de Juli, MC, Schneider RS, Ziebell LF, Gaelzer R.
Effect of charged dust particles on the ion cyclotron and firehose instabilities, October. Journal of Geophysical Research. 112:A10105., Number A10105
AbstractEffects due to the prEsence of charged dust particles on the growth rate of instabilities of low frequency electromagnetic waves propagating along the ambient magnetic field are investigated, using a kinetic theory which takes into account the collisional charging of the dust particles. For perpendicular ion temperature larger than the parallel ion temperature the dustless Plasma features the proton cyclotron anisotropy instability, which is gradually reduced by the prEsence of the dust population, until complete disappearance for sufficiently large dust density. For perpendicular ion temperature smaller than the parallel ion temperature the dustless Plasma features the proton fire-hose instability, which is also reduced by the prEsence of the dust population. The results obtained show that the fire-hose instability is more easily quenched by the prEsence of the dust than the proton cyclotron instability. For both instabilities, the prEsence of the dust affects the dispersion relation by the charge imbalance produced by the electron capture by the dust particles, and by the damping effect originated from the collisional charging of the dust particles.