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da Cunha, R  D, Hopkins T  R.  1993.  A Parallel Implementation of the Restarted GMRES Iterative Method for Nonsymmetric Systems of Linear Equations, apr. : Computing Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury Abstract
da Cunha, R  D, Hopkins T  R.  1993.  Porting Linear Algebra Subroutines From Transputers To Clusters of Workstations, apr. : Computing Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury Abstract
Montanari, T, Dolder H.  1993.  Efeito de Achillea millefolium L. sobre o testículo e o epidídimo de camundongo. VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Biologia Celular. Anais. :p.35., Curitiba, PR: SBBCsbbc1993resum.pdf
Duncan, BB, Schmidt MI, Polanczyk CA, da Silva CH, Rosa RS, Achutti AC.  1993.  Fatores de risco para doenças não-transmissíveis em área metropolitana na região sul do Brasil. Prevalência e simultaneidade. Revista de Saúde Pública. 27(1):143-148.
Haas, F, Goedert J.  1993.  Hamiltonian structure for rescaled integrable Lorenz system. II Encontro Brasileiro de Física dos Plasmas. :118., Serra Negra: Anais do II Encontro Brasileiro de Física dos PlasmasHamiltonian_Lorenz.pdf
FONSECA, P.  1993.  Revolução federalista: uma interpretação. Pensar a Revolução Federalista. , Rio Grande: Ed. da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rio Granderevolucao_federalista_uma_interpretacao.pdf
Barichello, LB, Vilhena MT.  1993.  A General Analytical Approach to the One group, One-Dimensional Transport Equation. Kerntechnik. 58:182–184. Abstract
da Cunha, R  D, Hopkins T  R.  1993.  Parallel Preconditioned {Conjugate-Gradients} Methods on Transputer Networks. Transputer Communications. 1:111–125., Number 2 Abstract
Gaelzer, R, Ziebell LF, Schneider RS.  1992.  Propagation and Amplification of Auroral Kilometric Radiation in Finite Width Auroral Cavities, December. Journal of Geophysical Research. 97:19299–19310., Number A12 Abstract

We investigate amplification of the auroral kilometric radiation over the geomagnetic poles. The physical parameters needed for the calculation are obtained from a particular model that approximately reproduces the conditions in the auroral zone, taking into account density gradients perpendicular to the geomagnetic field and also the parallel magnetic field gradient. The components of the dielectric tensor are calculated in the locally homogeneous plasma approximation, and the dispersion relation is exactly solved with all harmonics and powers of the Larmor radius needed for the convergency of the solution. We also make a ray tracing study in the geometrical optics approximation, using the method of Poeverlein. The ray tracing study shows that the spatial scale of inhomogeneity, perpendicular to the magnetic field, is a very important factor in the amplification and that the distance to obtain a given amplification can be substantially reduced when the density gradient is increased.

Montanari, T, Garcia SML, Garcia CF.  1992.  Estudo das glândulas sexuais acessórias do aparelho reprodutor de Boophilus microplus (Can. 1887) (Acarina:Ixodidae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia. 54(2):223-227.biol1992.pdf
FONSECA, P.  1992.  Os gaúchos e a perspectiva nacional: das fazendas ao catete. Nós, os gaúchos. , Porto Alegre: Ed. da universidade/UFRGSos_gauchos_e_a_perspectiva_nacional_das_fazendas_ao_catete.pdf
Faria, P.  1992.  A anamnese do pacto no 'Doutor Fausto'de Thomas Mann. Organon. 6(19):61-68. AbstractWebsite
da Cunha, R  D, Hopkins T  R.  1992.  The Parallel Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Transputer Networks. :96–109., Amsterdam: IOS Press Abstract
da Cunha, R  D, Hopkins T  R.  1992.  The Parallel Solution of Systems of Linear Equations Using Iterative Methods on Transputer Networks. :1–13., Amsterdam: IOS Press Abstract
Faria, P.  1992.  Provar e mostrar. Racionalidade e ação. (Rohden, V., Ed.).:179-206., Porto Alegre: Editora da Universidade (UFRGS) Abstract
Faria, P.  1992.  Sur la règle de reconnaissance. Cahiers de Fontenay. 67/68:161-188. AbstractWebsite
Gaelzer, R, Ziebell LF, Schneider RS.  1991.  Two-Dimensional Ray-Tracing Studies in the Source of Auroral Kilometric Radiation, December. 1łho{o} Congresso Brasileiro de Física dos Plasmas. :81–85., Santos - Brasil: Sociedade Brasileira de Física Abstract
Gaelzer, R.  1991.  O Maser de Elétron-Cíclotron como Mecanismo Gerador da Radiação Quilométrica das Auroras, abril. , Porto Alegre: Instituto de Física - UFRGS Abstract