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Panitz, LM.  2008.  As representações do espaço platino: território, paisagem e identidade através da música popular. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica (20.: 2008 out. 20-24: Porto Alegre, RS). Livro de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2008.. Abstract
Panitz, LM.  2008.  As representações do espaço platino: território, paisagem e identidade através da música popular. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica (20.: 2008 out. 20-24: Porto Alegre, RS). Livro de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2008.. Abstract
Bianchi, O, Oliveira RVB, Fiorio R, Martins JDN, Zattera AJ, Canto LB.  2008.  Assessment of Avrami, Ozawa and Avrami-Ozawa equations for determination of EVA crosslinking kinetics from DSC measurements. Polymer Testing. 27:722-729., Number 6 AbstractWebsite
dos {Santos, MG, Cadore EL, da Silva EM, Tiggemann CL, Tartaruga MP, Alberton CL, Tartaruga LAP.  2008.  Comportamento de parâmetros fisiológicos e biomecânicos na corrida estacionária em diferentes cadências. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica (20.: 2008 out. 20-24: Porto Alegre, RS). Livro de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2008.. Abstract
Faria, P.  2008.  Conocimiento directo, descripción, y tiempo. Bertrand Russell y el análisis filosófico a partir de 'On Denoting'. (Pinto, S., Ed.).:59-95., Juan Pablos: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa Abstract
Gleisberg, T, Gonçalves VP, Grothe M, Grube B, Güçlü MC, Hejbal J, Herquet M, Höche S, Hollar J, Kepka O, others.  2008.  de Favereau de Jeneret, J., 277 d’Enterria, D., 150 De Roeck, A., 94, 181 Giacobbe, B., 165. Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.). 179:315., Number 180 Abstract
Gonçalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  Diffractive photoproduction at the LHC. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements. 179:142–149.: Elsevier Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2008.  Diffractive photoproduction of Z0 bosons in coherent interactions at CERN-LHC. The European Physical Journal C. 56:33–38., Number 1: Springer Abstract
Machado, MVT.  2008.  Exclusive photoproduction of dileptons at high energies. arXiv preprint arXiv:0811.2410. Abstract
de Dagnino, RS.  2008.  A Geografia de Alexander von Humboldt: Diálogos entre Arte e Complexidade. Caminhos de Geografia. 9(25) Abstract
de Dagnino, RS.  2008.  A Geografia de Alexander von Humboldt: Diálogos entre Arte e Complexidade. Caminhos de Geografia. 9, Number 25 Abstract
Machado, MVT.  2008.  Hard diffractive quarkonium hadroproduction at high energies. The European Physical Journal C. 54:443–449., Number 3: Springer Abstract
Armesto, N, Borghini N, Jeon S, Wiedemann UA, Abreu S, Akkelin SV, Alam J, Albacete JL, Andronic A, Antonov D, others.  2008.  Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC—last call for predictions. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 35:054001., Number 5: IOP Publishing Abstract
e Silva, LKR, Staats CC, Goulart LS, Morello LG, Pelegrinelli Fungaro MH, Schrank A, Vainstein MH.  2008.  Identification of novel temperature-regulated genes in the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans using representational difference analysis. Research in Microbiology. 159:221–229., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Machado, MVT.  2008.  Investigating the exclusive protoproduction of dileptons at high energies. Physical Review D. 78:034016., Number 3: APS Abstract
Altmann, S.  2008.  Juízos infinitos e determinação em Kant. Analytica. Revista de filosofia. 12:30-40., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Cavagna, GA, Legramandi MA, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2008.  The landing-take-off asymmetry of human running is enhanced in old age. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211:1571-1578., Number 10 AbstractWebsite
Cavagna, GA, Legramandi MA, Peyre-Tartaruga LA.  2008.  The landing–take-off asymmetry of human running is enhanced in old age. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211:1571–1578., Number 10: The Company of Biologists Ltd Abstract
Cavagna, GA, Legramandi MA, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2008.  Old men running: mechanical work and elastic bounce. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275:411–418., Number 1633: The Royal Society London Abstract
Cavagna, GA, Legramandi MA, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2008.  Old men running: Mechanical work and elastic bounce. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275:411-418., Number 1633 AbstractWebsite
Flores, JV, Eckhard D, Gomes da Silva Jr. JM.  2008.  On the Tracking Problem for Linear Systems subject to Control Saturation. 17th {IFAC} World congress. :14168–14173., Seul: IFAC Abstract

This paper addresses the problem of tracking constant references for linear systems subject to control saturation. Considering an unitary output feedback loop, containing an integral action, conditions in LMI form are proposed to compute a state feedback and an integrator anti-windup gain. These conditions ensure that the trajectories of the closed-loop system are bounded in an invariant ellipsoidal set, provided that the initial conditions are taken in this set and the references and the disturbances belong to a certain admissible set. Based on these conditions, optimization problems aiming at the maximization of the invariant set of admissible states and/or the maximization of the set of admissible references/disturbances are proposed.

Eckhard, D, Gomes da Silva Jr. JM, Tarbouriech S, Prier C.  2008.  Output dynamic feedback controller design for disturbance attenuation taking into account both sensor and actuator saturation. XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática. :–., Juiz de Fora: SBA Abstract

In this work, a systematic methodology to design dynamic output feedback controllers, for linear control systems presenting both actuator and sensor saturations, is proposed. A theoretical condition that ensures that the trajectories of the closed-loop system are bounded for L2 disturbances, while ensuring internal global asymptotic stability is stated. From this theoretical condition an LMI-based optimization problem to compute the controller aiming at minimizing the induced L2 gain between the disturbance and the regulated output is proposed.

Eckhard, D.  2008.  Projeto de controladores baseado em dados : convergência dos métodos iterativos. , Porto Alegre: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Abstract

Data-based control design methods consist of adjusting the parameters of the controller directly from batches of input-output data of the process; no process model is used. The adjustment is done by solving an optimization problem, which searches the argument that minimizes a specific cost function. Iterative algorithms based on the gradient are applied to solve the optimization problem, like the steepest descent algorithm, Newton algorithm and some variations. The only information utilized for the steepest descent algorithm is the gradient of the cost function, while the others need more information like the hessian. Longer and more complex experiments are used to obtain more informations, that turns the application more complicated. For this reason, the steepest descent method was chosen to be studied in this work. The convergence of the steepest descent algorithm to the global minimum is not fully studied in the literature. This convergence depends on the initial conditions of the algorithm and on the step size. The initial conditions must be inside a specific domain of attraction, and how to enlarge this domain is treated by the methodology Cost Function Shaping. The main contribution of this work is a method to compute efficiently the step size, to ensure convergence to the global minimum. Some informations about the process are utilized, and this work presents how to estimate these informations. Simulations and experiments demonstrate how the methods work.