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Langmuir Turbulence and Suprathermal Electrons, Yoon, P. H., Ziebell L., Gaelzer R., Lin R., and Wang L. , Space Science Reviews, November, Volume 173, Number 1-4, p.1–31, (2012) AbstractWebsite


Charged particle acceleration takes place ubiquitously in the Universe including the near-Earth heliospheric environment. Typical in situ spacecraft measurements made in the solar wind show that the charged particle velocity distribution contains energetic components with quasi scale-free power-law velocity dependence, f ∼ v − α , for high velocity range. In this Review a theory of quiet-time solar-wind electrons that contain a suprathermal component is discussed, in which these electrons are taken to be in dynamical equilibrium with Langmuir turbulence. This Review includes an overview of the Langmuir turbulence theory, as well as a discussion on asymptotic equilibrium solution of Langmuir turbulence/suprathermal electron system. Theoretical predictions of high-energy electron velocity power-law distribution index is then compared against the recent observations of the superhalo electron velocity distribution made by instruments onboard WIND and STEREO spacecraft. It is shown that the theoretical prediction of velocity power-law index is intermediate to the observed range.

Nonlinear Frequency Shifts of Plasma Eigenmodes, Yoon, P. H., and Gaelzer R. , Physics of Plasmas, October, Volume 9, Number 10, p.4166–4173, (2002) AbstractWebsite


In the present article, the classic problem of nonlinear frequency shifts of electrostatic plasma eigenmodes in an unmagnetized plasma (i.e., the Langmuir and ion-acoustic waves) is revisited. In the standard literature, only the frequency shift of Langmuir waves by the finite-amplitude Langmuir waves themselves is usually treated. In the present approach, the discussion is generalized to include the ion-sound waves. The significance of the present article is that the analytical approach employed in the present discussion can be utilized to resolve certain apparently singular terms in the induced scattering coefficients of the wave kinetic equations. The detailed discussion of such a problem will be reported in a forthcoming article.

Electromagnetic weak turbulence theory revisited, Yoon, P. H., Ziebell L. F., Gaelzer R., and Pavan J. , Physics of Plasmas, October, Volume 19, Number 10, p.102303, (2012) AbstractWebsite


The statistical mechanical reformulation of weak turbulence theory for unmagnetized plasmas including fully electromagnetic effects was carried out by Yoon [Phys. Plasmas 13, 022302 (2006)]. However, the wave kinetic equation for the transverse wave ignores the nonlinear three-wave interaction that involves two transverse waves and a Langmuir wave, the incoherent analogue of the so-called Raman scattering process, which may account for the third and higher-harmonic plasma emissions. The present paper extends the previous formalism by including such a term.

Effects of Nonlinear Frequency Shifts on Certain Induced Scattering Processes, Yoon, P. H., and Gaelzer R. , Physics of Plasmas, November, Volume 9, Number 10, p.4520–4524, (2002) AbstractWebsite


The present paper is a followup to an earlier paper (accepted in Physics of Plasmas, 2002) in which the nonlinear frequency shifts of electrostatic plasma eigenmodes in an unmagnetized plasma were investigated, and in which a promise was made that the methodology employed in such a study will be employed to deal with certain induced scattering terms which contain apparent singularities. This paper implements the analytical technique developed in the first paper, and demonstrates how these singular terms can be regularized.

Solar Wind Electron Acceleration via Langmuir Turbulence, Yoon, Peter H., Ziebell L. F., Gaelzer R., Wang Linghua, and Lin Robert P. , Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, April, Volume 24, Number 2, p.175–182, (2013) AbstractWebsite


The solar wind electrons observed at 1 AU are characterized by velocity distribution functions (VDF) that deviate from the Maxwellian form in a high energy regime. Such a feature is often modeled by a kappa distribution. In the present paper a self-consistent theory of quiet-time solar wind electrons that contain a power-law tail component, f ∝ v-α is discussed. These electrons are assumed to be in dynamic equilibrium with enhanced electrostatic fluctuations with peak frequency near the plasma frequency (i.e., the Langmuir turbulence). In order to verify the theoretical prediction, the solar wind electrons in the high-energy range known as the super-halo distribution detected by WIND and STEREO spacecraft are compared against the theoretical model where it was found that the theoretical power-law index is intermittent with regard to the observed range of indices, thus indicating that the turbulent equilibrium model of suprathermal solar wind electrons may be valid.

Harmonic {L}angmuir Waves. {I}\@. {N}onlinear Dispersion Relation, Yoon, P. H., Gaelzer R., Umeda T., Omura Y., and Matsumoto H. , Physics of Plasmas, February, Volume 10, Number 2, p.364–372, (2003) AbstractWebsite


Generation of electrostatic multiple harmonic Langmuir modes during beam–plasma interaction process has been observed in laboratory and spaceborne active experiments, as well as in computer simulation experiments. Despite earlier efforts, such a phenomenon has not been completely characterized both theoretically and in terms of numerical simulations. This paper is a first in a series of three papers in which analytic expressions for harmonic Langmuir mode dispersion relations are derived and compared against the numerical simulation result.