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L. B. Barichello, GRDM, Siewert CE.  2000.  Particular Solutions for the Discrete-Ordinates Method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 64:219–226. Abstract
Barichello, LB, Siewert CE.  2000.  The Searchlight Problem for Radiative Transfer in a Finite Slab. Journal of Computational Physics. 157:707–726. Abstract
Tartaruga, MP, Ongaratto L, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2000.  Sistema computacional para aprendizagem do nado crawl, costas e peito utilizando-se matrizes de análises. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica (12.: 2000: Porto Alegre). Livro de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2000.. Abstract
Barichello, LB, Siewert CE.  2000.  The Temperature-Jump Problem in Rarefied Gas Dynamics. European Journal of Applied Mathematics. 11:353–364. Abstract
Faria, P.  2000.  Tirando o corpo fora. Filosofia Política. 6(Série II):12-26. Abstract
Gaelzer, R, Ziebell LF, Silveira OJG.  1999.  Dielectric Tensor for Inhomogeneous Plasmas in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field, December. Physics of Plasmas. 6:4533–4541., Number 12 Abstract

The derivation of explicit exprEssions for the effective dielectric tensor to be utilized in the dispersion relation for weakly inhomogeneous Plasmas is discussed. The general exprEssions obtained are useful for situations with simultaneous existence of weak inhomogeneities in density and magnetic field. The particular case of a Maxwellian distribution in velocity space for the electron population is discussed, and relatively compact exprEssions for the dielectric tensor are obtained which depend on the inhomogeneous Plasma dispersion function introduced by [Gaelzer et al., Phys. Rev. E55, 5859 (1997)] and ultimately on the well-known Fried-Conte function and its derivatives.

Teixeira, FG, da Silva RP, da Silva TKL.  1999.  AMBIENTE DE APRENDIZAGEM HIPERMÍDIA PARA GEOMETRIA DESCRITIVA, 1999. COBENGE 99 - XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de EngenhariaCOBENGE 99 - Anais. :-., Natal Abstract
Teixeira, FG, da Silva RP, da Silva TKL.  1999.  A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR TEACHING OF DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY, 1999. ICEE99 - International Conference on Engineer EducationICEE99 - Proceedings. :-., Ostrava-Praga Abstract
Montanari, T, Dolder H.  1999.  Absence of embryo-fetotoxicity by the lyophilized hydroalcoholic extract of Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. leaves in mice. X Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Biologia Celular. Acta Microscopica, v. 8, suppl. B. :p.269-270., Santos, SP: SBBCsbbc1999resumo.pdf
FONSECA, P.  1999.  Economia e Ética. Soc. bras. Economia Política. :139-144.economia-etica.pdf
FONSECA, P.  1999.  A Gênese Regional da "Revolução de 30". Estudos Econômicos. 29:113-127.a_genese_regional_da_revolucao_de_30.pdf
Haas, F, Goedert J.  1999.  Lie symmetries of generalized Ermakov systems. Lecture Notes in Physics (v. 518) - Dynamical Systems, Plasmas and Gravitation. , Heidelberg : Springer-VerlagLie_Ermakov.pdf
Haas, F, Goedert J.  1999.  Noether symmetries for two-dimensional charged particle motion. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32(39):6837.Noether_symmetries_2D.pdf
Haas, F, Goedert J.  1999.  On the linearization of the generalized Ermakov systems. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32(15):2835.linearization_generalized.pdf
Trotta, EA, Blank D.  1999.  Padrões do Departamento de Pediatria. , Porto Alegre, RS: UFRGSAcesso online
Haas, F, Goedert J.  1999.  Sobre a integrabilidade de problemas em mecânica clássica com dependência temporal explícita. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física. 21(1):14.sobre_integrabilidade.pdf
Vilhena, MT, Barichello LB.  1999.  A Closed-Form Solution to the One Dimensional Linear and Nonlinear Problem in Radiative Transfer. Hybrid Methods in Engineering. 1:1–17. Abstract
Loss, JF, Ribas LR, Kruel LFM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  1999.  Correlação de parâmetros cinemáticos angulares com velocidade linear durante corrida em esteira. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica (11.: 1999: Porto Alegre). Livro de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 1999.. Abstract