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Carvalho, EM.  2022.  Ética da Crença. Compêndio de Epistemologia . , Porto Alegre: Editora Fi Abstract

Há pelo menos três modos pelos quais o debate sobre a conduta doxástica se relaciona com a ética. O primeiro e menos contencioso assinala que o ato de crer, analogamente às ações morais, responde a um tipo de normatividade, não necessariamente moral. Por exemplo, as normas para o ato de crer podem ser puramente epistêmicas. Nesse caso, essas normas diriam respeito a como o agente deve visar ou buscar a verdade. O segundo modo como o debate da ética da crença se relaciona com a ética diz respeito à fundamentação das normas para crer. A ideia é que a adoção dessas normas se fundamenta com base em razões morais e sociais. Por fim, o modo mais substancial consiste em sustentar que o ato de crer, ao menos em alguns casos, é em parte um fenômeno essencialmente moral e que, portanto, razões morais incidem diretamente sobre a legitimidade da crença. Por razões morais, alguém poderia ser recriminado por sustentar uma crença ainda que tivesse evidência favorável para ela. Neste verbete, tangenciando o clássico debate entre Clifford e William James e reações mais contemporâneas ao debate, apresentaremos e discutiremos cada um desses aspectos da ética da crença.

de Oliveira, BN, Valk M, Filho DM.  2022.  Fault detection and diagnosis of batch process dynamics using ARMA-based control charts. Journal of Process Control. 111:46-58. AbstractWebsite

A wide range of approaches for batch processes monitoring can be found in the literature. This kind of process generates a very peculiar data structure, in which successive measurements of many process variables in each batch run are available. Traditional approaches do not take into account the time series nature of the data. The main reason is that the time series inference theory is not based on replications of time series, as it is in batch process data. It is based on the variability in a time domain. This fact demands some adaptations of this theory in order to accommodate the model coefficient estimates, considering jointly the batch to batch samples variability (batch domain) and the serial correlation in each batch (time domain). In order to address this issue, this paper proposes a new approach grounded in a group of control charts based on the classical ARMA model for monitoring and diagnostic of batch processes dynamics. The model coefficients are estimated (through the ordinary least square method) for each historical time series sample batch and modified Hotelling and t-Student distributions are derived and used to accommodate those estimates. A group of control charts based on that distributions are proposed for monitoring the new batches. Additionally, those groups of charts help to fault diagnosis, identifying the source of disturbances. Through simulated and real data we show that this approach seems to work well for both purposes.

Fraga, AZ, Hauschild L, Campos PHRF, Valk M, Bello DZ, Kipper M, Andretta I.  2022.  Genetic selection modulates feeding behavior of group-housed pigs exposed to daily cyclic high ambient temperatures. Plos One. OnlineWebsite
  2022.  Geraldus Odonis on Being, Logic and Intelligibility. SYNTHESIS Journal for Philosophy. 2(2):65-90.
Horst, D.  2022.  In Defense of Constitutivism About Epistemic Normativity. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. 103(2):232-258.
Fonseca, PCD.  2022.  A Independência e as Raízes de um Projeto de Desenvolvimento. O País do Futuro e seu Destino; ensaios sobre o bicentenário do Brasil: 1822-2022. , Porto Alegre: L&PM
Haas, F, Mahmood S.  2022.  Linear and nonlinear waves in quantum plasmas with arbitrary degeneracy of electrons. Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics. 6:7.
Muller, WA, Sarkis JR, Marczak LDF, Muniz AR.  2022.  Molecular dynamics insights on temperature and pressure effects on electroporation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1864(12):184049.
Muller, WA, Sarkis JR, Marczak LDF, Muniz AR.  2022.  Molecular dynamics study of the effects of static and oscillating electric fields in ovalbumin. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 75:102911.
Konzen, E, Tomazoni C, Dagnino R, Soletti R, Rosa T, Marques J, Duarte V, Thalheimer L, Ribeiro J, Novaski P, Ferreira G, Mutz A.  2022.  NAU Campus Litoral. RAAI 2021: Relatório de autoavaliação institucional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: 17º Ciclo: 2021 (Volume 2). , Porto Alegre: Secretaria de Avaliação Institucional, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sulraai_2021_v2_naus.pdfraai_2021_v2_nau_campus_litoral.pdf
Zanette, R, Barichello LB, Petersen CZ.  2022.  A Nodal-iterative Technique for Criticality Calculations in Multigroup Neutron Diffusion Models.. Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics. 23:315-334.
Haas, F, Soares LGF.  2022.  Nonlinear dynamics in isotropic and anisotropic magneto-optical traps. Atoms. 10(3):article83,9pages.
da Cunha, RD, Barichello LB, Neto AJ, Zanette R.  2022.  On Computing the Effective Multiplication Factor Using the ADO Method. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 167:108743.
Barichello, LB, Rui K, da Cunha RD.  2022.  On the application of the ADO method to the solution of two-dimensional radiative transfer problems in anisotropic scattering media.. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 179:107685.
Moraes, LRC, Barichello LB, Barros, R. C, Vasques R.  2022.  On the Application of the Analytical Discrete Ordinates Method to the Solution of Nonclassical Transport Problems in Slab Geometry. Journal of Computational Physics. 455:110982.
Miliante, CM, Christmann AM, Soares RP, Bocca JR, Alves CS, Carvalho AMG, Muniz AR.  2022.  On the colossal barocaloric effect in higher n-alkanes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 10:8344-8355.