Coauthored Publications with: Bueno

Book Chapter

D’Antona, Á, Dagnino R, Bueno M.  2010.  Geotecnologias e gestão de pol{\'ıticas públicas: uso de dados demográficos. População e Cidades: subs{\'ıdios para o planejamento e para as pol{\'ıticas sociais.. :99–115.: Núcleo de Estudos de População/UNFPA Abstract


BUENO, MCD, DAGNINO R.  2011.  População em Unidades de Conservação da Amazônia Legal: estimativas a partir da Contagem Populacional 2007. Dinâmicas demográficas e ambiente. :p–85.: NEPO/Unicamp Abstract


D’Antona, Á, Dagnino R, Bueno M.  2010.  Geotecnologias e gestão de políticas públicas: uso de dados demográficos. População e Cidades: subsídios para o planejamento e para as políticas sociais.. :99-115., Campinas: Núcleo de Estudos de População/UNFPA Abstractdantona_dagnino_bueno_2010_geotecnologias_gestao_politicas_publicas.pdf

Nas últimas décadas, os avanços na área das geotecnologias popularizaram o uso de informações espaciais. A crescente oferta de dados públicos, de softwares gratuitos e de hardwares com maior capacidade de processamento, a preços mais baixos, dissemina entre usuários finais ferramentas e técnicas anteriormente restritas a determinados circuitos técnicos e científicos. Fazemos neste capítulo uma apresentação geral sobre o uso de dados populacionais em Gestão de Políticas Públicas, por meio das geotecnologias. Assim como vem ocorrendo no meio acadêmico, em Estudos de População e nas Ciências Ambientais, a espacialização de dados populacionais em Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) pode ser de grande proveito para a administração pública. Ao permitir a localização de características socioambientais, e o relacionamento das variáveis sociodemográficas com variáveis de diversas ordens (atributos biofísicos e infraestruturais, por exemplo) nas unidades territoriais por onde as populações se distribuem, o SIG apresenta grande potencial analítico, dando suporte à tomada de decisões.

Conference Paper

Bueno, M, Dagnino R, D'ANTONA Á.  2011.  Estimating population in protected areas of the state of Amazonas, Brazil. European Forum of Geostatistics 2011. Abstract


D'ANTONA, Á, do BUENO MC, DAGNINO R.  2011.  Using regular grids for spatial distribution of census data for population and environment studies in Brazil.. Population Association of America Annual Meeting Program 2011. :4. Abstract



Conference Proceedings

D'ANTONA, Á, do BUENO MC, DAGNINO R.  2011.  Using regular grids for spatial distribution of census data for population and environment studies in Brazil.. Population Association of America Annual Meeting Program 2011. :4., Washington Abstract

The spatial distribution of demographic variables is essential in Population and Environment studies, but the data of secondary sources – e.g. the Demographic Census – are not always provided on territorial units suitable to population distribution and landscape characteristics. In this work, we aggregate the micro-data from the Population Count 2007, of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in regular grids based on household coordinates. Unlike the use of mathematical models for the spatial distribution of data, this methodology is based on the real distribution of households over the territory and enables the aggregation of population data in more adequate areas for population and environment studies, without facing problems with statistical confidentiality breach. The results are closer to the ones found in the field, besides being comparable with old and new surveys conducted by IBGE.

Bueno, M, Dagnino R, D'ANTONA A.  2011.  Estimating population in protected areas of the state of Amazonas, Brazil. European Forum of Geostatistics 2011. :43-51., Lisboa, Portugal Abstract

This paper presents an estimation of the population volume in the federal protected areas of the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The objective of this study is to contribute methodologically to the quantification of the people living in protected areas. The methodology uses data from the 2007 Population Count in regular grids to estimate the number of people living in these areas and their spatial distribution.

Journal Article

de D'Antona, ÁO, do Bueno MCD, de Dagnino RS.  2013.  Population estimates in conservation units in the Brazilian Legal Amazon: an application of regular grids using the 2007 Population Count. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 30:401–428.: Associação Brasileira de Estudos Populacionais Abstract


de D’Antona, ÁO, de Dagnino RS, do Bueno MCD.  2015.  Distribuição da população e cobertura da terra: o lugar das Áreas Protegidas no Pará, Brasil em 2010. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 32:563–585., Number 3 Abstract


de D’Antona, ÁO, de Dagnino RS, do Bueno MCD.  2015.  Distribuição da população e cobertura da terra: o lugar das Áreas Protegidas no Pará, Brasil em 2010. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 32(3):563-585. AbstractScielo

The objective of this study is to analyze population distribution in the state of Pará in Brazil using data from the2010 Population Census in association with the land use and land cover data from TerraClass arranged in a statistical grid. The role of 113 Protected Areas (including 46 Indigenous Lands, 51 Sustainable Use Conservation Units and 16 Integral Protection Conservation Units) is analyzed from the standpoint of their demographic rural-urban gradients and in terms of their land use cover. Information on the use and cover of land in Protected Areas along with census data were incorporated into a statistical grid using GIS. The spatial relationship of information layers in the cells indicates that the state's population is highly concentrated in a few areas, a pattern that is reproduced to some extent in the Protected Areas (Gini coefficient for the distribution of households is higher than 0.9). The area of the Protected areas is less populated and retains a greater extension of forested areas, by comparison to the state. Despite having extensive segments devoid of occupied households and the largest expanse of forest coverage (57%) in the state, Protected Areas also have urban areas associated with other uses and land cover change. The results indicate that population dynamics and changes in the uses and covering of land are related in a broader manner, thereby suggesting the need for reflection on urbanization and changes in land use and land cover change within a more integrated approach.

Dagnino, R, Bueno M, D'ANTONA Á, PEREIRA H{\'ısa.  2013.  População dentro de Unidades de Conservação Federais no Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Olam: Ciência & Tecnologia. 13:356–374., Number 2 Abstract


Dagnino, R, Bueno M, D'ANTONA Á, PEREIRA H.  2013.  População dentro de Unidades de Conservação Federais no Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Olam: Ciência & Tecnologia. 13(2):356-374. Abstract



de D’Antona, ÁO, de Dagnino RS, do Bueno MCD.  2015.  Distribución de la población y cobertura de la tierra: el lugar de las Áreas Protegidas en Pará, Brasil en 2010. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 32:563–585., Number 3: SciELO Brasil Abstract


D’Antona, Á, Bueno M, Dagnino R.  2013.  Estimativa da população em unidades de conservação na Amazônia Legal brasileira – uma aplicação de grades regulares a partir da Contagem 2007. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 30(2):401-428. Abstractdantona_bueno_dagnino_2013_rebep_estimativa_populacao_uc.pdfScielo

In this paper a method for increasing the resolution of census data is tested and presented, by aggregating the data onto a regular grid. The methodology consists of (1) the aggregation of households, represented by their geographical coordinates obtained by the 2007 Population Count, carried out by the Brazilian Census Office (IBGE) and, (2) the unbundling of the data by census tracts on the basis of proportionality. The grids obtained were used to estimate the resident population of 114 conservation units in Brazilian Legal Amazon, all of them instituted in or before 2006. The intention was to test this methodology on territorial units that follow neither the official political-administrative boundaries of states and cities, nor the boundaries designed by IBGE for collecting data. The methodology also contributes to the study of populations living in protected areas, due to the scarcity of population estimates in the conservation units. The results showed a population of 325,398 inhabitants in the selected units, 297,693 of whom were in units for Sustainable Use and 27,705 in Permanent Protection units. Adjoining areas have an estimated joint population of 1,020,237. Despite the limitations involved in using the 2007 Population Count, the aggregating of data into grids would seem to be a promising methodology in view of the improvements in IBGE's use of geotechnology. The grid minimizes problems that come up in the use of administrative units or census data and may represent an approach that can be applied usefully in demography and other areas of knowledge.

de D’Antona, ÁO, de Dagnino RS, do Bueno MCD.  2015.  Population distribution and land cover: the protected areas in Pará, Brazil in 2010. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 32:563–585.: SciELO Brasil Abstract

