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Freitas, EP, Wehrmeister MA, Pereira CE, Ferreira AM, Larsson T.  2009.  Multi-Agents Supporting Reflection in a Middleware for Mission-Driven Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Agent Technology for Sensor Networks. :25-32., Budapest Abstract
Concei, AGS, Carvalho C, Rohr ER, Porath D, Eckhard D, Pereira LFA.  2009.  A Neural Network Strategy Applied in Autonomous Mobile Localization. European Control Conference 2009. :4439–4444., Budapest: IEEE Abstract

In this article, a new approach to the problem of indoor navigation based on ultrasonic sensors is presented, where artificial neural networks (ANN) are used to estimate the position and orientation of a mobile robot. This approach proposes the use of three Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks, where environment maps from an ultrasonic sensor and maps synthetically generated are used to estimate the robot localization. The mobile robot is mainly characterized by its real time operation based on the Matlab/Simulink environment, where the whole necessary tasks for an autonomous navigation are done in a hierarchical and easy reprogramming way. Finally, practical results of real time navigation related to robot localization in a known indoor environment are shown.

Machado, MVT.  2009.  Nuclear DVCS at small x using color-dipole phenomenology. The European Physical Journal C. 59:769–776., Number 4: Springer Abstract
Machado, MVT.  2009.  Nuclear DVCS within the high energy QCD color dipole formalism. arXiv preprint arXiv:0905.4516. Abstract
Spinelli, PT.  2009.  O conhecimento prévio necessário à filosofia moral segundo Aristóteles. Anais do I Seminário Regional dos Alunos de Pos-Graduação em Filosofia. , Porto Alegre: Editorial Philosophia Abstract
Klaudat, A.  2009.  O problema de Hume e os destinos da metafísica. Lições de história da filosofia. , Porto Alegre: SEC/IEL Abstract
Eckhard, D, Bazanella AS.  2009.  Optimizing the Convergence of Data-Based Controller Tuning. European Control Conference 2009. :910–915., Budapest: IEEE Abstract

Data-based control design methods most often consist of iterative adjustment of the controller's parameters towards the parameter values which minimize an H2 performance criterion. Typically, batches of input-output data collected from the system are used to feed directly a gradient descent optimization - no process model is used. The convergence to the global minimum of the performance criterion depends on the initial controller parameters and on the step size of each iteration. This paper discusses these issues and provides a method for choosing the step size to ensure convergence to the global minimum utilizing the lowest possible number of iterations.

Peyré-Tartaruga, LA, Tartaruga MP, Coertjens M, Black GL, Oliveira ÀR, Kruel LFM.  2009.  Physiologic and kinematical effects of water run training on running performance. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 3:5., Number 2 Abstract
Spinelli, PT.  2009.  Princípios e boa educação: notas sobre Ética Nicomaqueia I. 4. 1095a31-b13. I Congresso Internacional de Filosofia Moral e Política. , Pelotas Abstract
Bartels, J, Borras K, Gustafson G, Jung H, Kutak K, Levonian S, Mnich J, Achilli A, Albacete JL, Albrow MG, others.  2009.  Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD08). arXiv preprint arXiv:0902.0377. Abstract
Freire, E, Bianchi O, Monteiro EEC, Reis Nunes RC, Forte MC.  2009.  Processability of PVDF/PMMA blends studied by torque rheometry. Materials Science and Engineering C. 29:657-661., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Mariath, AA, Haas AN, Fischer CM, de Araujo FB, Rosing CK.  2009.  Professional toothbrushing as a method for diagnosing gingivitis in 3- to 6-year-old preschool children. Oral Health Prev Dent. 7:315-21., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

PURPOSE: The aim of the present crossover study was to evaluate professional toothbrushing as a method for diagnosing gingivitis in children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-four preschool children who had gingival bleeding > or = 10% and without proximal restorations/carious lesions were included in the study. Examinations comprised two gingival indices recorded at a 15-min interval, in the following sequences: the Ainamo and Bay gingival bleeding index (GBI1) followed by the brushing index (BI2) and vice versa (BI1-GBI2). Half of the children started the study in the first sequence and the other half in the second. After a 3- to 4-day washout period, the indices were again recorded with individuals changing the sequences. Data analysis considered GBI as the gold standard, and sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were also calculated. RESULTS: The overall mean value of gingival bleeding at the first examination was 18.85 +/- 9.24%. Validation of toothbrushing performed after GBI (BI2) resulted in values for SE, SP, PPV and NPV of 0.59 (95% CI, 0.55 to 0.63), 0.92 (95% CI, 0.91 to 0.93), 0.64 (95% CI, 0.60 to 0.69) and 0.90 (95% CI, 0.89 to 0.92), respectively. BI performed before GBI (BI1) resulted in similar SE, SP, PPV and NPV. Percentage agreement of GBI1-BI2 and BI1-GBI2 was 83.5% and 85.9%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Professional toothbrushing can be suggested as a method for the diagnosis of gingival inflammatory status in children, especially as an indicator of gingival health.

Levy, L.  2009.  A recusa da definição de homem como animal racional na Segunda Meditação (1a Parte). Analytica. 13(1):257-284. Abstract

Este artigo prolonga a análise do argumento apresentado por Descartes em favor da primeira certeza no início da Segunda Meditação, iniciada em um artigo anterior. É examinada a passagem subsequente ao referido argumento com vistas a estabelecer que sua compreensão aponta para um debate velado entre Descartes e seus leitores versa- dos na doutrina escolástica, mais particularmente nas concepções da definição como estruturada pela composição do gênero e da diferença e de específica e de conceito universal abstrato. Procuro mostrar que as razões que Des- cartes dispõe para recusar essas concepções podem ser extraídas de certa interpretação do argumento em favor da certeza da proposição eu existo e que essa recusa é imprescindível para a compreensão adequada do penso, logo existo e, portanto, de seu argumento em favor do dualismo.

Levy, L.  2009.  A recusa da definição de homem como animal racional na Segunda Meditação (2a Parte). Analytica. 13(2):149-179. Abstract

Este artigo prolonga a análise do argumento apresentado por Descartes em favor da primeira certeza no início da Segunda Meditação, iniciada em um artigo anterior. É examinada a passagem subsequente ao referido argumento com vistas a estabelecer que sua compreensão aponta para um debate velado entre Descartes e seus leitores versa- dos na doutrina escolástica, mais particularmente nas concepções da definição como estruturada pela composição do gênero e da diferença e de específica e de conceito universal abstrato. Procuro mostrar que as razões que Des- cartes dispõe para recusar essas concepções podem ser extraídas de certa interpretação do argumento em favor da certeza da proposição eu existo e que essa recusa é imprescindível para a compreensão adequada do penso, logo existo e, portanto, de seu argumento em favor do dualismo.

Uzhinsky, V, Apostolakis J, Folger G, Ivanchenko VN, Kossov MV, Wright DH, Duret Q, Machet B, Vysotsky MI, Blümlein J, others.  2009.  Regular Article-Experimental Physics. The European Physical Journal C. 61, Number 2 Abstract
Mao, S, Wen-Gan M, Ren-You Z, Lei G, Shao-Ming W, Machado MVT, Colangelo G, Gasser J, Rusetsky A, Braun MA, others.  2009.  Regular Article-Theoretical Physics. The European Physical Journal C. 59, Number 4 Abstract
Gonçalves, VP, Machado MVT, Meneses AR.  2009.  Small-x Physics in Coherent pp Interactions at LHC. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1105:209–212., Number 1 Abstract
P. Rodrigues, KCH, Barichello LB.  2009.  A Spectral Method for Rarefied Gas Dynamics Problems in Cylindrical Geometry. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 51:181–187. Abstract
Pacheco, MFM, Bianchi O, Fiorio R, Zattera AJ, Zeni M, Giovanela M, Crespo JS.  2009.  Thermal, chemical, and morphological characterization of microcellular polyurethane elastomers. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics. 41:323-338., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Binotto, APD, Pignaton de Freitas E, Pereira CE, Larsson T.  2009.  Towards Dynamic Task Scheduling and Reconfiguration using an Aspect Oriented Approach applied on Real-time concerns of Industrial Systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 42:1423-1428., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Faria, P.  2009.  Unsafe reasoning: a survey. DoisPontos. 6:185-201. AbstractWebsite

Judgments about the validity of at least some elementary inferential patterns (say modus ponens) are a priori if anything is. Yet a number of empirical conditions must in each case be satisfied in order for a particular inference to instantiate this or that inferential pattern. We may on occasion be entitled to presuppose that such conditions are satisfied (and the entitlement may even be a priori), yet only experience could tell us that such was indeed the case. Current discussion about a perceived incompatibility between content externalism and first-person authority exemplifies how damaging the neglect of such empirical presuppositions of correct reasoning can be. An externalistic view of mental content is ostensibly incompatible with the assumption that a rational subject should be able to avoid inconsistency no matter what the state of her empirical knowledge may be. That fact, however, needs not be taken (as it often is) as a reductio of externalism: alternatively, we may reject that assumption, adding to the agenda of a philosophical investigation of rationality an examination of the vicissitudes of logical luck. I offer an illustration and defense of that alternative.