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Rodrigues, R, Muniz AR, Marcilio NR.  2016.  Evaluation of biomass and coal co-gasification of brazilian feedstock using a chemical equilibrium model. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. (33):401-414.
Ferreira, AP, Bernardi JR, Ferreira CF, Pereira AB, dos Santos DA, Ferreira PK, dos Santos KF, Bosa VL, Pereira LW, da Silva CH, Wainer M, Goldani MZ.  2016.  Fatores associados ao número de consultas pré-natais de mulheres tabagistas e não tabagistas atendidas em hospitais de Porto Alegre. Saúde em Redes. 2(2):167-178.
Blank, D.  2016.  Febre. Pediatria baseada em evidências. , Barueri: Manoleblank_febre_pediatria_baseada_em_evidencias_2016.pdf
Sachser, RM, Santana F, Crestani AP, Lunardi P, Pedraza L, Quillfeldt JA, Hardt O, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2016.  Forgetting of long-term memory requires activation of NMDA receptors, L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, and calcineurin.. Scientific Reports. (6):22771.proof_sachser_2016.pdf
Gaelzer, R, Ziebell LF, Menses AR.  2016.  The general dielectric tensor for bi-kappa magnetized plasmas. Physics of Plasmas. 23(062108) Abstractgaelzer16a_am.pdfWebsite

In this paper, we derive the dielectric tensor for a plasma containing particles described by an
anisotropic superthermal (bi-kappa) velocity distribution function. The tensor components are
written in terms of the two-variables kappa plasma special functions, recently defined by Gaelzer
and Ziebell [Phys. Plasmas 23, 022110 (2016)]. We also obtain various new mathematical properties for these functions, which are useful for the analytical treatment, numerical implementation,
and evaluation of the functions and, consequently, of the dielectric tensor. The formalism developed
here and in the previous paper provides a mathematical framework for the study of electromagnetic
waves propagating at arbitrary angles and polarizations in a superthermal plasma.

Hurst, J, Lévêque-Simon K, Hervieux P-A, Manfredi G, Haas F.  2016.  High-harmonic generation in a quantum electron gas trapped in a nonparabolic and anisotropic well. Phys. Rev. B. 93(10):205402.
Montanari, T.  2016.  Histologia: texto, atlas e roteiro de aulas práticas. 3.ed.. , Porto Alegre: Ed. da autoralivrodehisto2016.pdf
DAGNINO, R, CARPI JUNIOR S.  2016.  História e desafios do Mapeamento Ambiental Participativo no estado de São Paulo. Estudos ambientais aplicados em bacias hidrográficas. , Tupã: ANAP2016_cap_livro_dagnino_carpi_mapsp.pdf
Horta, E, Ziegelmann FA.  2016.  Identifying the spectral representation of Hilbertian time series. Statistics & Probability Letters. 118:45-49.
Horta, E, Ziegelmann F.  2016.  Identifying the spectral representation of Hilbertian time series. Statistics & Probability Letters. 118(November 2016):45-49. Abstract

We provide √n-consistency results regarding estimation of the spectral representation of covariance operators of Hilbertian time series, in a setting with imperfect measurements. This is a generalization of the method developed in Bathia et al. (2010). The generalization relies on an important property of centered random elements in a separable Hilbert space, namely, that they lie almost surely in the closed linear span of the associated covariance operator. We provide a straightforward proof to this fact. This result is, to our knowledge, overlooked in the literature. It incidentally gives a rigorous formulation of Principal Component Analysis in Hilbert spaces.

FONSECA, P, SALOMÃO I.  2016.  Industrialização brasileira: notas sobre o debate historiográfico. Estudios sobre la industria en América Latina. , Carapachay, Argentina: Lenguaje Claro Editorafonseca_pedro_c._d._e_salomao_ivan._industrializacao_brasileira_-_notas_sobre_o_debate_historiografico_livro.pdf
FONSECA, P.  2016.  Inflação em queda. Zero Hora. 24/03
Fragoso, S, dos Reis BM.  2016.  Ingress Survey - CATaC 2016. aguardando.pdf
Santana, F, Sierra RO, Haubrich J, Crestani AP, Duran J, Cassini L, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2016.  Involvement of the infralimbic cortex and CA1 hippocampal area in reconsolidation of a contextual fear memory through CB1 receptors: Effects of CP55,940. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. (127):42-47.
dos Santos, MS, Ziebell LF, Gaelzer R.  2016.  Ion firehose instability in a dusty plasma considering product-bi-kappa distributions for the plasma particles. Physics of Plasmas. 23(013705) AbstractWebsite

We study the dispersion relation for low frequency waves in the whistler mode propagating along
the ambient magnetic field, considering ions and electrons with product-bi-kappa (PBK) velocity
distributions and taking into account the presence of a population of dust particles. The results
obtained by numerical analysis of the dispersion relation show that the decrease in the j indexes in
the ion PBK distribution contributes to the increase in magnitude of the growth rates of the ion
firehose instability and the size of the region in wave number space where the instability occurs. It
is also shown that the decrease in the j indexes in the electron PBK distribution contribute to
decrease in the growth rates of instability, despite the fact that the instability occurs due to the
anisotropy in the ion distribution function. For most of the interval of j values which has been
investigated, the ability of the non-thermal ions to increase the instability overcomes the tendency
of decrease due to the non-thermal electron distribution, but for very small values of the kappa
indexes the deleterious effect of the non-thermal electrons tends to overcome the effect due to the
non-thermal ion distribution.

McKerr, M, Haas F, Kourakis I.  2016.  Ion-acoustic envelope modes in a degenerate relativistic electron-ion plasma. Phys. Plasmas. 23(5):051120.
Metz, FL, Castillo PI.  2016.  Large Deviation Function for the Number of Eigenvalues of Sparse Random Graphs Inside an Interval. Physical Review Letters. 117:104101.
Konzen, E, Ziegelmann FA.  2016.  LASSO-Type Penalties for Covariate Selection and Forecasting in Time Series. Journal of Forecasting. 35:592-612.
FONSECA, P.  2016.  Liberalismo em crise. Zero Hora. 30/06
FONSECA, P.  2016.  Liberalismo em crise. Zero Hora. 30/06