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Ladeia, CA, Fernandes JCL, Bodmann BEJ, Vilhena MT.  2017.  On the Radiative Conductive Transfer Equation: A Heuristic Convergence Criterion by Stability Analysis. Integral Methods in Science and Engineering. 1 Abstract
Pazinatto, CB, Barichello LB.  2017.  On the use of Analytical Techniques for Source Reconstruction Problems. International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, April 16–20, Jeju, Korea\!\!. Abstract
JOHANSEN, I, Dagnino R, CARMO R, ARILHA M, YAZAKI L.  2017.  Potential expansion of Zika virus in Brazil: analysis from migratory networks. XXVIII IUSSP International Population Conference. Abstract
Allem, LE, Hoppen C.  2017.  A pre-test for factoring bivariate polynomials with coefficients in F2. Information Processing Letters. 121:22–28.: Elsevier Abstract
Paradinha, MM, Gonzalez Dias FT, Wanke CH, de Lima Novello JC, Tondo EC, De Nardi Martins J, Bianchi O.  2017.  Preparation and characterization of the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer partially hydrolyzed assisted by microwave radiation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 134, Number 10 AbstractWebsite
Altmann, S.  2017.  Propósito e estrutura do Quarto Paralogismo. Analytica. Revista de filosofia. 21:85-121., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Coertjens, P, Coertjens M, de Oliveira HG, Knorst MM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2017.  Relationship between stair climbing test and locomotor parameters after pulmonary rehabilitation. : European Respiratory Society Abstract
Allem, LE, Capaverde J, Trevisan V, Gutman I, Zogić E, Glogić E.  2017.  Resolvent energy of unicyclic, bicyclic and tricyclic graphs. MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 77:95–104. Abstract
Picoloto, C  B, Rodrigues P, da Cunha R  D, Barichello L  B.  2017.  Sistemas derivados de esquemas nodais em problemas bidimensionais de transporte de partículas: uma análise espectral. Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics. 3(1):010176:1–7.: SBMAC Abstract
Ritter, MDN, Erthal F, Kosnik M, Coimbra JC, Kaufman DS.  2017.  Spatial variation in the temporal resolution of subtropical shallow-water molluscan death assemblages. Palaios. 32:572-583., Number 9: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology AbstractWebsite

Fossil assemblages are expected to be time-averaged as a result of biological and physical processes that mix skeletal remains. Our quantitative understanding of time-averaging derives primarily from actualistic studies, in which direct numerical dating of individual specimens is used to assess the scale and structure of age mixing in death assemblages (incipient fossil assemblages). Here we examine the age, and the time-averaging of Mactra shells (Bivalvia: Mollusca) gathered from surface mixed siliciclastic-bioclastic sands at three sites on a passive-margin subtropical shelf (the Southern Brazilian Shelf; ∼ 33°S). Sixty Mactra specimens were individually dated using amino acid racemization (AAR) calibrated using radiocarbon ages (n=15). The time-averaging and the total age variability was based on a Bayesian approach that integrates the estimation errors and uncertainties derived from the posterior distribution associated with the AAR calibration average model. The 14C-calibrated AAR ages, pooled across all three sites, are strongly right-skewed with 97% of the individual mollusk shell age estimates ranging from 0 to 6 cal kyr BP. The magnitude of time-averaging varied inversely with the water depth, from < 15 yr at the deepest site (21 m) up to 1020-1250 yr at the shallowest site (7 m). The substantial variation in the temporal resolution across nearby sites, which are located in a seemingly homogenous depositional setting, indicates the presence of notable (if cryptic) spatial heterogeneities in local sedimentation, production, and exhumation, all increasing with water depth. Copyright © 2017, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).

Ferrareze, PAG, Streit RSA, Dos Santos FM, Schrank A, Kmetzsch L, Vainstein MH, Staats CC.  2017.  sRNAs as possible regulators of retrotransposon activity in Cryptococcus gattii VGII. BMC Genomics. 18, Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Ourique, PA, Krindges I, Aguzzoli C, Figueroa CA, Amalvy J, Wanke CH, Bianchi O.  2017.  Synthesis, properties, and applications of hybrid polyurethane–urea obtained from air-oxidized soybean oil. Progress in Organic Coatings. 108:15-24. AbstractWebsite
Brondani, JR, de Freitas EP, Silva LAL.  2017.  A task-oriented and parameterized (semi) autonomous navigation framework for the development of simulation systems. Procedia Computer Science. 112:534-543., Number Supplement C AbstractWebsite
Ferrareze, PAG, Streit RSA, Dos Santos PR, Dos Santos FM, de Almeida RMC, Schrank A, Kmetzsch L, Vainstein MH, Staats CC.  2017.  Transcriptional analysis allows genome reannotation and reveals that cryptococcus gattii VGII undergoes nutrient restriction during infection. Microorganisms. 5, Number 3 AbstractWebsite
Picoloto, C  B, da Cunha R  D, Barichello L  B.  2017.  Uma proposta para equações auxiliares em metodologias nodais de soluções de problemas bidimensionais transporte de nêutrons em meio homogêneo. Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics. 5(1):010139:1–2.: SBMAC Abstract
Agostini, VO, Nascimento Ritter MD, Macedo AJ, Muxagata E, Erthal F.  2017.  What determines sclerobiont colonization on marine mollusk shells? PLoS ONE. 12, Number 9: Public Library of Science AbstractWebsite

Empty mollusk shells may act as colonization surfaces for sclerobionts depending on the physical, chemical, and biological attributes of the shells. However, the main factors that can affect the establishment of an organism on hard substrates and the colonization patterns on modern and time-averaged shells remain unclear. Using experimental and field approaches, we compared sclerobiont (i.e., bacteria and invertebrate) colonization patterns on the exposed shells (internal and external sides) of three bivalve species (Anadara brasiliana, Mactra isabelleana, and Amarilladesma mactroides) with different external shell textures. In addition, we evaluated the influence of the host characteristics (mode of life, body size, color alteration, external and internal ornamentation and mineralogy) of sclerobionts on dead mollusk shells (bivalve and gastropod) collected from the Southern Brazilian coast. Finally, we compared field observations with experiments to evaluate how the biological signs of the present-day invertebrate settlements are preserved in molluscan death assemblages (incipient fossil record) in a subtropical shallow coastal setting. The results enhance our understanding of sclerobiont colonization over modern and paleoecology perspectives. The data suggest that sclerobiont settlement is enhanced by (i) high(er) biofilm bacteria density, which is more attracted to surfaces with high ornamentation; (ii) heterogeneous internal and external shell surface; (iii) shallow infaunal or attached epifaunal life modes; (iv) colorful or post-mortem oxidized shell surfaces; (v) shell size (<50 mm2 or >1,351 mm2); and (vi) calcitic mineralogy. Although the biofilm bacteria density, shell size, and texture are considered the most important factors, the effects of other covarying attributes should also be considered. We observed a similar pattern of sclerobiont colonization frequency over modern and paleoecology perspectives, with an increase of invertebrates occurring on textured bivalve shells. This study demonstrates how bacterial biofilms may influence sclerobiont colonization on biological hosts (mollusks), and shows how ecological relationships in marine organisms may be relevant for interpreting the fossil record of sclerobionts relationships in marine organisms may be relevant for interpreting the fossil record of sclerobionts. © 2017 Ochi Agostini et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Hadjimichef, D, Machado MVT, Köpp F, Volkmer GL, Razeira M, Vasconcellos CAZ.  2017.  {A dark matter compact star in the framework of the pseudo-complex general relativity}. Astron. Nachr.. 338:1079–1084., Number 9-10 Abstract
Ducati, GMB, Kopp F, Machado MVT.  2017.  {Coherent and incoherent Upsilon production in ultraperipheral collisions at the Large Hadron Collider}. Phys. Rev. D. 96:054001., Number 5 Abstract
Gonçalves, VP, Machado MVT, Moreira BD, Navarra FS, dos Santos SG.  2017.  {Color dipole predictions for the exclusive vector meson photoproduction in $pp$ , $pPb$ , and PbPb collisions at run 2 LHC energies}. Phys. Rev. D. 96:094027., Number 9 Abstract