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Goncalves, VP, Meneses AR, Machado MVT.  Submitted.  Heavy Quark Photoproduction in pp collisions at LHC. Abstract
{de Oliveira, VM, Lopes KA, Detoni GC, Tratis L, Ferreira C, Sérgio B, Portela MRQ, Tartaruga LAP.  Submitted.  INFLUÊNCIA DA INCLINA{\c{C}}ÃO NA PRONA{\c{C}}ÃO SUBTALAR EM VELOCIDADE SUBMÁXIMA DE CORRIDA. Abstract
Martinez, FG, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Hermel EES, Xavier LL, Rasia-Filho AA, Achaval M.  Submitted.  Intermediate filament expression in the medial amygdala subnuclei during postnatal development of male and female rats.. Abstract
Finatto, P, da Silva ES, Okamura AB, Almada BP, Oliveira HB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  Submitted.  km al Cambiar el Costo Metabólico y. Abstract
de Sampaio Dagnino, R, WEBER EJ, Panitz LM.  Submitted.  Monitoramento do Coronav{\'ırus (Covid-19) nos munic{\'ıpios do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. : SocArXiv Abstract
Machado, MVT, Ducati MBG.  Submitted.  Parton Saturation and Dipole Picture. Abstract
de Oliveira, LG, Vellado DM, Tartaruga L, Carlos L{\'ıs, Gertz JFL.  Submitted.  PLATAFORMA DE FOR{\c{C}}A DESENVOLVIDA PARA COLETA DE DADOS NO REMO ERGÔMETRO. Abstract
Dias, AS, Berton DC, Tartaruga LPA, Sbruzzi G, de Souza CG.  Submitted.  PNP-77 Fisiologia e fisiopatologia do exerc{\'ıcio nas doenças respiratórias. Abstract
Batista, MM, Lopes KA, Queiroga MR, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Tartaruga MP.  Submitted.  Pruebas de Capacidades F{\'ısicas. Abstract
{Przygocki, LC, de Oliveira$^1$ V{\'ıcius M, Ferreira$^1$ C, Detoni$^1$ GC, Rosa SW, Sérgio B, Portela$^1$ MRQ$^1$, Tartaruga LAP.  Submitted.  RELA{\c{C}}ÃO ENTRE TRABALHO MECÂNICO E DESEMPENHO DE CORREDORES DE MEIA E LONGA DISTÂNCIAS. Abstract
Tartaruga, MP, Mota CB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Brisswalter J.  Submitted.  Scale Model on Performance Prediction in Recreational and Elite Endurance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. Abstract
Lima, MS, Schneck F, They NH, Crossetti LO, Bohnenberger JE, McMahon KD, da Motta Marques D.  Submitted.  Turnover is replaced by nestedness with increasing geographical distance in bacterial communities of coastal shallow lakes. Marine and Freshwater Research. : CSIRO PUBLISHING Abstract
Betemps, MA, Ducati MBG, Machado MVT.  Submitted.  Unitarity corrections in the pT distribution for the Drell-Yan process. : Citeseer Abstract
In Press
de Souza, LM.  In Press.  Sobre a origem de intensificadores encabeçados por preposições. História semântica do português brasileiro.
Gavazzoni, C, Lazzari D, da Silva Ramos IP, Brito C.  2025.  Optimizing oil–water separation using fractal surfaces, 01. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 162:044702., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

Oil has become a prevalent global pollutant, stimulating the research to improve the techniques to separate oil from water. Materials with special wetting properties—primarily those that repel water while attracting oil—have been proposed as suitable candidates for this task. However, one limitation in developing efficient substrates is the limited available volume for oil absorption. In this study, we investigate the efficacy of disordered fractal materials in addressing this challenge, leveraging their unique wetting properties. Using a combination of a continuous model and Monte Carlo simulations, we characterize the hydrophobicity and oleophilicity of substrates created through ballistic deposition (BD). Our results demonstrate that these materials exhibit high contact angles for water, confirming their hydrophobic nature while allowing significant oil penetration, indicative of oleophilic behavior. The available free volume within the substrates varies from 60% to 90% of the total volume of the substrate depending on some parameters of the BD. By combining their water and oil wetting properties with a high availability of volume, the fractal substrates analyzed in this work achieve an efficiency in separating oil from water of nearly 98%, which is significantly higher compared to micro-pillared surfaces made from the same material but lacking a fractal design.

Waksman, RD, Blank D.  2025.  Acidentes de Transito. Tratado de Pediatria SBP. , Barueri: Manolewaksman-blank_acidentes-de-transito_tratado-de-pediatria-sbp_2025.pdf
Kuchenbecker, AS, Torrent HS, Ziegelmann FA.  2025.  Measuring and explaining efficiency of pre-vaccine country responses to COVID-19 pandemic: a conditional robust nonparametric approach. Empirical Economics. 68:107-137.
Gavazzoni, C, Brito C, Wyart M.  2024.  Testing Theories of the Glass Transition with the Same Liquid but Many Kinetic Rules, Jun. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 132:248201.: American Physical Society AbstractWebsite
Schramm, M, Ladeia C, Fernandes JC.  2024.  Solution of Linear Radiative Transfer Equation in Hollow Sphere by Diamond Difference Discrete Ordinates and Decomposition Methods, Dec.. Semina: Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas. 45:e51961. AbstractWebsite
Carvalho, EM.  2024.  O pós-negacionismo climático, 21/05/2024. Jornal da Universidade. Abstract

Docente de Filosofia, Eros Moreira de Carvalho aponta que, em seu descaso em relação à verdade e à vida comum, o pós-negacionista não se preocupa em legitimar suas dúvidas sob a roupagem da racionalidade sensata