Science capital and educational (in)equality in Türkiye: Engagement and achievement in General and Vocational schools

Hacettepe Üniversitesi, İlköğretim Bölümü Binası, Beytepe, Ankara

Abstract: Science capital, a concept extending Bourdieu’s cultural and social capital theories (Bourdieu, 1986) to the scientific domain, encompasses scientific knowledge, attitudes, engagement, and social networks related to science. This study investigates the distribution and composition of science capital across Turkish schools, utilizing data from the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) (OECD, 2016). By applying a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to seven variables—such as science performance, enjoyment of science, and engagement in science-related activities—we map the structure of science capital in 187 schools comprising 5006 students. Our findings reveal a two-dimensional construct, with the enjoyment of science and science-related activities emerging as key drivers. General Secondary schools exhibit higher overall science capital, while Vocational schools demonstrate stronger engagement in practical science activities. This suggests that despite higher engagement in science-related activities, Vocational school students do not develop correspondingly higher science capital, likely due to the instrumental and practice-oriented nature of their curriculum.  These results underscore the role of institutional and curricular differences in shaping students’ science engagement beyond economic and cultural factors. The study contributes to the growing discourse on science identity and capital by providing a methodological framework for assessing science capital distribution and insights into how school type may influence students’ scientific dispositions. We argue for targeted interventions to bridge the gap between school types, fostering equitable opportunities for science engagement and addressing systemic inequalities in science education. This research has implications for policymakers and educators aiming to enhance science capital and promote inclusive science participation in Türkiye and beyond.