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Susin, C, Wagner MC, Haas AN, Oppermann RV, Albandar JM.  2015.  The association between alcohol consumption and periodontitis in southern Brazilian adults, Oct. J Periodontal Res. 50:622-8., Number 5 AbstractWebsite

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: An association between alcohol consumption and periodontitis has been suggested in the literature, but the evidence is still unclear. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between alcohol consumption and periodontitis in a probability sample of adults from south Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This analysis included 1115 subjects aged 18-65 years derived from a representative sample from south Brazil. Data were collected from participants from clinical examination and structured interviews. Alcohol consumption was assessed by asking participants about the usual number of drinks consumed in a week. Four categories of alcohol consumption were defined: non-drinker, 1 glass/wk, 1 glass/d. Individuals with >/= 30% teeth with periodontal attachment loss >/= 5 mm were classified as having periodontitis. Logistic models adjusting for age, race, socioeconomic status, dental care, body mass index, self-reported diabetes and smoking were used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (95% CI). RESULTS: After adjusting for co-factors, females who reported drinking > 1 glass/d were more likely to have periodontitis (OR = 3.8, 95% CI = 1.4-10.1), whereas females who reported drinking up to 1 glass/d were 50% less likely to have periodontitis (OR = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.3-0.8). No significant associations between overall alcohol intake and periodontitis were observed for males. In an exploratory analysis, wine consumption was associated with a lower likelihood of periodontitis among males (OR = 0.2, 95% CI = 0.1-0.5) but not females. CONCLUSION: The periodontal health of males and females appears to be affected differently by alcohol consumption. Moderate wine consumption may have a beneficial effect in males.

Franzon, R, Opdam NJ, Guimaraes LF, Demarco FF, Casagrande L, Haas AN, Araujo FB.  2015.  Randomized controlled clinical trial of the 24-months survival of composite resin restorations after one-step incomplete and complete excavation on primary teeth, Oct. J Dent. 43:1235-41., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

OBJECTIVE: This randomized clinical trial aimed to compare the 24-months survival of composite restorations in primary molars after partial caries removal (PCR) and total caries removal (TCR). METHODS: Forty-eight children aged 3-8 years with at least one molar with a deep carious lesion were included (PCR; n=66; TCR; n=54). For PCR, excavation was stopped when dentine with a leathery consistency was achieved; in the TCR group, total absence of carious tissue was confirmed using a blunt-tipped probe. Pulpotomy was performed in cases of pulp exposure. Success was assessed by modified USPHS criteria with Alpha and Bravo scores recorded as success. RESULTS: Pulp exposure occurred in 1 and 15 of the teeth treated with PCR and TCR respectively (p<0.01). The restorations survival rate after 24 months was 66% (PCR) and 86% (TCR) (p=0.03). When teeth that received pulpotomy were analyzed separately, the survival rate was 92% (p=0.09). PCR performed in occlusoproximal restorations demonstrated the lowest success rate (p=0.002). PCR increases 2.90 times the probability of having a restorative failure compared to TCR (p=0.03), after adjusting for cavity type. When pulp exposure and restoration failure were considered as the outcome, there was no significant difference between the two groups (p=0.10) with success rates of 64% (PCR) and 61% (TCR). CONCLUSION: Collectively, deciduous teeth submitted to PCR prevented pulp exposure and, consequently, more invasive treatments; otherwise, PCR yielded lower longevity for composite restoration compared to TCR, suggesting that PCR restorations need to be followed over time, especially when multi-surface restorations are involved. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Composite restorations on carious remaining tissue require monitoring over time, especially those performed in more than one surface. Even if the restorations present shortcomings over the time, the majority of them are subject to repair, allowing more conservative approaches for teeth with deep caries lesions.

dos Anjos, JCS, Assun MD, Bez J, Geyer C, de Freitas EP, Carissimi A, Costa JPCL, Fedak G, Freitag F, Markl V, Fergus P, Pereira R.  2015.  SMART: An Application Framework for Real Time Big Data Analysis on Heterogeneous Cloud Environments, Oct. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing. :199-206. Abstract
Visi, F, Coorevits E, Schramm R, Miranda ER.  2015.  Instrumental Movements of Neophytes - Analysis of Movement Periodicities, Commonalities and Individualities in Mimed Violin Performance, June. In Proceedings of 11th international symposium on computer music multidisciplinary research (CMMR). :518-533., Plymouth, UK Abstract
Schramm, R, de Nunes HS, de Nunes LA, Visi F, Miranda ER.  2015.  One Micro Song, Three Ends: an approach for musical composition and an interactive decision machine based on expressive live performance, June. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on CMMR. :190-197., Plymouth, UK Abstract
Saffi, MA, Furtado MV, Polanczyk CA, Montenegro MM, Ribeiro IW, Kampits C, Haas AN, Rosing CK, Rabelo-Silva ER.  2015.  Relationship between vascular endothelium and periodontal disease in atherosclerotic lesions: Review article, Jan 26. World J Cardiol. 7:26-30., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

Inflammation and endothelial dysfunction are linked to the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic disease. Recent studies suggest that periodontal infection and the ensuing increase in the levels of inflammatory markers may be associated with myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease. The present article aimed at reviewing contemporary data on the pathophysiology of vascular endothelium and its association with periodontitis in the scenario of cardiovascular disease.

Schramm, R, Rosito Jung C, Reck Miranda E.  2015.  Dynamic Time Warping for Music Conducting Gestures Evaluation, Feb. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 17:243-255., Number 2 Abstract
Oppermann, RV, Haas AN, Rosing CK, Susin C.  2015.  Epidemiology of periodontal diseases in adults from Latin America, Feb. Periodontol 2000. 67:13-33., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

A decade has passed since we first reviewed the epidemiology of periodontal diseases in Latin America. At that time, lack of population-based studies was the norm and our conclusions were based on very limited evidence. The aim of the present comprehensive review was to update and expand our previous work by providing a broad overview of Latin America and its current social, economic and demographic status and by focusing on the epidemiology of periodontal diseases in Latin American adults published in the last 15 years. The amount of periodontal epidemiological data available has increased but is still restricted to a few countries only. The scope of the literature available has also broadened to include oral health-related quality of life and systemic interactions; however, most studies had methodological limitations that might have biased their results. In general, periodontitis was very prevalent, but severe periodontal destruction was localized. Besides being associated with well-established risk factors, periodontitis was associated with demographics and socio-economic factors in Latin American populations. To advance epidemiological knowledge, population-based cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, using appropriate methodologies, should be the future focus of the research agenda of researchers and public health planners in Latin American countries.

da Cunha, RD, Tres A, Barichello LB.  2015.  A Study on the Parallel, Iterative Solution of Systems of Linear Equations Appearing on Analytical Nodal Schemes for Two-Dimensional Cartesian Geometry Discrete Ordinates Problems, April 19-23. International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method, Nashville, Tennessee. Abstract
Haas, AN, Gaio EJ, Wagner MC, Rios FS, Costa Rdos S, Rosing CK, Oppermann RV, Albandar J, Susin C.  2015.  A population-based cohort study of oral health in South Brazil: The Porto Alegre Study, Apr-Jun. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 18:515-9., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

Few population-based cohort studies have been established in Dentistry and this is especially true for Latin America. We conducted a population-based prospective study focusing on oral health in Porto Alegre, south Brazil, and herein we describe its methodology and discuss directions for further research. The cohort was established in 2001 using a multistage probability sample of 1,465 toothed and 121 edentulous subjects. A 5-year follow-up was performed in 2006 that included 755 individuals. The main aim of this study was to determine the pattern and risk factors for periodontal disease progression and tooth loss incidence. A full-mouth protocol was used including periodontal assessments at six sites per tooth. Primary outcomes were periodontal attachment loss and tooth loss. Oral mucosal lesions, dental plaque, gingivitis, supragingival calculus, probing depths, gingival recession, and dental caries were also assessed. This is the first population-based cohort study to focus on periodontal disease in Latin America. Findings will contribute to our understanding of the epidemiology of periodontal disease and provide valuable data for the planning and implementation of preventive and therapeutic strategies.

Schramm, R, de Nunes HS, Jung CR.  2015.  Automatic Solfège Assessment, 27 October. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. , Málaga75_paper.pdf
Brendler, CF, da Silva FP, Teixeira FG.  2015.  Avaliação de modelos obtidos por diferentes sistemas de digitalização 3d para produtos personalizados, 2016. DAPesquisa. 10:68-86. AbstractFull text

The purpose is to evaluate models obtained by different 3D scanning systems, and that the geometric variations can generate implications for anthropometric measurements for custom product design. For comparison and analysis, the right leg of a subject was scanned by white light 3D scanner (Artec Eva) and the infrared scanner (Microsoft Kinect). 3D models obtained by the scanners were compared using the Geomagic Qualify software. Also, by CNC machining of visual comparisons were performed analysis, for pressure mapping and thermography. The results were satisfactory both for the use of Kinect scanner and for Artec Eve. However, there was a dimensional difference of about 7 mm between the 3D models, which shows higher accuracy measures the models obtained by Eve Artec scanner. However, does not invalidate the use of Kinect for developing custom product designs. What will determine the most suitable for each type 3D scanner product is the degree of accuracy necessary for the product to perform its function with greater comfort and efficiency.

Viaro, FS, Teixeira FG, da Silva RP, Sapper SL.  2015.  Da ideia ao conceito de produto: o uso de técnicas criativas combinadas para auxiliar no processo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos de design, 2015. Estudos em Design (Online). 23:49-60. AbstractFull Text

A criatividade é um fator essencial para a competitividade dos produtos e o sucesso das empresas. Existe uma série de técnicas criativas que podem ser utilizadas por equipes de projeto de produto. Porém, ocorrem dificuldades na aplicação sistemática dessas técnicas no momento de gerar as concepções de projeto. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir o uso de técnicas criativas para a geração de ideias de produtos durante o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos (PDP). Foi realizado um estudo experimental por meio do desenvolvimento de um produto que auxilie no transporte de crianças. O desenvolvimento do produto foi realizado até a etapa de projeto conceitual. Para isso, foi utilizado o jogo Creative Sketch na geração de ideias, assim como, técnicas de avaliação e seleção de concepções de projeto para eleger as concepções mais adequadas aos requisitos de projeto. A utilização do jogo possibilitou a geração de 72 ideias em um curto período de tempo. Além do jogo, utilizaram-se o método da síntese funcional e a técnica da matriz morfológica para a geração de alternativas, assim como o método de Pugh para a seleção das melhores alternativas. Como resultado desse processo obtiveram-se duas concepções de produto que atenderam aos requisitos de projeto estabelecidos. Palavras-chave: Criatividade, Técnicas para a geração de ideias, PDP, Jogo, Seleção de concepções.

Teixeira, FG, Thormann P, da Silva RP, da Silva TLK.  2015.  "Design gráfico" e a worldskills competition: verticalização do ensino e o mercado de trabalho, 2015. Competência - Revista da Educação Superior do Senac-RS. 8:75-90. AbstractFull Text

This article investigates the systematization of technical education in “graphic design”, issues related to curriculum and to structuring guidelines of technical courses at secondary level, and also its technological area. It also explains the use of specific nomenclature in each mode of education, the relations of the verticalization of technical education at secondary level, according to the Ministry of Education and considerations related to professional occupations listed in the Brazilian Classification of Occupations of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The article also explores the national and international scientific competitions, associated with professional education at secondary level often entitled Knowledge Olympics or Professional Training Tournaments. The information presented uses the National Catalogue of Technical Courses proposed in 2008, the Brazilian Classification of Occupations, the Knowledge Olympics guidelines developed and organized by the National Service of Industrial Education, and the rules and guidelines of the International Tournament of Professional Training - WorldSkills Competition- as a checking basis. In addition, the study aims to reflect on a contribution to the labor market and also to the technological, scientific and cultural development of the society through the verticalization of technical education supported by scientific competitions in the graphic design field.

Brendler, CF, Teixeira FG, W., KINDLEIN Jr., Pohlmann M, Rossi WS.  2015.  Drawing, virtual modeling and 3d print in the production of didactic models for the teaching - learning of visually impaired students: case study of nanostructured systems, 2015. International Journal of Education and Research. 03:453-466. AbstractFull Text

The present study focused on the inclusion of visually impaired individuals in regular and special
need education based on the proposal of educational resources to be applied in different
disciplines. This study case involved the development of models of nanostructured systems. The
production of these models included image design and stylization, 3D virtual modeling and 3D
print. The representation techniques used in this study generated a didactic kit for the teaching of
nanostructured systems. The proposed models can be used for both sighted and visually impaired
students, whether blind or with low vision.

Bruno, FB, Raguze T, Sá AVV.  2015.  Embalagem de frutas mustache box fabricação digital e modelagem paramétrica aplicadas ao design de produto, 2015. 15º ERGODESIGN. :1626-1637., Recife: Editora Edgard Blücher Abstract

Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um produto baseado nos conceitos de modelagem paramétrica e fabricação digital. Tais conceitos trazem consigo a possibilidade de otimizar os recursos investidos no processo de design, aumentando a produtividade, além de agilizar as fases de prototipagem e de ajuste do projeto. A partir de um problema proposto: diminuir as grandes perdas causadas pelo desperdício de alimentos na fase de pós-produção, o produto desenvolvido ao longo desta pesquisa é uma embalagem para o transporte de frutas. Para a geração de ideias foi utilizado o jogo Creative Sketch, desenvolvido por Cardozo (2012), e a modelagem paramétrica, realizada no software Rhinoceros 3D com o plugin Grasshopper.

Teixeira, FG, da Silva RP, da Silva TLK, Bruno FB.  2015.  Experiências Inovadoras em Ensino e Pesquisa da Geometria Descritiva, 2015. Geometrias & Graphica 2015. 1:465-475., Lisboa: APROGED - Associação dos Professores de Desenho e Geometria Descritiva Abstract

This paper presents the main contributions of the research group Virtual Design (ViD) on the learning process of Descriptive Geometry (DG), in line with the principles of project-based learning. First, the paper presents the theoretical framework for the main ViD initiatives applied to the learning of DG, including design-based learning and physical and virtual modelling. The initiatives presented include a learning cycle based on concrete and virtual experiences in the design context. These initiatives, that feed the learning of DG, are the result of the academic research of the Virtual Design research group, that also involves Masters and PhD projects, with repercussions on the development of new methods, new technologies and new products and the quality of education.

Teixeira, FG, da Silva RP, da Silva TLK, Bruno FB.  2015.  Experiências Inovadoras em Ensino e Pesquisa da Geometria Descritiva, 2015. Revista Brasileira de Expressão Gráfica. 3:80-92. AbstractWebsite


Bruno, FB, Teixeira FG, da Silva RP, da Silva TLK.  2015.  Experiências inovadoras em ensino e pesquisa da geometria descritiva, 2015. Revista Brasileira de Expressão Gráfica. 3:80-92. AbstractFull Text

This paper presents the main contributions of the research group Virtual Design (ViD) to the learning process of Descriptive Geometry (DG) in line with the principles of design-based learning. First, the paper presents the theoretical framework that bases the main ViD initiatives applied to the learning of DG, including design-based learning and physical and virtual modelling. The initiatives presented include a learning cycle based on concrete and virtual experiences in the design context. These initiatives that feed the learning of DG are the result of academic research of the Virtual Design research group, also involving Masters and PhD projects, with repercussions on the development of new methods, new technologies and new products, and the quality of education.


This paper presents the main contributions of the research group Virtual Design (ViD) to the learning process of Descriptive Geometry (DG) in line with the principles of project-based learning. First, the paper presents the theoretical framework that bases the main ViD initiatives applied to the learning of DG, including design-based learning and physical and virtual modelling. The initiatives presented include a learning cycle based on concrete and virtual experiences in the design context. These initiatives that feed the learning of DG are the result of academic research of the Virtual Design research group, also involving Masters and PhD projects, with repercussions on the development of new methods, new technologies and new products, and the quality of education.


This article presents the HyperCAL3D applications in Descriptive Geometry education (DG). First, the main features of this application are briefly presented, relating to the conceptual, methodological and technological base used in its development, including the vector modelling of the DG operations and the context of project-based learning. In the second part, the HyperCAL3D is used to perform various applications in typical problems of DG in its educational context, such as auxiliary views; determination of true length of straight, normal view of planes and angles between planes; obtaining axonometric views; obtaining main views. All these applications demonstrate the great potential of HyperCAL3D use as a teaching tool for DG.

da Silva, FM, Teixeira FG, Ferrão L, Maldonado PJ.  2015.  INSPAEDIA USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN (UXD), 2015. 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and ErgonomicsProceedings of.... 1:-., Las Vegas Abstract

The Inspaedia moto is to inspire a collaborative intelligence network on innovation and design processes. This paper is focused on Inspaedia user centered design features. We will describe how users can access the web platform, add, explore, relate, and share the Inspaedia contents. It will be a unique, memorable and inspiring collaborative knowledge experience that will facilitate several creative activities. Inspaedia is the natural consequence and development of the prototype resulting from the research in Design PhD thesis entitled " Innovation, design et cetera ". Therefore, the new platform is being developed under the post-doctoral Design in FA/UL – Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (Portugal); Science Without Borders Program with a Special Visiting Researcher fellowship from CAPES (Brazil) at the PGDesign UFRGS – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; CITAD – Research Centre for Territory, Architecture and Design of Lusíada Universities (Portugal); FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). The aim of this paper is to disclose the new research developments and the results from the systematization of experience and user's interaction on the Inspaedia platform. We want to share and discuss the interim results achieved so far with the participants of the 6th AHFE through a visual based presentation of the Inspaedia. We will choose the best outputs to be included in the next phases of the Inspaedia research project.

Spinelli, PT.  2015.  A OBJETIVIDADE NA BUSCA PELO BEM SUPREMO: UMA CARACTERÍSTICA DO BOM ALUNO DA ÉTICA NICOMAQUEIA, 2015. Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia. 19(2):195-220. AbstractWebsite
Cattani, A, Teixeira FG, de Jacques JJ, Ferreira MLD, Costa TN.  2015.  Redução de resíduos têxteis por meio de projeto de produto de moda, 2015. Revista Design & Tecnologia. 6:38-44. AbstractFull Text

O presente artigo traz reflexões sobre como o projeto de moda pode ser pensado com o viés da sustentabilidade ambiental, contemplando alguns conceitos e ações do setor têxtil e de confecção. Foi realizada uma simulação de produção de um modelo de blusa feminina levando em consideração os conceitos de redução de resíduo na fonte por meio de modificações simples no produto. Desta forma, foram elaborados os desenhos, modelagens, encaixes e cálculos de tecidos e mão de obra para que fossem comparados os custos de produção e de geração de resíduos têxteis em cada um dos modelos. Os resultados mostram que as modificações reduziram consideravelmente a quantidade de resíduos na etapa de corte de tecidos, embora tenham acarretado no aumento dos custos com mão de obra.

Brendler, CF, Teixeira FG, W., KINDLEIN Jr., Pohlmann M, Rossi WS.  2015.  Transdisciplinaridade e integração de conteúdos da geometria descritiva, desenho técnico e modelagem na representação de micropartículas cristalinas, 2015. Educação Gráfica (Online). 19:01-20. AbstractFull Text

Education systems are undergoing transformations in order to adapt their curriculum to develop skills that are required of professional from courses that have design disciplines. Also increasingly evident is the need for a transdisciplinary teaching that involves collaboration among different disciplines of the same science. In this context, this article focuses, by the case study of synthetic diamond particles, on the integration among Descriptive Geometry, Technical Drawing, Materials and Processes disciplines with the aid of CAD systems. Through this integration and a transdisciplinary teaching, it is possible to correlate the knowledge that involves three-dimensional modeling, the projection of objects and analysis of the geometric shape. The generated models represent an innovative feature for the process of teaching and learning in the disciplines that involve the design as it provides an effective contact between the student and the object of study through, the manufacturing experience and the concrete three-dimensional experience.