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Ducati, MBG, Kontros K, Lengyel A, Machado MVT.  2002.  {Describing F(2) through a finite sum of gluon ladders}. Phys. Lett. B. 533:43–59. Abstract
Brenner Mariotto, C, Ducati MBG, Machado MVT.  2002.  {Heavy quark photoproduction in k-perpendicular factorization approach}. Phys. Rev. D. 66:114013. Abstract
Machado, MVT.  2002.  {The $F_{2}^D$ Logarithmic Slope and the Saturation Phenomena}. AIP Conf. Proc.. 631(Elze, H. T., Ferreira, E., Kodama, T., Letessier, J., Rafelski, Johann, Thews, R. L., Eds.).:655., Number 1 Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Goncalves VP, Machado MVT.  2002.  {The Logarithmic slope in diffractive DIS}. Nucl. Phys. A. 697:767–782. Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Machado MVT.  2002.  {Unitarity corrections and structure functions}. AIP Conf. Proc.. 631(Elze, H. T., Ferreira, E., Kodama, T., Letessier, J., Rafelski, Johann, Thews, R. L., Eds.).:637., Number 1 Abstract
Betemps, MA, Ducati MBG, Machado MVT.  2002.  {Unitarity corrections to the Drell-Yan process in the target rest frame}. Phys. Rev. D. 66:014018. Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Machado MVT.  2002.  {Unitarity corrections to the structure functions through the dipole picture}. Phys. Rev. D. 65:114019. Abstract
Ziebell, LF, Gaelzer R, Yoon PH.  2001.  Nonlinear Development of Weak Beam-Plasma Instability, September. Physics of Plasmas. 8:3982–3995., Number 9 AbstractWebsite

Nonlinear interactions of tenuous electron beam, background, unmagnetized plasma, and self-consistently generated Langmuir and ion-sound waves are analyzed in the framework of plasma weak turbulence kinetic theory. Full numerical solutions of the complete weak turbulence equations are obtained for the first time, which show the familiar plateau formation in the electron beam distribution and concomitant quasi-saturation of primary Langmuir waves, followed by fully nonlinear processes which include three-wave decay and induced-scattering processes. A detailed analysis reveals that the scattering off ions is an important nonlinear process which leads to prominent backscattered and long-wavelength Langmuir wave components. However, it is found that the decay process is also important, and that the nonlinear development of weak Langmuir turbulence critically depends on the initial conditions. Special attention is paid to the electron-to-ion temperature ratio, Te/Ti, and the initial perturbation level. It is found that higher values of Te/Ti promote the generation of backscattered Langmuir wave component, and that a higher initial wave intensity suppresses the backscattered component while significantly enhancing the long-wavelength Langmuir wave component.

Ducati, MBG, Machado MVT.  2001.  {Truncated BFKL series in electron proton collisions}, 4. Abstract
Teixeira, FG, Azevedo GZ, de Jacques JJ, Aymone JLF.  2001.  NOVA ABORDAGEM PARA O ENSINO DE GEOMETRIA DESCRITIVA BÁSICA, 2001. XXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de EngenhariaAnais do XXIX Cobenge. :-., Porto Alegre Abstract
Teixeira, FG, da Silva RP, da Silva TKL.  2001.  O USO DA REALIDADE VIRTUAL NO ENSINO DA GEOMETRIA DESCRITIVA, 2001. GRAPHICA 2001GRAPHICA 2001 - Proceedings. :-., São Paulo Abstract
Teixeira, FG, da Silva RP, da Silva TKL.  2001.  O USO DE MÍDIAS ELETRÔNICAS NO ENSINO: A EXPERIÊNCIA DA MODERNIZAÇÃO DO ENSINO DE GEOMETRIA DESCRITIVA, 2001. XXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de EngenhariaAnais do XXIX Cobenge. :-., Porto Alegre Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Goncalves VP, Machado MVT.  2001.  {The Diffractive logarithmic slope and the saturation phenomena}, 11. {31st International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics}. :445–448. Abstract
Ducati, MBG, Goncalves VP, Machado MVT.  2001.  {Hard and soft contributions in diffraction}, 10. {9th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering/Blois}. :239–246. Abstract
Montanari, T, Augusto PM, Dacás ZB.  2001.  Alterações celulares no epitélio seminífero de camundongos sugestivas de processo apoptótico. V Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Mutagênese, Carcinogênese e Teratogênese ambiental. Programa e Resumos. :p.54., Gramado, RS: SBMCTA5sbmcta2001resumo.pdf
FONSECA, P.  2001.  As Fontes do Pensamento de Vargas e seu Desdobramento na Sociedade Brasileira. Intérpretes do Brasil; leituras críticas do pensamento social brasileiro. , Porto Alegre: Mercado Abertoas_fontes_do_pensamento_de_vargas_e_seu_desdobramento_na_sociedade_brasileira.pdf
Pereira, DN, da Silva CH, Rathke AF, Poester D, Lorenzatto JF, Cristaldo KRS, Schmidt VB.  2001.  Cobertura Vacinal no Rio Grande do Sul. Revista Arquivos Médicos da Universidade Luterana do Brasil. 4(1):67-82.
Cepik, M.  2001.  Do Estado Nacional ao Império Mundial? Sociedade em Debate. 7(n. 1):3-30.CEPIK - 2001 - Estado Nacional Imperio Mundial
Haas, F, Goedert J.  2001.  Dynamical symmetries and the Ermakov invariant. Phys. Lett. A. 279(3-4):181.dynamical_symmetries.pdf
Haas, F.  2001.  Frobenius theorem and invariants for Hamiltonian systems. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34(5):1005.Frobenius_theorem.pdf
Polonia, E, Barone DAC.  2001.  Inteligencia Linguistica. RENOTE : revista novas tecnologias na educação . 4(1.:2001):36-44.
Haas, F, Manfredi G, Goedert J.  2001.  Nyquist method for Wigner-Poisson quantum plasmas. Phys. Rev. E. 64(2):026413.Nyquist_method.pdf