Using regular grids for spatial distribution of census data for population and environment studies in Brazil.. Population Association of America Annual Meeting Program 2011. :4., Washington
AbstractThe spatial distribution of demographic variables is essential in Population and Environment studies, but the data of secondary sources – e.g. the Demographic Census – are not always provided on territorial units suitable to population distribution and landscape characteristics. In this work, we aggregate the micro-data from the Population Count 2007, of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in regular grids based on household coordinates. Unlike the use of mathematical models for the spatial distribution of data, this methodology is based on the real distribution of households over the territory and enables the aggregation of population data in more adequate areas for population and environment studies, without facing problems with statistical confidentiality breach. The results are closer to the ones found in the field, besides being comparable with old and new surveys conducted by IBGE.