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C. S. Scherer, PFJF, Barichello LB.  2009.  An Analytical Approach to the Unified Solution of Kinetic Equations in Rarefied Gas Dynamics. I. Flow Problems. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 60:70–115. Abstract
Scherer, CS, Prolo Filho JF, Barichello LB.  2009.  An analytical approach to the unified solution of kinetic equations in rarefied gas dynamics.I. Flow problems. Zeitschrift f. 60:70–115., Number 1 Abstract
Prino, F, Cole BA, Lansberg JP, Armesto N, Mocsy A, Arleo F, Bravina L, Heinz M, Cabrera D, Van Leeuwen M, others.  2009.  CERN Accelerating science. Eur. Phys. J. C. 61:4. Abstract
Garcia, GB, Vaghetti CAO, Peyré-Tartaruga L.  2009.  COMPORTAMENTO DA FREQÜÊNCIA CARDÍACA DURANTE UMA SESSÃO DE SURFE. Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento. 16:49–56., Number 2 Abstract
TORRES, F, Dagnino R, OLIVEIRA JR A.  2009.  Contribuições Geográficas. : Ed. Geographica Abstract
Bianchi, O, Fiorio R, Martins JN, Zattera AJ, Scuracchio CH, Canto LB.  2009.  Crosslinking kinetics of blends of ethylene vinyl acetate and ground tire rubber. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics. 41:175-189., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Eckhard, D, Campestrini L, Bergel ME, Bazanella AS.  2009.  Data-Based Control Design for a Process Class with Guaranteed Convergence to the Globally Optimum Controller. European Control Conference 2009. :993–998., Budapest: IEEE Abstract

This work addresses data-based (DB) control design; the properties and limitations inherent to DB design are discussed under a common theoretical framework and illustrated through experimental results. Theoretical results concerning the convergence and precision are discussed and specified for a particular class of processes. Two DB methods, representative of this design approach, are used to illustrate the general properties of DB design: the Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning (VRFT) and the Iterative Feedback Tuning (IFT).

Sabadin Bertol, L, da Silva FP, Kindlein Junior W.  2009.  Design and health care: A study of virtual design and direct metal laser sintering of titanium alloy for the production of customized facial implants. Australasian Medical Journal. 2:136-141., Number 11Website
Kruel, LFM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Alberton CL, Müller FG, Petkowicz R.  2009.  Effects of hydrostatic weight on heart rate during water immersion. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education. 3:8., Number 2 Abstract
Boldo, JT, Junges A, do Amaral KB, Staats CC, Vainstein MH, Schrank A.  2009.  Endochitinase CHI2 of the biocontrol fungus Metarhizium anisopliae affects its virulence toward the cotton stainer bug Dysdercus peruvianus. Current Genetics. 55:551–560., Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Dagnino, RS, de Freitas MWD.  2009.  Entrevista com Carlos Augusto de Figueiredo Monteiro: Depoimento de um Geógrafo da segunda metade do Séc. XX. Contribuições Geográficas. :13-46.: Geographica Abstract
Dagnino, RS, de Freitas MWD.  2009.  Entrevista com Carlos Augusto de Figueiredo Monteiro: Depoimento de um Geógrafo da segunda metade do Séc. XX. Contribuições Geográficas. :13–46.: Geographica Abstract
Garcia, G, Tarbouriech S, Gomes da Silva Jr. JM, Eckhard D.  2009.  Finite {L2} gain and internal stabilisation of linear systems subject to actuator and sensor saturations. IET Control Theory Applications. 3:799–812., Number 7 Abstract

This study addresses the control of linear systems subject to both sensor and actuator saturations and additive L2-bounded disturbances. Supposing that only the output of the linear plant is measurable, the synthesis of stabilising output feedback dynamic controllers, allowing to ensure the internal closed-loop stability and the finite L2-gain stabilisation, is considered. In this case, it is shown that the closed-loop system presents a nested saturation term. Therefore, based on the use of some modified sector conditions and appropriate variable changes, synthesis conditions in a quasi-linear matrix inequality (LMI) form are stated in both regional (local) as well as global stability contexts. Different LMI-based optimisation problems for computing a controller in order to maximise the disturbance tolerance, the disturbance rejection or the region of stability of the closed-loop system are proposed.

Panitz, LM.  2009.  Geograf{\'ıa de la Salud. Boletim Gaúcho de Geografia. 35, Number 1 Abstract
Scherer, CS, Barichello LB.  2009.  A Heat Transfer Problem in Rarefied Gas Dynamics. Heat Transfer Engineering. 30:282–291. Abstract
Gonçalves, VP, Machado MVT, Meneses AR.  2009.  Heavy quark photoproduction in $ pp $ coherent interactions at LHC. arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.2869. Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT, Meneses AR.  2009.  Heavy quark photoproduction in coherent interactions at high energies. Physical Review D. 80:034021., Number 3: APS Abstract
Dal Castel, C, Bianchi O, Oviedo MAS, Liberman SA, Mauler RS, Oliveira RVB.  2009.  The influence of interfacial agents on the morphology and viscoelasticity of PP/MMT nanocomposites. Materials Science and Engineering C. 29:602-606., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Tartaruga, MP, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Coertjens M, De Medeiros MH, Kruel LFM.  2009.  The influence of the allometric scale on the relationship between running economy and biomechanical variables in distance runners. Biology of Sport. 26:263-273., Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Tartaruga, MP, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Coertjens M, De Medeiros MH, Kruel LFM.  2009.  The influence of the allometric scale on the relationship between running economy and biomechanical variables in distance runners.. Biology of Sport. 26, Number 3 Abstract
Levy, L.  2009.  Les rapports entre l esprit et le corps dans la proposition 23 de la seconde partie de l Éthique. La théorie spinoziste des rapports corps/esprit et ses usages actuels. , Paris: Editions Hermann Abstract
Vargas, JC, da Silva IC.  2009.  Morphological envelopes simulation: a software and the architect in the typological speculation. Proceedings of the 13th {Congress} of the {Iberoamerican} {Society} of {Digital} {Graphics}. Abstract
TIMMERS, J, Dagnino R.  2009.  Morro acima: Especulações sobre o território a partir do filme Além da linha vermelha.. Contribuições Geográficas. :p–303.: Ed. Geographica Abstract