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Cepik, M, CANABARRO D, BORNE T.  2015.  Cyberwar: Clausewitzian Encounters. Space & Defense - USAF Academy. 08(01):19-33.CEPIK, CANABARRO & BORNE - 2015 - Cyberwar.pdf
FONSECA, P.  2015.  De onde tirar R$30,5 bilhões? Zero Hora. 10/09set-10-2015.pdf
SALVATORI, E.  2015.  Descobrindo a História da Arquitetura: o Estilo Art-Nouveau. LUME Repositório Digital. Website
de D’Antona, ÁO, de Dagnino RS, do Bueno MCD.  2015.  Distribuição da população e cobertura da terra: o lugar das Áreas Protegidas no Pará, Brasil em 2010. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 32(3):563-585. AbstractScielo

The objective of this study is to analyze population distribution in the state of Pará in Brazil using data from the2010 Population Census in association with the land use and land cover data from TerraClass arranged in a statistical grid. The role of 113 Protected Areas (including 46 Indigenous Lands, 51 Sustainable Use Conservation Units and 16 Integral Protection Conservation Units) is analyzed from the standpoint of their demographic rural-urban gradients and in terms of their land use cover. Information on the use and cover of land in Protected Areas along with census data were incorporated into a statistical grid using GIS. The spatial relationship of information layers in the cells indicates that the state's population is highly concentrated in a few areas, a pattern that is reproduced to some extent in the Protected Areas (Gini coefficient for the distribution of households is higher than 0.9). The area of the Protected areas is less populated and retains a greater extension of forested areas, by comparison to the state. Despite having extensive segments devoid of occupied households and the largest expanse of forest coverage (57%) in the state, Protected Areas also have urban areas associated with other uses and land cover change. The results indicate that population dynamics and changes in the uses and covering of land are related in a broader manner, thereby suggesting the need for reflection on urbanization and changes in land use and land cover change within a more integrated approach.

Pedraza, LK, Sierra RO, Boos FZ, Haubrich J, Quillfeldt JA, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2015.  The dynamic nature of systems consolidation: stress during learning as a switch guiding the rate of the hippocampal dependency and memory quality. Hippocampus. ( 26):na.
Manfroi, WC, Machado CLB, Ramos M, Blank D.  2015.  Educação e saúde: Um caminho em construção. , Porto Alegre, RS: wwlivrosmanfroi_educacao_e_saude_2015.pdfAcesso online
BRUNHARA, R.  2015.  Enárgeia e elegia grega arcaica. Letras Clássicas. 19(2):43-54. Abstractenargeia_e_elegia.pdf

Este texto apresenta dois objetivos: primeiro, visa demonstrar como a noção de Enárgeia, fundada e elaborada na tradição retórica grega do séc. V, está presente na poesia grega desde os poemas homéricos. Em seguida, visa compreendê-la no âmbito da elegia grega arcaica simposial, sobretudo na produção do poeta espartano Tirteu.

Mendonça, JT, Gammal A, Haas F.  2015.  Equilibrium and oscillations in a turbulent Bose-Einstein condensate. J. Phys. B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 48(6):065302.
FONSECA, P.  2015.  Façanhas para não servir de modelo. Zero Hora. 21/05mai-21-2015.pdf
Blank, D.  2015.  Formação acadêmica e concepções de acidente e injúria em falantes do português. Educação e saúde: Um caminho em construcão. , Porto Alegre: wwlivrosblank_formacao_academica.._educsaude._2015.pdf
FONSECA, P.  2015.  Futebol: A viúva paga calada. Zero Hora. 07/05mai-07-2015.pdf
Horst, D.  2015.  Gute Gründe. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der realistischen Auffassung von Handlungsgründen. Lebensform und Praxisform. , Paderborn: Mentis
Quillfeldt, JA, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2015.  The Hippocampal Endocannabinoid System in Different Memory Phases: Unveiling the CA1 Circuitry. The Hippocampal Endocannabinoid System in Different Memory Phases: Unveiling the CA1 Circuitry. Cannabinoid Modulation of Emotion, Memory, and Motivation. , New York: Springer
FONSECA, P.  2015.  Impostos à vista. Zero Hora. 18/06jun-18-2015.pdf
Metz, FL, Stariolo DA.  2015.  Index statistical properties of sparse random graphs. Physical Review E. 92:042153.
FONSECA, P.  2015.  Inflação corretiva e com notas de ironia. Zero Hora. 12/02fev-12-2015.pdf