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Nunes Pereira, C, Cañete Vebber G, Mauler RS, Bianchi O.  2021.  DiPEVa, an interactive method for adjusting the three-dimensional solubility parameters to surface tension. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 339 AbstractWebsite
Favero, D, Marcon V, Figueroa CA, Gómez CM, Cros A, Garro N, Sanchis MJ, Carsí M, Bianchi O.  2021.  Effect of chain extender on the morphology, thermal, viscoelastic, and dielectric behavior of soybean polyurethane. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 138, Number 27 AbstractWebsite
Lanferdini, FJ, Silva ES, Boeno FP, Sonda FC, Rosa RG, Quevedo R, Baroni BM, Reischak-Oliveira Á, Vaz MA, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2021.  Effect of photobiomodulation therapy on performance and running economy in runners: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Sports Sciences. 39:1348-1355., Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Sbaraini, N, Tomazett MV, Penteriche AB, Gonçales RA, da Camargo MS, Bailão AM, Borges CL, Schrank A, de Soares CMA, Staats CC.  2021.  An efficient agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method for simplicillium subtropicum (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae). Genetics and Molecular Biology. 44, Number 3 AbstractWebsite
de Dagnino, RS.  2021.  Ensino e pesquisa em estudos interdisciplinares de população e ambiente: o legado de Daniel Hogan nas instituições, nas pessoas e nas ideias. Idéias: revista do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Campinas, SP. Vol. 12 (2021), e021014 p. 1-21.. Abstract
Carvalho, ARD, Coimbra RDS, Thomas EM, Paz MCR, Pellegrini B, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2021.  The Entrainment Frequency of Cardiolocomotor Synchronization in Long-Distance Race Emerges Spontaneously at the Step Frequency. Frontiers in Physiology. 11 AbstractWebsite
Moura, CB, Nascimento MM, Lima NW.  2021.  Epistemic and Political Confrontations Around the Public Policies to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic. Science & Education. 30(3):501-525.: Springer Abstract
Altmann, S.  2021.  Existence as a Category and the Ontological Argument. The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. (Beatrix Himmelmann, Camilla Serck-Hanssen, Eds.).:669–676.: De Gruyter Abstract
Carpi Júnior, S, de Dagnino RS.  2021.  Experiências de aplicação do mapeamento ambiental participativo (MAP) na formação e aperfeiçoamento profissional. Mapeamento participativo e cartografia social: aspectos conceituais e trajetórias de pesquisa [recurso eletrônico]. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Raquel Dezidério Souto, 2021. Cap. 8, p. 170-192.. Abstract
Fischer, G, de Queiroz FB, Berton DC, Schons P, Oliveira HB, Coertjens M, Gruet M, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2021.  Factors influencing self-selected walking speed in fibrotic interstitial lung disease. Scientific Reports. 11, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Zanardi, APJ, da Silva ES, Costa RR, Passos-Monteiro E, dos Santos IO, Kruel LFM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2021.  Gait parameters of Parkinson’s disease compared with healthy controls: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scientific Reports. 11, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Staniscuaski, F, Kmetzsch L, Soletti RC, Reichert F, Zandonà E, Ludwig ZMC, Lima EF, Neumann A, Schwartz IVD, Mello-Carpes PB, Tamajusuku ASK, Werneck FP, Ricachenevsky FK, Infanger C, Seixas A, Staats CC, de Oliveira L.  2021.  Gender, Race and Parenthood Impact Academic Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Survey to Action. Frontiers in Psychology. 12 AbstractWebsite
Sauthier, JT, Daudt C, da Silva FRC, Alves CDBT, Mayer FQ, Bianchi RM, Driemeier D, Streit RSA, Staats CC, Canal CW, Weber MN.  2021.  The genetic diversity of “papillomavirome” in bovine teat papilloma lesions. Animal Microbiome. 3, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Panitz, LM.  2021.  GEOGRAFIA DA MÚSICA: UM BALAN{\c{C}}O DE TRINTA ANOS DE PESQUISAS NO BRASIL. Espaço e Cultura. :13–27., Number 50 Abstract
Agnol, LD, Neves RM, Maraschin M, Moura S, Ornaghi HL, Dias FTG, Bianchi O.  2021.  Green synthesis of Spirulina-based carbon dots for stimulating agricultural plant growth. Sustainable Materials and Technologies. 30 AbstractWebsite
Barboza, EG, Dillenburg SR, RITTER MATIASDONASCIMENTO, Angulo RJ, da Silva AB, da Camara Rosa MLC, Caron F, de Souza MC.  2021.  Holocene Sea-Level Changes in Southern Brazil Based on High-Resolution Radar Stratigraphy. Geosciences. 11, Number 8 AbstractWebsite

This paper focuses on high-resolution coastal stratigraphy data, which were revealed by the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system. Surveys performed with GPR on the surface of prograded barriers reveal patterns of reflections that allow the interpretation of the geometry and stratigraphy of coastal deposits in a continuous mode. At the Curumim prograded barrier in southern Brazil (29°30′ S–49°53′ W), a two-dimensional transverse GPR survey revealed, with high precision, a serial of contacts between aeolian deposits of relict foredunes and relict beach deposits that have a strong correlation with sea level. In a 4 km GPR profile, a total of 24 of these contacts were identified. The high accurate spatial positioning of the contacts combined with Optical Stimulated Luminescence dating resulted in the first confident sea-level curve that tells the history of sea-level changes during the last 7 ka on the southernmost sector of the Brazilian coast. The curve shows that sea-level was still rising before 6 ka BP, with a maximum level of 1.9 m reached close to 5 ka BP; after that, sea-level started to falling slowly until around 4 ka BP when fall accelerated.

de Andrade, JSC, Panitz LM, Dozena A, Arosteguy A{\'ın.  2021.  A imaterialidade da música: uma geografia feita de sons e sombras. Espaco e Cultura. Rio de Janeiro. N. 50 (2021), p. 3-12.. Abstract
Duarte, J, Vieira LW, Marques AD, Schneider PS, Pumi G, Prass TS.  2021.  Increasing power plant efficiency with clustering methods and Variable Importance Index assessment. Energy and AI. 5:100084. AbstractWebsite

Power plant performance can decrease along with its life span, and move away from the design and commissioning targets. Maintenance issues, operational practices, market restrictions, and financial objectives may lead to that behavior, and the knowledge of appropriate actions could support the system to retake its original operational performance. This paper applies unsupervised machine learning techniques to identify operating patterns based on the power plant’s historical data which leads to the identification of appropriate steam generator efficiency conditions. The selected operational variables are evaluated in respect to their impact on the system performance, quantified by the Variable Importance Index. That metric is proposed to identify the variables among a much wide set of monitored data whose variation impacts the overall power plant operation, and should be controlled with more attention. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and k-means++ clustering techniques are used to identify suitable operational conditions from a one-year-long data set with 27 recorded variables from a steam generator of a 360MW thermal power plant. The adequate number of clusters is identified by the average Silhouette coefficient and the Variable Importance Index sorts nine variables as the most relevant ones, to finally group recommended settings to achieve the target conditions. Results show performance gains in respect to the average historical values of 73.5% and the lowest efficiency condition records of 68%, to the target steam generator efficiency of 76%.

Ornaghi, HL, Monticeli FM, Neves RM, Agnol LD, Bianchi O.  2021.  Influence of different cellulose/hemicellulose/lignin ratios on the thermal degradation behavior: prediction and optimization. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. AbstractWebsite
Diniz, R, Del Vecchio FB, Schaun GZ, Oliveira HB, Portella EG, da Silva ES, Formalioni A, Campelo PCC, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Pinto SS.  2021.  Kinematic Comparison of the Roundhouse Kick Between Taekwondo, Karate, and Muaythai. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 35:198-204., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
de Lima e Silva, RC, de Dagnino RS, de Lima LN, Kalsing RMS.  2021.  Levantamento sobre as metodologias utilizadas na pesquisa cient{\'ıfica em agricultura urbana e periurbana. Mostra de Ensino, Extensão e Pesquisa do IFRS (11.: 2021: Osório, RS). Anais [recurso eletrônico].[Osório, RS: IFRS, 2021.]. Abstract
Carpi Junior, S, Dagnino RS.  2021.  Mapeamento ambiental participativo (MAP): experiências de aplicação na formação acadêmica e aperfeiçoamento profissional. Mapeamento participativo e cartografia social: aspectos conceituais e trajetórias de pesquisa. : IVIDES Abstract
Peyré-Tartaruga, LA, Dewolf AH, di Prampero PE, Fábrica G, Malatesta D, Minetti AE, Monte A, Pavei G, Silva-Pereyra V, Willems PA, Zamparo P.  2021.  Mechanical work as a (key) determinant of energy cost in human locomotion: recent findings and future directions. Experimental Physiology. 106:1897-1908., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
de Lima, RC, de Sampaio Dagnino R, de Lima LN, Kalsing RMS, others.  2021.  A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa cient{\'ıfica em Agricultura Urbana e Periurbana.. MoExP-Mostra de Ensino, Extensão e Pesquisa do Campus Osório. 1:1–1., Number 1 Abstract
Gavazzoni, C, Silvestrini M, Brito C.  2021.  Modeling oil–water separation with controlled wetting properties. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 154:104704., Number 10 AbstractWebsite
