Electromagnetic weak turbulence theory revisited

Electromagnetic weak turbulence theory revisited, Yoon, P. H., Ziebell L. F., Gaelzer R., and Pavan J. , Physics of Plasmas, October, Volume 19, Number 10, p.102303, (2012)


The statistical mechanical reformulation of weak turbulence theory for unmagnetized plasmas including fully electromagnetic effects was carried out by Yoon [Phys. Plasmas 13, 022302 (2006)]. However, the wave kinetic equation for the transverse wave ignores the nonlinear three-wave interaction that involves two transverse waves and a Langmuir wave, the incoherent analogue of the so-called Raman scattering process, which may account for the third and higher-harmonic plasma emissions. The present paper extends the previous formalism by including such a term.


