi F.  2020.  Jamming with Tunable Roughness, May. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 124:208001.: American Physical Society AbstractWebsite


Schutz, JDS, de Azambuja CB, Cunha GR, Cavagni J, Rosing CK, Haas AN, Thome FS, Fiorini T.  2020.  Association between severe periodontitis and chronic kidney disease severity in predialytic patients: A cross-sectional study, Mar. Oral Dis. 26:447-456., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the association between periodontitis and different severities of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in predialytic patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Demographic, socioeconomic, and medical data of 139 patients from the nephrology service of one university hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil, were obtained through interview and clinical records. Full-mouth six-sites per tooth periodontal examinations were performed. Associations between periodontitis, stages of CKD, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were estimated by multivariable models adjusted for sex, smoking, vitamin D supplementation, physical activity, and renal treatment duration. CKD was classified based on eGFR (<60 ml/min/1.73 m(2) ) estimated by the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation. RESULTS: Patients with severe periodontitis, compared to those without severe periodontitis, had 2.8 (95% CI: 1.25-6.62) and 3.4 (95% CI: 1.27-9.09) times higher risk of being in stages 4 and 5 of CKD, respectively. Having >/= 2 teeth with clinical attachment loss (CAL) >/=6 mm increased 3.9 times the risk of being in stage 5 of CKD. Patients with severe periodontitis and >/=2 teeth with CAL >/= 6 mm had 4.4 ml/min/1.73(2) and 5.2 ml/min/1.73(2) lower eGFR (p-values < .05), respectively. CONCLUSION: Severe periodontitis was associated with poor renal conditions in predialytic CKD patients, strengthening the importance of periodontal evaluation in such patient population.

Anteneodo, C, Brito C, Alves-Brito A, Alexandre SS, D’Avila BN, Menezes DP.  2020.  Brazilian physicists community diversity, equity, and inclusion: A first diagnostic, Jun. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res.. 16:010136.: American Physical Society AbstractWebsite


Liberman, J, Franzon R, Guimaraes LF, Casagrande L, Haas AN, Araujo FB.  2020.  Survival of composite restorations after selective or total caries removal in primary teeth and predictors of failures: A 36-months randomized controlled trial, Feb. J Dent. 93:103268. AbstractWebsite

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the survival of composite restorations after selective (SCR) or total caries removal (TCR) and determine predictors of failures after 36 months. METHODS: 120 teeth with deep occlusal or occlusal-proximal carious lesions were randomly divided into control (TCR; n = 54; 69% Class II) and test (SCR; n = 66; 63% Class II) groups. Clinical evaluation was applied using the USPHS criteria, and the presence of Charlie or Delta scores at the marginal integrity were considered as a failure. RESULTS: The overall survival rate of restorations was 68% after 36 months, 81% for TCR and 57% for SCR (p = 0.004). The multivariable Cox Regression model demonstrated that restorations performed after SCR had 3.44 times greater probability of failure compared to TCR (p = 0.006). The other two predictors for failure of restorations were teeth with Class II cavities (hazard ratio = 3.3) and children with gingival bleeding over 20% (hazard ratio = 2.5). CONCLUSIONS: Performing composite restorations after SCR in primary teeth had success rate significantly lower than restorations performed after TCR. Complex cavities and worst patient s oral hygiene were found to be predictors of failure of restorations. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Although SCR has been demonstrating high rates of pulp preservation, clinicians should consider that composite restorations fail in a higher frequency compared to TCR in primary teeth and, in some circumstances, may be preferable in terms of restoration longevity.

Klein, S, others.  2020.  {New opportunities at the photon energy frontier}, 9. {2022 Snowmass Summer Study}. Abstract
Dagnino, R.  2020.  Resultado da avaliação do curso de graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da UFRGS: comentários sobre os indicadores que receberam nota 3 pelos avaliadores do INEP/MEC, 22/04/2020. :5., Tramandaí: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Litoral Norte Abstractdagnino_2020_comentarios_avaliacao_inep_mec_desreg.pdf

Entre os dias 04/03/2020 a 07/03/2020, o curso de graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul sediado no Campus Litoral Norte, Tramandaí, Rio Grande do Sul, recebeu a visita de Reconhecimento presencial por parte dos avaliadores do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP) do Ministério da Educação: Prof. Evandro de Araújo Jardini (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo) coordenador da comissão e Profa. Mirella Caetano de Souza (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo).

Enquanto membro da Comissão de Graduação do Desenvolvimento Regional e do Núcleo de Avaliação da Unidade da UFRGS Litoral ( participei ativamente do processo de avaliação.
Ao final, o curso de graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional recebeu nota 5, a nota máxima nesse tipo de avaliação. Essa nota é o resultado arredondado das casas decimais para cima do cálculo da média aritmética das notas de cada item. Felizmente a maior parte das notas foi em valores entre 4 e 5, o que fez que a média ficasse em 4,6 e finalmente, após o arredondamento, a nota final foi 5.

Entretanto, alguns itens avaliados tiveram nota 3 e 4, e merecem atenção para que se busque sanar possíveis falhas ou carências que ficaram expressas nessas notas mais baixas do que a média.
Dessa forma, este material busca cruzar o resultado obtido na avaliação do curso de graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional (DR) cujos resultados estão detalhados no Relatório de Avaliação (INEP, 2020) com as definições e conceitos contidos no instrumento de avaliação utilizado para a avaliação (INEP, 2017).

As notas que receberam nota 3 e que são objeto deste relatório são:
1. Vagas – número de vagas e monitoramento;
2. Atuação e regime de trabalho do coordenador do curso;
3. Produção científica do corpo docente.

Frozza, CF, Pivel MAG, Su JY, do Ritter MN, Coimbra JC.  2020.  Bioerosion on late Quaternary planktonic Foraminifera related to paleoproductivity in the western South Atlantic, 2020/06/04/. : PANGAEA AbstractWebsite

These datasets include the relative abundances of planktonic foraminifera, relative abundances of drilled specimens, stable isotope data and age model results of sediment core SAT-048A.

Bravi, B, Ravasio R, Brito C, Wyart M.  2020.  Direct coupling analysis of epistasis in allosteric materials, 2020/03/02. PLOS Computational Biology. 16:e1007630-.: Public Library of Science AbstractWebsite

Author summary Allostery in proteins is the property of highly specific responses to ligand binding at a distant site. To inform protocols of de novo drug design, it is fundamental to understand the impact of mutations on allosteric regulation and whether it can be predicted from evolutionary correlations. In this work we consider allosteric architectures artificially evolved to optimize the cooperativity of binding at allosteric and active site. We first characterize the emergent pattern of epistasis as well as the underlying mechanical phenomena, finding the four types of epistasis (Synergistic, Sign, Antagonistic, Saturation), which can be both short or long-range. The numerical evolution of these allosteric architectures allows us to benchmark Direct Coupling Analysis, a method which relies on co-evolution in sequence data to infer direct evolutionary couplings, in connection to allostery. We show that Direct Coupling Analysis predicts quantitatively point mutation costs but underestimates strong long-range epistasis. We provide an argument, based on a simplified model, illustrating the reasons for this discrepancy. Our analysis suggests neural networks as more promising tool to measure epistasis.

Frozza, CF, Pivel MAG, Suárez-Ibarra JY, Ritter MN, Coimbra JC.  2020.  Bioerosion on late Quaternary planktonic Foraminifera related to paleoproductivity in the western South Atlantic, 2020. Paleoceanography and PaleoclimatologyPaleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. n/a(n/a):e2020PA003865.: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd AbstractWebsite

Key Points: For the first time, drill holes in planktonic Foraminifera from the western South Atlantic were compared with paleoceanographic proxies. Paleoproductivity of the western South Atlantic was reconstructed using assemblage and geochemical indexes for the last 46 kyr. Paleoproductivity estimates and bioerosion rates of planktonic foraminiferal tests show a strong relation during late Quaternary.

Spinelli, PT, da Silva MS.  2020.  ENTRE OS MEUS INTERESSES E OS INTERESSES DO MUNDO: OS PROPÓSITOS DO ENSINO ESCOLAR, 2020. Thaumazein - Revista Online de Filosofia. 13(25):33-45. AbstractWebsite
Ikeda, H, Brito C, Wyart M.  2020.  Infinitesimal asphericity changes the universality of the jamming transition, 2020. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2020:033302.: IOP Publishing AbstractWebsite

The jamming transition of non-spherical particles is fundamentally different from the spherical case. Non-spherical particles are hypostatic at their jamming points, while isostaticity is ensured in the case of the jamming of spherical particles. This structural difference implies that the presence of asphericity affects the critical exponents related to the contact number and the vibrational density of states. Moreover, while the force and gap distributions of isostatic jamming present power-law behaviors, even an infinitesimal asphericity is enough to smooth out these singularities. In a recent work (Brito et al 2018 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 115 11736–41), we have used a combination of marginal stability arguments and the replica method to explain these observations. We argued that systems with internal degrees of freedom, like the rotations in ellipsoids, or the variation of the radii in the case of the breathing particles fall in the same universality class. In this paper, we review comprehensively the results about the jamming with internal degrees of freedom in addition to the translational degrees of freedom. We use a variational argument to derive the critical exponents of the contact number, shear modulus, and the characteristic frequencies of the density of states. Moreover, we present additional numerical data supporting the theoretical results, which were not shown in the previous work.

Dillenburg, SR, Barboza EG, Rosa MLCC, Caron F, Cancelli R, Santos-Fischer CB, Lopes RP, RITTER MATIASDONASCIMENTO.  2020.  Sedimentary records of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3) in southern Brazil, 2020. 40(6):1099-1108. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, a reinterpretation of the older 14C ages of the Pleistocene substrate of the Holocene barrier-lagoon system of three coastal localities in southern Brazil is presented (Hermenegildo, Cassino, and Curumim). Sedimentological, geochronological, palynological, and diatom analyses of a sedimentary deposit formed in an estuarine/shallow marine environment are examined. This sedimentary deposit is presently found between 22 and 25 m depth below sea level in the Pinheira coastal plain. Results from all studied sites indicate that the deposit was formed under a former sea level of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3) that may have oscillated in the study region between 5 and 23 m depth below present sea level, from 36.2 to 47.7 ka. These results are reinforced by studies of nearby sites, including southeast Brazil. The Pleistocene substrate of the Holocene lagoonal-barrier system, at depths lower than 5 m below sea level, seems to correspond to sedimentary deposits of the Pleistocene barrier formed during MIS 5, while at depths greater than 5 m below sea level, they might correspond to sedimentary deposits that were formed during the relative high sea levels of MIS 3.

Erthal, F, RITTER MATIASDONASCIMENTO.  2020.  Taphonomy of Recent Bioclastic Deposits from the Southern Brazil Shelf: Stratigraphic Potential, 2020. Actualistic Taphonomy in South America. (Martínez, Sergio, Rojas, Alejandra, Cabrera, Fernanda, Eds.).:1-16., Cham: Springer International Publishing Abstract

In the Southern Brazil ShelfSouthern Brazil Shelf (SBS), surface bioclastic concentrationsBioclastic concentrations are associated with putative paleo-shorelines formed where wave ravinement surfaces are probably present. From the late Last Glacial Maximum, the SBS can be considered a sediment-starved passive margin continental shelf, with its morphostructural development fairly known. There, fourteen molluscan shell samples from near shelf-break deposits (“distal shell-rich”), eleven from proximal, low depth bioclastic deposits (“proximal shell-rich”) and ten samples from sandy substrate (“shell-poor”) were evaluated for taphonomic damage accordingly to updated protocols. Multivariate statistical analysis showed significant differences between the three groups of shelly samples. Low-intensity damage states (such as natural bright and ornamentation) dominate samples from the distal shell-rich deposit, whereas the inverse occurs in the proximal deposit (samples from the shell-poor locations present an intermediate damage pattern). This pattern is consistent either with onlap/toplap and backlap shell bedShell bed formation, according to characteristics determined in the literature. The condition of these three areas may reflect degrees of exposure at the taphonomically-active zone, the magnitude of time averagingTime-averaging and duration of shell accumulation, and even the lack of shelf accommodation space, which in turn is related to glacioeustatic sea-level oscillations.

Fritsch, M, Blank D.  2020.  Cuidados em casa, 18/04/2020. Zero Hora. :3.zh_caderno_vida_cuidados_em_casa_18-04-2020.pdf
Carvalho, EM.  2020.  As humanidades e o uso adequado da ciência, 06/05/2020. Estado da Arte. Abstract

Neste breve texto, discuto algumas características do conhecimento científico, em especial a incerteza envolvida no risco indutivo, que devem ser levadas em consideração quando aplicamos a ciência na solução de problemas sociais e no final vou esboçar algumas considerações sobre o uso adequado do conhecimento científico.

Olivera, MLC, da Cunha AR, Prass TS, Martins MAT, Hugo FN, Martins MD.  2020.  Mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014, 00. Journal of Applied Oral Science. 28:e20190166.: scielo AbstractWebsite

Oral and oropharyngeal cancer is considered a public health problem in several countries due to its high incidence and mortality rate.


This study aimed to analyze oral and oropharyngeal cancer mortality in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014 by age, sex and country region.


A time series ecological study using secondary data was performed. Data on mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancers were obtained from the Vital Statistics Department of Uruguay's Ministry of Public Health.


The cumulative mortality rate due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer over the study period was of 19.26/100,000 persons in women and 83.61/100.000 in men, with a mean annual rate of 1.75/100,000 in women and 7.60/100,000 in men. Mortality rate from both sites during the study period was 4.34 times higher in men than in women. Malignant neoplasms of other parts of the tongue and base of tongue showed the highest mortality rate. The means of the annual coefficients of deaths were higher for the age groups between 50 and 69 years. Higher mortality rates of oral and oropharyngeal cancer were observed in Artigas (4.63) and Cerro Largo (3.75).


Our study described a high mortality rate for oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014. According to the country's health department, men, tongue cancer, and oral cavity had higher mortality rates, with some variation. Prevention strategies with control of risk factors and early diagnosis are necessary to improve survival in the Uruguayan population.

SILVA, FG.  2020.   Para além da legalidade: Direito e antilegalismo na teoria crítica recente. Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã. 25(3):113-136.11727-2172-pb.pdf
Souza, W, Ziegelmann FA, Figueiredo E.  2020.  (Portuguese) Uma nota sobre o prêmio salarial em empresas exportadoras brasileiras. Revista Brasileira de Economia. 74:221-232.