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Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  Quarkonium production in coherent hadron-hadron interactions at the CERN LHC. Physical Review D. 77:014037., Number 1: APS Abstract
GONGALVES, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  Quarkonium production in coherent hadron-hadron interactions at the CERN LHC. Physical review. D. Particles and fields. 77, Number 1: American Physical Society Abstract
Tartaruga, MP, Beilke DD, Coertjens M, Baptista RR, Tartaruga LAP, Kruel LFM.  2008.  Relação entre consumo máximo e submáximo de oxigênio em corredores e remadores de rendimento. Revista de Educação F{\'ısica/Journal of Physical Education. 77, Number 141 Abstract
Faria, P.  2008.  Réplica a Lourdes Valdivia. Bertrand Russell y el análisis filosófico a partir de 'On Denoting'. (Pinto, S., Ed.).:139-151., Juan Pablos: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa Abstract
DAGNINO, R.  2008.  Riscos Ambientais: Estudo de caso na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão das Pedras, Campinas/São Paulo. Geociências aplicadas: diferentes abordagens.. :p.45-78.: Ed. Geographica Abstract
DAGNINO, R.  2008.  Riscos Ambientais: Estudo de caso na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão das Pedras, Campinas/São Paulo. Geociências aplicadas: diferentes abordagens.. :p–45.: Ed. Geographica Abstract
segundo Júlio Celso Vargas, da Silva IC.  2008.  Sistema de {Simulação} {Interativa} de {Regimes} {Urbanísticos}. Proceedings of the 12th {Iberoamerican} {Congress} of {Digital} {Graphic}. Abstract
Techio, J.  2008.  Solipsismo e Reconhecimento: Metafísica Descritiva com Rosto Humano. Principia. 12:217-235., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Freire, E, Bianchi O, Forte MMC, Preto M, Monteiro EEC, Tavares MIB.  2008.  Thermal and low-field NMR study on poly(vinylidene fluoride) and their physical mixtures with poly(methyl methacrylate). Polymer Engineering and Science. 48:1901-1909., Number 10 AbstractWebsite
Faria, P.  2008.  Trabalhos de escavação. Rio Grande em debate: conservadorismo e mudança. (Boeira, N., Ed.).:55-66., Porto Alegre: Sulina Abstract
Machado, MVT.  2008.  {An analysis on single and central diffractive heavy flavour production at hadron colliders}. Braz. J. Phys.. 38(Gay Ducati, Maria B., Trinidade Machado, Magno V., Betemps, Marcos A., Eds.).:416–420. Abstract
Kugeratski, MS, Goncalves VP, Machado MVT, Navarra FS.  2008.  {An unified description of HERA and RHIC data}. Acta Phys. Polon. B. 39(Fiore, R, Papa, A., Royon, C., Eds.).:2583. Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Machado MM, Machado MVT.  2008.  {Charm production in neutral current neutrino-nucleus scattering within the color dipole approach}. Braz. J. Phys.. 38(Gay Ducati, Maria B., Trinidade Machado, Magno V., Betemps, Marcos A., Eds.).:487–490. Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Machado MM, Machado MVT.  2008.  {Diffractive hadroproduction of $W^\pm$ and $Z^0$ bosons at high energies}. AIP Conf. Proc.. 1056(Boffi, Sigfrido, Ciofi degli Atti, Claudio, Giannini, Mauro, Treleani, Daniele, Eds.).:178–182., Number 1 Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  {Diffractive photoproduction at the LHC}. Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl.. 179-180(d'Enterria, D., Klasen, M., Piotrzkowski, K., Eds.).:142–149. Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  {Diffractive photoproduction of Z0 bosons in coherent interactions at CERN-LHC}. Eur. Phys. J. C. 56:33–38. Abstract
Machado, MVT.  2008.  {Hard diffractive quarkonium hadroproduction at high energies}. Eur. Phys. J. C. 54:443–449. Abstract
Abreu, S, others.  2008.  {Proceedings, Workshop on Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC: Last Call for Predictions}: {Geneva, Switzerland, May 14 - June 8, 2007}. 35(Armesto, N, Borghini, N., Jeon, S, Wiedemann, UA, Eds.).:054001. Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  {Quarkonium production in coherent hadron-hadron interactions at the LHC}. Phys. Rev. D. 77:014037. Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  {Quarkonium production in coherent pp/AA collisions and small-x physics}. J. Phys. G. 35(Armesto, N, Borghini, N., Jeon, S, Wiedemann, UA, Eds.).:054001.124., Number 5 Abstract
de Juli, MC, Schneider RS, Ziebell LF, Gaelzer R.  2007.  Effect of charged dust particles on the ion cyclotron and firehose instabilities, October. Journal of Geophysical Research. 112:A10105., Number A10105 AbstractWebsite

Effects due to the prEsence of charged dust particles on the growth rate of instabilities of low frequency electromagnetic waves propagating along the ambient magnetic field are investigated, using a kinetic theory which takes into account the collisional charging of the dust particles. For perpendicular ion temperature larger than the parallel ion temperature the dustless Plasma features the proton cyclotron anisotropy instability, which is gradually reduced by the prEsence of the dust population, until complete disappearance for sufficiently large dust density. For perpendicular ion temperature smaller than the parallel ion temperature the dustless Plasma features the proton fire-hose instability, which is also reduced by the prEsence of the dust population. The results obtained show that the fire-hose instability is more easily quenched by the prEsence of the dust than the proton cyclotron instability. For both instabilities, the prEsence of the dust affects the dispersion relation by the charge imbalance produced by the electron capture by the dust particles, and by the damping effect originated from the collisional charging of the dust particles.

Remor, E, Milner-Moskovics J, Preussler G.  2007.  [Brazilian adaptation of the Assessment of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Questionnaire], Oct. Rev Saude Publica. 41(5):685-94.
Schramm, R, Jung CR.  2007.  A tool for teaching musical metrics based on computer vision, June. Computer Graphics International. :71-78., Petrópolis: CGI Abstract
Remor, E, Penedo FJ, Shen BJ, Schneiderman N.  2007.  Perceived stress is associated with CD4+ cell decline in men and women living with HIV/AIDS in Spain, Feb. AIDS Care. 19(2):215-9.