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Kauer, B, Schutz J, Colussi PR, Oppermann RV, Haas AN, Rosing CK.  2016.  Self-reported Use of Dental Floss over 13 Years: Relationship with Family Income, Mother's Age and Educational Level. Oral Health Prev Dent. 14:33-9., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

PURPOSE: To determine whether family income, age and educational level of the mother of the family are associated with self-reported use of dental floss over a 13-year period in a city in southern Brazil. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comparison of two household surveys was carried out where mothers of the family were interviewed using a structured questionnaire in order to obtain demographic, behavioural and socioeconomic information. In total, 852 and 984 households were included in 1996 and 2009, respectively. Self-reported use of dental floss was assessed dichotomously (yes/no). Poisson regression models were fitted to study the association between sociodemographic variables with the use of dental floss. Proportion ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were reported. RESULTS: The proportion of dental floss use increased from 48% to 59% over 13 years. The probability of dental floss use increased 1.23 times from 1996 to 2009 (PR = 1.23; 95% CI 1.13-1.34). Households with mothers >/=50 years old presented a 28% lower probability of using dental floss than households with mothers

Bona, RL, Gomeñuka NA, dos Santos AB, Storniolo J, Da Silva PF, Tartaruga LAP.  2016.  Self-selected and optimal walking speed of transfemoral amputees: Ground vs. treadmill [Velocidade autosselecionada e ideal da caminhada de amputados transfemorais: Solo e esteira]. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. 22:336-339., Number 5 AbstractWebsite
Schmidt, A.  2016.  A solução de Geraldo Odon ao paradoxo do mentiroso. Universitas Philosophica. 33:303-319. AbstractWebsite

O presente artigo pretende inserir o teólogo franciscano Geraldo Odon (ca. 1290-1349) no debate historiográfico medieval acerca das diferentes solções oferecidas ao célebre paradoxo do mentiroso. Na primeira parte a autora apresenta rapidamente e de forma esquemática os principais tipos de solução ao sofisma para em seguida analisar o texto de Odon, respondendo à questão da sua originalidade.

Carvalho, A, Coimbra R, Thomas E, Andrade A, Peyre-Tartaruga L.  2016.  SPECIFIC CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN AND HIGHEST INCAPACITY LEVELS AFFECT THE MOOD STATE FOR WALKING: WIP16–0239. Pain Practice. 16 Abstract
Pantoja, PD, De Villarreal ES, Brisswalter J, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Morin J-B.  2016.  Sprint acceleration mechanics in masters athletes. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 48:2469–2476. Abstract
Pantoja, PD, Saez De Villarreal E, Brisswalter J, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Morin J-B.  2016.  Sprint Acceleration Mechanics in Masters Athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 48:2469-2474., Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Ernzen, JR, Bondan F, Luvison C, Henrique Wanke C, De Nardi Martins J, Fiorio R, Bianchi O.  2016.  Structure and properties relationship of melt reacted polyamide 6/malenized soybean oil. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 133, Number 8 AbstractWebsite
Techio, J.  2016.  Taking skepticism seriously: Stroud and Cavell. Sképsis. 7:100-125., Number 14 AbstractWebsite
Sartori, LD, Eckhard D.  2016.  Tratamento do fator de decaimento exponencial para o Modelo {Diebold-Li} no ajuste da {ETTJ} brasileira. Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional. , Gramado Abstract
VERDUM, ROBERTO, CARON DANIELE, Coelho L{\'ıcia C, Martins MC, Panitz LM, Pimentel M{\'ıcio, Puntel GA, Rangel ML, Schwerz JP, da Silva LAP, others.  2016.  Um mosaico de relações: o Pagus e as múltiplas leituras para o estudo da paisagem. Abordagens e práticas da pesquisa qualitativa em geografia e saberes sobre espaço e cultura. p. 211-228. Abstract
VERDUM, ROBERTO, CARON DANIELE, Coelho L{\'ıcia C, Martins MC, Panitz LM, Pimentel M{\'ıcio, Puntel GA, Rangel ML, Schwerz JP, da Silva LAP, others.  2016.  Um mosaico de relações: o Pagus e as múltiplas leituras para o estudo da paisagem. Abordagens e práticas da pesquisa qualitativa em geografia e saberes sobre espaço e cultura [recurso eletrônico]. Porto Alegre: IGeo/UFRGS, 2016. Cap. 11, p. 211-228. Abstract
Fischer, G, Gass R, de Figueiredo PAGS, Nunes E, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2016.  Validity of wheelchair fencing performance test in spinal cord injured athletes: preliminary results. International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (3.: 2016: Santos). Annals of congress.[Santos]:[ICSSPE], 2016.. Abstract
{Bona, RL{\'ısa, Gomeñuka NA, dos Santos AB, Storniolo J, da Silva PF, Tartaruga LAP.  2016.  Velocidade autosselecionada e ideal da caminhada de amputados transfemorais: solo e esteira. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. 22:336–339., Number 5: Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exerc{\'ıcio e do Esporte Abstract
Bianchi, O, Júnior HLO, Canto LB, Mauler RS, de Oliveira RVB.  2016.  Viscoelastic properties of PS–POSS hybrid materials prepared by reactive processing. Polymer Testing. 54:159-167. AbstractWebsite
Dagnino, R, D'ANTONA Á.  2016.  Visualização de dados espaciais em estudos de migração. VII Congresso da Associação Latino-americana de População e XX Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais. Abstract
Sampaio dos Santos, G, Machado MVT.  2016.  {Exclusive photoproduction of light vector meson in coherent collisions at the LHC energies}. J. Phys. Conf. Ser.. 706:052017., Number 5 Abstract
Vargas, JC, Larranaga Uriarte AM, Cybis HBB.  2016.  {EXPLORANDO} {AS} {VIAGENS} {A} {PÉ}: {ESTRUTURA} {URBANA} {E} {SENSAÇÃO} {DE} {SEGURANÇA}. Anais do {XXX} {ANPET}. Abstract
{Do Nascimento Ritter}, M, {De Francesco} CG, Erthal F, Hassan GS, Tietze E, Martínez SA.  2016.  {Manifesto of the South American school of (actualistic) taphonomy}. Palaios. 31, Number 2 Abstract
do Ritter, MN, Francischini H, Kuhn LA, Da Luz NC, Michels FH, de Morais ALM, Paim PAV, Xavier PLA, de Francesco CG.  2016.  {Operator and replicability bias in comparative taphonomic studies}. : PANGAEA Abstract

The operator effect is a well-known analytical bias already quantified in some taphonomic studies. However, the influence of operator bias in the replicability on taphonomic studies has still not been considered. Here, we quantified for the first time this bias using different multivariate statistical techniques, testing if the operator effect is related to the replicability. We analyzed the results reported by 15 operators working on the same dataset. Each operator analyzed 30 bioclasts (bivalve shells) by site, from a total of five sites, considering the following taphonomic attributes: shell fragmentation, edge rounding, corrasion, bioerosion, and color alteration. The operator effect followed the same pattern reported in previous studies, characterized by a worse correspondence for those attributes having more than two levels of damage categories. However, the effect did not appear to have relation to replicability, because nearly all operators found differences among sites. The binary attribute bioerosion exhibited 83{%} of correspondence among operators, but at the same time, it was the taphonomic attribute that showed the highest dispersion among operators (28{%}). Therefore, we concluded that binary attributes, despite indicating a reduction of the operator effect diminishes replicability, result in different interpretations of concordant data. We found that a variance value of nearly 8{%} among operators was enough to generate a different taphonomic interpretation, in a Q-mode cluster analysis. The results reported here showed that the statistical method employed influences the level of replicability and comparability of a study and that the availability of results may be a valid alternative to reduce bias.

Machado, MVT.  2016.  {Phenomenology of hard diffraction at high energies}. {New Trends in High-Energy Physics and QCD}. :62–86., 2016 Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Kopp F, Machado MVT, Martins S.  2016.  {Photoproduction of Upsilon states in ultraperipheral collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider within the color dipole approach}. Phys. Rev. D. 94:094023., Number 9 Abstract
da Silva, RP, Eckhard D, Müller I, Winter JM, Pereira CE, Netto JC.  2016.  {PI}-based Transmission Power Control for {WirelessHART} Field Devices. 4th {IFAC} Symposium on Telematics Applications. :343–348., Porto Alegre: IFAC Abstract

Wireless networks are gaining space in industrial environments due to the low installation costs and low maintenance. Robustness is also one of the main requirements for these systems to be adopted, and, in this context, WirelessHART (WH), ISA SP100.11a, and WIA-PA protocols met these characteristics. In order to provide low maintenance, these protocols must provide reliable radio links while keeping low power consumption to allow battery powered devices. Unfortunately, the standards of these protocols do not impose any RF power modulation technique, which is a form to increase even more the battery endurance of a wireless field device. Instead, RF power levels are fixed and selected by commissioning, and must allow the longest link per device. In this case, devices in closer ranges waste energy during transmissions, as they could save energy by modulating the RF power. This paper presents a RF power modulation technique that employs a proportional-integral controller and allows reduction of energy consumption while keeping the robustness of RF links. A proof of concept of the power modulation technique is implemented and verified showing good results and proving that the proposed controller is feasible. The proposal has the advantage to be fully compatible with the standard.

Ducati, MBG, Griep MT, Machado MVT.  2016.  {Quarkonium photoproduction in $pp$ and $AA$ collisions at the LHC}. EPJ Web Conf.. 112(Marquet, C., Pire, B., Sabatie, F., Eds.).:02005. Abstract
Gay Ducati, MB, Kopp F, Machado M, Martins S.  2016.  {Tranverse Momentum Distribution in Quarkonium Photoproduction in pp and AA Collisions at the LHC}. PoS. ICHEP2016:363. Abstract