Gaelzer, R, de Juli MC, Ziebell LF.
Effect of superthermal electrons on Alfvén wave propagation in the dusty plasmas of solar and stellar winds, September. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115:A09109., Number A9: AGU
AbstractThe dispersive characteristics and absorption coefficient of Alfvén waves propagating parallel to the ambient magnetic field are discussed, taking into account the effects of both the charged dust particles present in the interplanetary medium and the superthermal character of the electron distribution function, using physical parameters relevant for solar and stellar winds. The solar wind electrons are described by an isotropic $ąppa$ distribution and the protons are described by a Maxwellian. The results are valid for a frequency regime well above the dust-plasma and dust-cyclotron frequencies. However, the theoretical formulation is fully kinetic and the dust charge variation is taken into account. The charging process of the dust is assumed to be associated with the capture of electrons and ions by the dust particles during inelastic collisions with the plasma particles. The dispersion relation for parallel-propagating Alfvén waves is numerically solved and the solutions are compared with particular situations where either the dust particles are absent or the electrons are described by a Maxwellian. It is shown that the presence of both the charged dust particles and the superthermal character of the electron distribution function sensibly modify the dispersion relation of low-frequency and long-wavelength Alfvén waves and significantly increase the absorption coefficient, strongly suggesting that both effects are equally important for a realistic description of the physical processes that occur in solar and stellar winds and that are influenced by the Alfvén waves, such as the energization of particles and the turbulent cascade of magnetic fluctuations.
Simões Júnior, FJR, Alves MV, Gaelzer R.
One-dimensional electromagnetic simulation of multiple electron beams propagating in space plasmas, June. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115:A06105., Number A6: AGU
AbstractIt is by now well known that electron beams play an important role in generating radio emissions such as type II and type III radio bursts, commonly observed by spacecraft in the interplanetary medium. Electron beams streaming back from Earth's bow shock into the solar wind have been proposed as a possible source for the electron plasma waves observed by spacecraft in the electron foreshock. Recent observations suggest that during the natural evolution of the foreshock plasma, multiple electron beams could be injected over a period of time, losing their individual identity to coalesce into a single beam. In this work, we use an electromagnetic particle-in-cell (PIC) code &\#8220;KEMPO 1D, adapted&\#8221; to simulate two electron beams that are injected into a plasma at different times. The first beam disturbs the background plasma and generates Langmuir waves by electron beam-plasma interaction. Subsequently, another beam is inserted into the system and interacts with the first one and with the driven Langmuir waves to produce electromagnetic radiation. The results of our simulation show that the first beam can produce electrostatic harmonics of the plasma frequency, while the second beam intensifies the emission at the harmonics that is produced by the first one. The behavior of the second beam is strongly determined by the preexisting Langmuir wave electric fields. The simulations also show, as a result of the interaction between both beams, a clear nonlinear frequency shift of the harmonic modes as well as an increase of electromagnetic and kinetic energies of the wave-particle system.
Pavan, J, Ziebell LF, Yoon PH, Gaelzer R.
Generation of quasi-isotropic electron population during nonlinear beam-plasma interaction, January. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115:A01103., Number A1: AGU
AbstractThe nonlinear interaction of a single or a bidirectional electron beam and a background plasma is analyzed on the basis of electrostatic weak turbulence theory. It is found that for a sufficiently high electron beam density, the nonlinear interaction produces quasi-isotropic electron population. This is in contrast to our previous finding in which a relatively low electron beam density was adopted, and for which complete isotropization was not achieved. The present finding may thus provide a possible explanation for the observed isotropic solar wind electron distribution within the context of electrostatic nonlinear theory involving Langmuir and ion-sound turbulence, without the resorting to additional mechanisms such as the pitch angle scattering by electromagnetic whistler turbulence.
Pavan, J, Ziebell LF, Yoon PH, Gaelzer R.
Ionospheric ion-acoustic enhancements by turbulent counterstreaming electron beam-plasma interaction, February. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115:A02310., Number A2: AGU
AbstractIon-acoustic enhancements are investigated within the context of turbulent beam-plasma interaction processes. The analysis assumes a pair of counterstreaming electron beams interacting with the background plasma. Two-dimensional velocity space and two-dimensional wave number space are assumed for the analysis, with physical parameters that characterize typical ionospheric conditions. The solutions of the electrostatic weak turbulence theory show that the ion-acoustic wave levels are significantly enhanced when the computation is initialized with a pair of counterstreaming beams in contrast to a single beam. We suggest that this finding is highly relevant for the observed ion-acoustic enhancements in the Earth's ionosphere that are known to be correlated with auroral activity.