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L. B. Barichello, CLC, Filho PJF.  2011.  An Analytical Approach for a Nodal Scheme of Two-Dimensional Neutron Transport Problems. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 38:1310–1370. Abstract
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Scheeren, CW, Hermes V, Bianchi O, Hertz PF, Dias SLP, Dupont J.  2011.  Antimicrobial membrane cellulose acetate containing ionic liquid and metal nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 11:5114-5122., Number 6 AbstractWebsite
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Kmetzsch, L, Staats CC, Rodrigues ML, Schrank A, Vainstein MH.  2011.  Calcium signaling components in the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Communicative and Integrative Biology. 4:186–187., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Bianchi, O, Martins JDN, Fiorio R, Oliveira RVB, Canto LB.  2011.  Changes in activation energy and kinetic mechanism during EVA crosslinking. Polymer Testing. 30:616-624., Number 6 AbstractWebsite
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da Silva, FP, Beretta EM, Prestes RC, Kindlein Jr. W.  2011.  Design and milling manufacture of polyurethane custom contoured cushions for wheelchair users. Australasian Medical Journal. 4:500-506., Number 9Website
Machado, MM, Ducati MBG, Machado MVT.  2011.  Diffractive heavy quark production in AA collisions at the LHC at NLO. DIFFRACTION 2010: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIFFRACTION IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. 1350:136–139., Number 1: AIP Publishing Abstract
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Machado, MVT, da Silva MLL.  2011.  Exclusive glueball production at the LHC. arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.6081. Abstract
Kmetzsch, L, Staats CC, Simon E, Fonseca FL, Oliveira DL, Joffe LS, Rodrigues J, Lourenço RF, Gomes SL, Nimrichter L, Rodrigues ML, Schrank A, Vainstein MH.  2011.  The GATA-type transcriptional activator Gat1 regulates nitrogen uptake and metabolism in the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 48:192–199., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
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Machado, MVT.  2011.  Geometric scaling in ultrahigh energy neutrinos and nonlinear perturbative QCD. International Journal of Modern Physics E. 20:189–194., Number supp01: World Scientific Abstract
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