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Mendez, M, Haas AN, Rados PV, Sant'ana FM, Carrard VC.  2016.  Agreement between clinical and histopathologic diagnoses and completeness of oral biopsy forms, Aug 22. Braz Oral Res. 30:e94., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

The present study aimed to assess the rate of agreement between clinical and histopathological diagnoses and to report the frequency of completed forms for specimens that were subjected to histopathological examination and retrospectively examined. Data from 8,168 specimens submitted to histopathological examination were retrieved from the records. A total of 5,368 cases were included. Agreement was defined based on the definition of lesion nature according to its diagnostic category. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for each diagnostic category. The highest rate of agreement was observed for periapical lesions (92.6%), followed by potentially malignant disorders (90.1%) and non-neoplastic proliferative disorders (89.3%). Low rates of histopathological confirmation of the clinical impression were observed for mesenchymal tumors (25.0%) and cysts (44.2%). Sensitivity values were > 0.70 for all lesions, except for cysts (0.51). Specificity was relatively high, ranging from 0.97 to 1.00. The frequency of incomplete biopsy forms ranged from 16.8% (malignant tumors of oral mucosal epithelium) to 51.0% (nonspecific inflammatory reaction). The most frequently completed biopsy forms corresponded to epithelial malignant tumors (83.2%) and glandular inflammation (72.3%). In conclusion, there was an acceptable level of agreement. The low level of completeness of biopsy forms indicates little awareness about the relevance of gathering detailed information during clinical examination.

Milanesi, FC, Kauer B, Wagner TP, Daudt LD, Haas AN.  2016.  Self-reported halitosis and associated demographic and behavioral factors, Aug 22. Braz Oral Res. 30:e71., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

Halitosis is still poorly studied in young adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of self-reported halitosis and associate it with demographic and behavioral factors in young adult dental students. This cross-sectional study was designed as a census of students enrolled in three initial and three final semesters of a dental course in a Brazilian public university. Of 284 eligible students, 257 (90.5%) completed a self-administered questionnaire. Self-reported halitosis was the primary study outcome, and was assessed with the question "do you feel you have bad breath?". Data on age, gender, frequency of tooth brushing and interproximal cleaning, tongue cleaning, mouth rinse use and dry mouth were collected using the questionnaire, and were considered independent variables. Of the students surveyed, 26.5% reported as never, 51.7% as rarely, 21.4% as sometimes, and 0.4% as always feeling they had halitosis. Morning halitosis was reported by 90.6% of those who reported halitosis. In the final multiple model, last semester students had a 55% lower chance of reporting halitosis, compared with students from the first semesters [odds ratio (OR) 0.46; 95%CI 0.24-0.89]. Women had a 2.57fold higher chance of reporting halitosis (OR = 2.57; 95%CI 1.12-5.93). Dry mouth increased the chance of self-reported halitosis 3.95-fold, compared with absence of dry mouth (OR = 3.95; 95%CI 2.03-7.68). It can be concluded that self-reports of halitosis were low among dental students, but may represent an important complaint. Gender, dry mouth and level of college education of the dentist were factors significantly associated with self-reported halitosis.

Wagner, TP, Costa RS, Rios FS, Moura MS, Maltz M, Jardim JJ, Haas AN.  2016.  Gingival recession and oral health-related quality of life: a population-based cross-sectional study in Brazil, Aug. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 44:390-9., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

OBJECTIVES: To assess the association between gingival recession (GR) and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in a Brazilian population of adults. METHODS: A representative sample from Porto Alegre city was drawn in 2011 using a multistage probability sampling strategy. For this study, 740 individuals, 35-59 years of age and with >/=6 teeth, were included. GR was assessed by two calibrated examiners at four sites in all present teeth. The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) was used to assess OHRQoL. OHIP-14 was dichotomized using 'fairly often' as the cutoff point for a negative impact. Multiple logistic regression models were fitted to define which descriptors of GR were associated with the dichotomous outcome of OHIP-14, including dentine hypersensitivity in separate models, adjusting for age, gender, socioeconomic status, smoking, dental care, and missing teeth. RESULTS: Mean OHIP was significantly higher for individuals with >/=1 tooth with GR >/=2, >/=3, >/=4, and >/=5 mm. Individuals with >/=1 tooth with GR >/=2 mm had approximately two times higher chance of having a negative impact than individuals without GR of this threshold [odds ratio (OR) = 1.99, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05-3.78]. When buccal and proximal sites were analyzed separately, the presence of GR was significantly associated with worst quality of life only in anterior and not in posterior teeth. GR in the lower arch had no impact on OHRQoL. GR >/=2 mm affected only physical pain (OR = 2.61; 95% CI 1.06-6.42), whereas GR >/=4 mm affected functional limitation, physical pain, psychological discomfort, physical and psychological disabilities, with ORs ranging from 1.43 to 1.91. Dentine hypersensitivity alone was not associated with OHRQoL, but it modified the association between GR and OHIP when present concomitantly with GR, mainly in buccal sites. CONCLUSIONS: OHRQoL is poorer in this adult population in the presence of GR, mainly in upper and anterior teeth. Dentine hypersensitivity and esthetics were found to be factors linking GR to OHRQoL.

do Ritter, MN, Erthal F.  2016.  Time-averaging e suas implicações para o registro fóssil marinho, aug. Terrae Didatica. 12:81., Number 2: Universidade Estadual de Campinas AbstractWebsite
Orfanus, D, de Freitas EP, Eliassen F.  2016.  Self-Organization as a Supporting Paradigm for Military UAV Relay Networks, April. IEEE Communications Letters. 20:804-807., Number 4 Abstract
Zanella, SM, Pereira SS, Barbisan JN, Vieira L, Saba-Chujfi E, Haas AN, Rosing CK.  2016.  Periodontal disease, tooth loss and coronary heart disease assessed by coronary angiography: a cross-sectional observational study, Apr. J Periodontal Res. 51:221-7., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

OBJECTIVE AND BACKGROUND: To evaluate the association between periodontal disease, tooth loss and coronary heart disease (CHD). There is still controversy about the relationship between periodontal disease and tooth loss with vessel obstruction assessed using coronary angiography. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 195 patients that underwent coronary angiography and presented with at least six teeth. Patients were classified into three categories of coronary obstruction severity: absence; one or more vessels with /= 50% obstruction. The extent of coronary obstruction was dichotomized into 0 and >/= 1 affected vessels. A periodontist blinded to patient CHD status conducted a full mouth examination to determine mean clinical attachment loss, mean periodontal probing depth and tooth loss. Multiple logistic regression models were applied adjusting for age, gender, hypertension, smoking, body mass index, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and C-reactive protein. RESULTS: Most patients were males (62.1%) older than 60 years (50.8%), and 61% of them had CHD. Mean periodontal probing depth, clinical attachment loss and tooth loss were 2.64 +/- 0.72 mm, 4.40 +/- 1.31 mm and 12.50 +/- 6.98 teeth respectively. In the multivariable models, tooth loss was significantly associated with a higher chance of having at least one obstructed vessel (odds ratio = 1.04; 95% confidence interval 1.01-1.09) and with vessel obstruction >/= 50% (odds ratio = 1.06; 95% confidence interval 1.01-1.11). No significant associations were found between periodontal variables and vessel obstruction. CONCLUSION: Tooth loss was found to be a risk indicator for CHD.

Brendler, CF, Teixeira FG.  2016.  Método para obtenção de medidas antropométricas utilizando um digitalizador 3D de baixo custo, 2016. Design e Tecnologia. 6(11):53-67. AbstractFull Text

The aim is to develop a method for obtaining anthropometric parameters using a low cost three-dimensional digitizer. The research methodology is divided in five steps: literature review; collection and analysis of anthropometric data using the direct method and also the development of the indirect method for obtaining anthropometric measurements; comparison and data analysis; discussion of results and the completion of the research. The digitization process developed it is based on Microsoft Kinect, a low-cost device, and also on the software kscan3D. For the anthropometric collection from the three-dimensional model is used Autodesk 3D Studio Max. This research presents requirements and constraints for generate the three-dimensional model in order to obtain a mesh with satisfactory precision. It is presented a flowchart to guide the implementation of the developed method in the design process as well as a summary table containing guidelines for this application. The developed method achieved 97.96% of compatibility considering the results of the measured variables in relation to the direct method. These results were obtained with an exposure time of the individual of only 3 minutes and 28 seconds, which is less than the time required in the direct method – 1 hour and 12 minutes. This demonstrates one major contribution of the developed method.

Teixeira, FG.  2016.  Perspectivas axonométricas e vistas principais no ensino de geometria descritiva, 2016. Revista Educação Gráfica. 20:289-302. AbstractFull Text

This work present axonometric and orthographic views to learning of Descriptive Geometry concepts. Axonometric views are a good way to show the utility of successive auxiliary views because they present the process and promote the 3D comprehension of objects. The paper proposes ways to build axonometric projections from any point of view by Descriptive Geometry tools. Besides, the use of the principal views enhances the understanding of successive auxiliary views, but in a more complex context where the student must choose directions to find the correct projections. Through these directions, you can choose the sequence of auxiliary planes that result in orthographic views. This work shows how two unusual concepts in the Descriptive Geometry education context can promote a better understanding of many of its contents.

Brendler, CF, Teixeira FG, da Silva FP, Müller MS.  2016.  Uso da digitalização 3D do corpo humano para desenvolvimento de produtos personalizados: Análise comparativa entre os scanners Artec EVA e o Kinect, 2016. Estudos em Design (Online). 24:41-60. AbstractFull Text

The aim of this paper is comparing both tridimensional scanners: white light Artec Eva; and Infra-red light Microsoft Kinect. This comparison enables evaluate possibilities of these equipments for developing user-centered product projects. It was carried out comparison's concerning both precision and dimensional deviation through virtual and physical models generated by CAD and CAM systems. It was verified the need of eliminating the human body movement by using physical models in the performed analysis. As a result, both scanners demonstrated measurement precision, with the advantage of Artec Eva over Microsoft Kinect. The selection of the most appropriated scanner concerning the projects needs evolves factors such as: the available cost for the project; and the required precision fidelity for the aimed product. Both digital scanners considered in this paper contribute to the development of customized products, showing the relationships between tools and needed product fidelity.

Brendler, CF, Teixeira FG, Kindlein W, Pohlmann M, Rossi W.  2016.  FABRICAÇÃO DIGITAL PARA AUXILIAR NO ENSINO-APRENDIZADO DE ALUNOS COM DEFICIÊNCIA VISUAL: ESTUDO DE CASO DOS SISTEMAS NANOESTRUTURADOS, 06 de outubro. 12º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em DesignBlucher Design Proceedings. 12:2389-., Belo Horizonte Abstract

Dados obtidos com o Censo Demográfico, em 2010, revelaram que quase 24% da população brasileira possuem algum tipo de deficiência, sendo a deficiência visual a de maior ocorrência. Dentre as políticas sociais que buscam atender às diferentes necessidades dos cidadãos, vale destacar o direito universal à educação. Recursos didáticos de diferentes naturezas vêm sendo empregados como ferramenta para auxiliar o ensino-aprendizagem de pessoas com deficiência visual. Vale, porém, questionar se esses recursos são realmente eficazes na compreensão de determinados conteúdos? Assim, o presente trabalho propõe a validação de modelos didáticos 3D para permitir a compreensão de sistemas nanoestruturados por deficientes visuais. A avaliação dos modelos foi realizada por usuário cego e, para tanto, foi utilizada uma adaptação do instrumento SETT (Alunos, Ambiente, Tarefas e Ferramentas). Os resultados indicam que os modelos produzidos por impressão 3D necessitam de revisão no que tange à legenda em Braille, mas, quanto aos demais aspectos, são viáveis para o uso como recurso didático para alunos com deficiência visual.

Teixeira, FG.  2016.  UM MODELO EVOLUTIVO PARA O PROCESSO DE GERAÇÃO E SELEÇÃO DE ALTERNATIVAS EM DESIGN, 06 de outubro. 12º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em DesignBlucher Design Proceedings. 12:4374-., Belo HorizonteSão Paulo: Editora Blucher Abstract

The conceptual design step is the most complex of the design process and brings great challenges to designers. The number of possible concepts from a combination of functional principles can reach millions. This could derail an exhaustive search for the best possible concepts. So, this work proposes an evolutionary approach to that problem. The result is a framework based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA) that combines the specific properties of the design process with the core of GA, improving this process as a natural evolution.

Pires, CC, Laureano JV, Gnoatto S,; Barreto F, De Araújo BV, Dalla Costa T, Tasso L, Grünspan LD.  2016.   Development and validation of a sensitive and selective LC-MS/MS method for the determination of an antimalarial drug candidate in rat plasma, and its application to a preclinical pharmacokinetic study. Acta Chromatographica.
Rodrigues, YE, Manica E, Zimmer ER, Hauser EB, Rosa Neto P, Team A's.  2016.   Does Synthetic Data Oversampling in Feature Selection Improve the Classification Rate in Alzheimer's Disease? Alzheimer Association International Conferece (AAIC). :P839-P840., Toronto: ALzheimer's and Dementia
Mair, CE, Silva CM, Grienke U, Kratz JM, Carreno F, Zimmerman ES, Araujo BV, Dalla Costa T, Rollinger J.  2016.   Pharmacokinetics of hERG channel blocking voacangine in Wistar rats applying a validated LC-MS/MS method. Planta Medica.
Pigatto, MC, de Araujo BV, Torres BG, Silva C, Schmidt S, Magni P, Dalla Costa T.  2016.   Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Etoposide Free Concentrations in Solid Tumor. Pharmaceutical Research.
Schramm, R, de Nunes HS, de Nunes LA, Visi F, Miranda ER.  2016.  3CMS: An Interactive Decision System for Live Performance. Music, Mind, and Embodiment: 11th International Symposium, CMMR 2015, Plymouth, UK, June 16-19, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 9617(Kronland-Martinet, Richard, Aramaki, Mitsuko, Ystad, Sølvi, Eds.).:190—210.: Springer International Publishing Abstract


Carvalho, E.  2016.  An actionist approach to the justificational role of perceptual experience. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. 72((2-3)):545-572. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, I defend an account of how perceptual experience can bear rational relation to our empirical thought. In the first part, I elaborate two claims that are central for the justificational role of perceptual experience, namely, the claim that perception and belief share the same kind of content, and the claim that perception is independent from belief. At first sight, these claims seems not to be compatible, since the first one seems to require the truth of content conceptualism, while the second one seems to require its falsity. In the second part, based on Alva Noë's actionist theory of perception, I argue in favor of a less intellectualist interpretation of the first claim, uncommitted to content conceptualism, and then I show how it can be reconciled with the second claim. Finally, I explain how perception holds rational relationships with our empirical thought through the exercise of observational concepts. These concepts link what I propose to call ‘space of actions’ to the logical space of reasons.

Visi, F, Coorevits E, Schramm R, Miranda E.  2016.  Analysis of Mimed Violin Performance Movements of Neophytes. Music, Mind, and Embodiment: 11th International Symposium, CMMR 2015, Plymouth, UK, June 16-19, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 9617(Kronland-Martinet, Richard, Aramaki, Mitsuko, Ystad, Sølvi, Eds.).:88–108.: Springer International Publishing Abstract


Pazinatto, CB, Barros RC, Barichello LB.  2016.  Analytical adjoint discrete ordinates formulation for monoenergetic slab-geometry source-detector calculations. International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology. 10:107–19., Number 2 Abstract


Demétrio, NB, Baeninger R, D'ANTONA Á, Dagnino R.  2016.  Arranjos urbanos-rurais regionais em São Paulo: um exercício de análise espacial. VII Congresso da Associação Latino-americana de População e XX Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais. Abstractdemetrio_et_al_2016_arranjos_urbano-regionais_paper_abepalap.pdf

Esse trabalho apresenta uma discussão metodológica de como apreender a heterogeneidade do rural paulista a partir da integração de dados dos Censos Agropecuário e Demográfico. O objetivo é explorar técnicas de análise multivariada e espacial que auxiliem na apreensão do rural como construção socioespacial, estruturado por fluxos que extrapolam a produção estritamente agropecuária e remetem a diferentes dinâmicas de redistribuição de população. O artigo está dividido em cinco partes principais. Na introdução, é explicitado a perspectiva teórica do trabalho. Em seguida, apresentam-se as variáveis utilizadas, o tratamento dado aos casos perdidos, avaliação das distribuições e correlações. Na terceira parte, recorre-se à análise fatorial como de reduzir o conjunto de indicadores iniciais em constructos fracamente correlacionados. No item quatro, os fatores criados são submetidos a uma análise classificatória de cluster que, na quinta e última parte, é interpretada espacialmente. A título de considerações finais, é reiterada a multiplicidade de formas com que o rural regional se conecta ao urbano local, de modo a reforçar a centralidade dos processos históricos na articulação de diferentes espaços rurais.

Montanari, T.  2016.  Atlas digital de Biologia celular e tecidual.. , Porto Alegre: Ed. da autoralivroatlasbiocel.pdf
DAGNINO, RS, D’ANTONA AO.  2016.  Atlas do Observatório das Migrações em São Paulo. , Campinas: Laboratório Urbanização e Mudanças no Uso e Cobertura da Terra (l-UM), Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas; Núcleo de Estudos de População "Elza Berquó" (Nepo) – Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).Website
Schramm, R, Nunes HDS, Jung CR.  2016.  Audiovisual Tool for Solfège Assessment. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl.. 13:9:1–9:21., Number 1, New York, NY, USA: ACM AbstractWebsite
