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Grohmann, LG.  2021.  O tempo que nos aflige: questões de cultura política. Democracia e Direitos Fundamentais.
Wirth, G.  2021.  The observation window and the statistical modeling of RTN in time and frequency domain. Solid-State Electronics. 186:108140. Abstract1-s2.0-s0038110121001830-main.pdfWebsite

Charge trapping is studied in the context of random telegraph noise (RTN) and low-frequency noise (1/f noise), aiming unified statistical modeling. Analytical formulations for 1/f noise (frequency domain) and RTN (time domain) have been derived, using a single modeling framework, where model parameters are the same in frequency and time domain. The modeling addresses the time dependent variability in the electrical behavior of MOSFETs, discussing the variability due to a single trap and the ensemble of traps. In the work here presented we detail the role of the observation window, in both time and frequency domain. We discuss how it impacts the variance of drain current (or threshold voltage) measured over time, and the number of observable traps in a given time window or frequency window. Besides analytical modeling, experimental results are presented and discussed.

Prass, TS, Pumi G.  2021.  On the behavior of the DFA and DCCA in trend-stationary processes. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 182:104703. AbstractWebsite

In this work, we develop the asymptotic theory of the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) and Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis (DCCA) for trend-stationary stochastic processes without any assumption on the specific form of the underlying distribution. All results are presented and derived under the general framework of potentially overlapping boxes for the polynomial fit. We prove the stationarity of the DFA and DCCA, viewed as stochastic processes, obtain closed forms for moments up to second order, including the covariance structure for DFA and DCCA and a miscellany of law of large number related results. Our results generalize and improve several results presented in the literature. To verify the behavior of our theoretical results in small samples, we present a Monte Carlo simulation study and an empirical application to econometric time series.

Rui, K, Barichello LB, da Cunha RD.  2021.  ON THE SOLUTION OF SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS ARISING WITHIN THE ADO METHOD FOR SOLVING TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS IN ANISOTROPIC SCATTERING MEDIA. International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering. :1174-1183., Raleigh, NC, USA
Mautone, G, Lima ALS, Vasques CK.  2021.  A Pergunta Esquecida: linguagem, alteridade e sujeito na educação especial. Currículo sem Fronteiras. 21(1):52-71.mautone-lima-vasques.pdf
Gomes, BCK, Andretta I, Valk M, Pomar C, Hauschild L, Fraga AZ, Kipper M, Trevizan L, Remus A.  2021.  Prandial Correlations and Structure of the Ingestive Behavior of Pigs in Precision Feeding Programs. Animals. 11(10) AbstractWebsite

The feeding behavior of growing-finishing pigs was analyzed to study prandial correlations and the probability of starting a new feeding event. The data were collected in real-time based on 157,632 visits by a group of 70 growing-finishing pigs (from 30.4 to 115.5 kg body weight, BW) to automatic feeders. The data were collected over 84 days, during which period the pigs were kept in conventional (by phase and by group) or precision (with daily and individual adjustments) feeding programs. A criterion to delimit each meal was then defined based on the probability of an animal starting a new feeding event within the next minute since the last visit. Prandial correlations were established between meal size and interval before meal (pre-prandial) or interval after meal (post-prandial) using Pearson correlation analysis. Post-prandial correlations (which can be interpreted as hunger-regulating mechanisms) were slightly stronger than pre-prandial correlations (which can be interpreted as satiety regulation mechanisms). Both correlations decreased as the animals’ age increased but were little influenced by the feeding programs. The information generated in this study allows a better understanding of pigs’ feeding behavior regulation mechanisms and could be used in the future to improve precision feeding programs.

  2021.  A primer on the differential geometry of quaternionic curves. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.. 44(18):14428-14436.Website
FONSECA, PDC.  2021.  Quando a Virtude é o Problema: a Atualidade de Celso Furtado. Revista da Sociedade brasileira de Economia Politica. 59(Especial):66-88.furtado_sep_2021__pdf.pdf
  2021.  Quaternionic Dirac free particle. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A. 36(33):2150257.Website
Giardino, S.  2021.  Quaternionic Klein–Gordon equation. Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 136:612.Website
Giardino, S.  2021.  Quaternionic quantum harmonic oscillator. Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 136:120.Website
Giardino, S.  2021.  Quaternionic quantum particles: new solutions. Can. J. Phys.. 99(4):263-268.Website
Acutain, MF, Luft J, Popik B, De Oliveira Alvares L, Baez MV.  2021.  Reduced Expression of Hippocampal GluN2A-NMDAR Increases Seizure Susceptibility and Causes Deficits in Contextual Memory. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Carvalho, EM.  2021.  The shared know-how in Linguistic Bodies. Revista Filosofia Unisinos. 22(1):94-101. AbstractWebsite

The authors of Linguistic Bodies appeal to shared know-how to explain the social and participatory interactions upon which linguistic skills and agency rest. However, some issues lurk around the notion of shared know-how and require attention and clarification. In particular, one issue concerns the agent behind the shared know-how, a second one concerns whether shared know-how can be reducible to individual know-how or not. In this paper, I sustain that there is no single answer to the first issue; depending on the case, shared know-how can belong to the participants of a social activity or to the system the participants bring forth together. In relation to the second issue, I sustain, following the authors, a non-reductive account of shared know-how. I also suggest that responsiveness to others, which is a fundamental element of shared know-how, can be extended by perceptual learning.

Fernandes, M, Guerre E, Horta E.  2021.  Smoothing quantile regressions. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 39(1):338-357. Abstract

We propose to smooth the entire objective function, rather than only the check function, in a linear quantile regression context. Not only does the resulting smoothed quantile regression estimator yield a lower mean squared error and a more accurate Bahadur-Kiefer representation than the standard estimator, but it is also asymptotically differentiable. We exploit the latter to propose a quantile density estimator that does not suffer from the curse of dimensionality. This means estimating the conditional density function without worrying about the dimension of the covariate vector. It also allows for two-stage efficient quantile regression estimation. Our asymptotic theory holds uniformly with respect to the bandwidth and quantile level. Finally, we propose a rule of thumb for choosing the smoothing bandwidth that should approximate well the optimal bandwidth. Simulations confirm that our smoothed quantile regression estimator indeed performs very well in finite samples.

de Sales, DR, Magalhães CM, de Branco SO.  2021.  Sobre a literatura russa em tradução no Brasil: Entrevista com Denise Regina de Sales. Belas Infieis. 10(1):1-14.
Levy, L.  2021.  Spinoza on Ideas of Affections. Yitzhak Y. Melamed (org). A Companion to Spinoza. : Wiley–Blackwell Abstract

This chapter argues that the Ethics includes versions of the views about sensation and its role in the production of knowledge that are present in the TIE and the KV. ‘Idea of an affection’ replaces the earlier terms for sensation. A sensation is a modification of the mind closely associated with a modification of body and explained in terms of the mind-body relation. In the KV, Spinoza continues to treat sensation as the immediate perception of corporeal modification and continues to take the inference from sensation to the union of mind and body as a valid one. The KV is the earliest source of Spinoza's view that the idea-object model accounts for the mind-body relation. The only occurrence of sensatio in the CM might seem to tell against an account of sensation as something different from imagination. Accounts of reason and imagination in the Ethics considerably advance Spinoza's theory of knowledge.

Demingos, PG, Pagnusatti R, Muniz AR.  2021.  Strain-Tunable Carbon Nanothread-Derived Membranes for Water Desalination. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B . 125:7311-7319.
BRESSIANI, N, Silva F.  2021.  A TEORIA DE JUSTIÇA DE NANCY FRASER: REFLEXÃO NORMATIVA E DIAGNÓSTICOS DO CAPITALISMO. Filosofia do direito: teorias modernas e contemporâneas da justiça. : Editora Fundação Fênix
Carvalho, EM.  2021.  Teorias da Conspiração: por que algumas não valem um caracol. Perspectiva Filosófica. 48(2):340-357. AbstractWebsite

Neste artigo, mapeio o terreno da discussão em torno das teorias da conspiração, destacando o problema de como defini-las, os fatores que levam à crença nas teorias da conspiração, os seus potenciais prejuízos e como devemos reagir a elas. Defendo que devemos avaliar as consequências da crença em uma teoria da conspiração para determinar se ela deve ser levada a serio ou não. Em bloco, as teorias da conspiração ameaçam a capacidade coletiva de produção de conhecimento e devemos nos preocupar com a sua difusão.

Jr., JBC.  2021.  Teorias do Tempo na Antiguidade Tardia. Simplício e outros. , Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG