Particle-in-cell simulations on spontaneous thermal magnetic field fluctuations,
Simões, F. J. R., Pavan J., Gaelzer R., Ziebell L. F., and Yoon P. H.
, Physics of Plasmas, October, Volume 20, Number 10, (2013)
In this paper an electromagnetic particle code is used to investigate the spontaneous thermal emission. Specifically we perform particle-in-cell simulations employing a non-relativistic isotropic Maxwellian particle distribution to show that thermal fluctuations are related to the origin of spontaneous magnetic field fluctuation. These thermal fluctuations can become seed for further amplification mechanisms and thus be considered at the origin of the cosmological magnetic field, at microgauss levels. Our numerical results are in accordance with theoretical results presented in the literature.
Solar Wind Strahl Broadening by Self-generated Plasma Waves,
Pavan, J., Viñas A. F., Yoon P. H., Ziebell L. F., and Gaelzer R.
, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, June, Volume 769, Number 2, p.L30, (2013)
This Letter reports on the results of numerical simulations which may provide a possible explanation for the strahl broadening during quiet solar conditions. The relevant processes involved in the broadening are due to kinetic quasi-linear wave-particle interaction. Making use of static analytical electron distribution in an inhomogeneous field, it is found that self-generated electrostatic waves at the plasma frequency, i.e., Langmuir waves, are capable of scattering the strahl component, resulting in energy and pitch-angle diffusion that broadens its velocity distribution significantly. The present theoretical results provide an alternative or complementary explanation to the usual whistler diffusion scenario, suggesting that self-induced electrostatic waves at the plasma frequency might play a key role in broadening the solar wind strahl during quiet solar conditions.
Solar Wind Electron Acceleration via Langmuir Turbulence,
Yoon, Peter H., Ziebell L. F., Gaelzer R., Wang Linghua, and Lin Robert P.
, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, April, Volume 24, Number 2, p.175–182, (2013)
The solar wind electrons observed at 1 AU are characterized by velocity distribution functions (VDF) that deviate from the Maxwellian form in a high energy regime. Such a feature is often modeled by a kappa distribution. In the present paper a self-consistent theory of quiet-time solar wind electrons that contain a power-law tail component, f ∝ v-α is discussed. These electrons are assumed to be in dynamic equilibrium with enhanced electrostatic fluctuations with peak frequency near the plasma frequency (i.e., the Langmuir turbulence). In order to verify the theoretical prediction, the solar wind electrons in the high-energy range known as the super-halo distribution detected by WIND and STEREO spacecraft are compared against the theoretical model where it was found that the theoretical power-law index is intermittent with regard to the observed range of indices, thus indicating that the turbulent equilibrium model of suprathermal solar wind electrons may be valid.