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Teixeira, F. G., and S. L. dos Santos, "Design de uma interface de interação tridimensional com foco na usabilidade e no desempenho gráfico", Revista Design & Tecnologia, vol. 01, pp. 39 - 50, 2010. AbstractWebsite
Teixeira, F. G., and J. L. F. Aymone, "TECNOLOGIAS GRÁFICAS E DE INFORMAÇÃO PARA O DESIGN DE COMPONENTES", VII International Conference on Graphics Engineering of Arts and Design e XVIII Simpósio Nacional de Geometria Descritiva e Desenho TécnicoANAIS do GRAPHICA''2007, Curitiba, pp. - , 2007. Abstract
Teixeira, F. G., "MODELAMENTO PARAMÉTRICO DE CURVAS E SUPERFÍCIES", COBENGE 2003 - Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de EngenhariaAnais do Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de Engenharia, vol. CD-ROM, Rio de Janeiro, pp. - , 2003. Abstract
Teixeira, F. G., and S. L. dos Santos, "HYPERCAL3D: APLICAÇÕES NO ENSINO DE GEOMETRIA DESCRITIVA", GEOMETRIAS E GRAPHICAAnais..., vol. 1, LISBOA, pp. - , 2015. Abstract

This article presents the HyperCAL3D applications in Descriptive Geometry education (DG). First, the main features of this application are briefly presented, relating to the conceptual, methodological and technological base used in its development, including the vector modelling of the DG operations and the context of project-based learning. In the second part, the HyperCAL3D is used to perform various applications in typical problems of DG in its educational context, such as auxiliary views; determination of true length of straight, normal view of planes and angles between planes; obtaining axonometric views; obtaining main views. All these applications demonstrate the great potential of HyperCAL3D use as a teaching tool for DG.

da Silveira, A., B. Xavier, F. G. Teixeira, G. Lacerda, J. Zabadal, S. Silveira, and V. G. Ribeiro, "Agile data: automating database refactorings", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), vol. 4, pp. 115 - 122, 2014. AbstractFull Text

This paper discusses an automated approach to database change management throughout the companies’ development workflow. By using automated tools, companies can avoid common issues related to manual database deployments. This work was motivated by analyzing usual problems within organizations, mostly originated from manual interventions that may result in systems disruptions and production incidents. In addition to practices of continuous integration and continuous delivery, the current paper describes a case study in which a suggested pipeline is implemented in order to reduce the deployment times and decrease incidents due to ineffective data controlling.

da Silveira, A., F. G. Teixeira, G. Lacerda, J. Zabadal, S. Silveira, and V. G. Ribeiro, "Closed form solutions to water pollution problems using auto-bäcklund transformations", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), vol. 4, pp. 223 - 229, 2014. Abstract
da Silva, F. M., F. G. Teixeira, L. Ferrão, and P. J. Maldonado, "INSPAEDIA USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN (UXD)", 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and ErgonomicsProceedings of..., vol. 1, Las Vegas, pp. - , 2015. Abstract

The Inspaedia moto is to inspire a collaborative intelligence network on innovation and design processes. This paper is focused on Inspaedia user centered design features. We will describe how users can access the web platform, add, explore, relate, and share the Inspaedia contents. It will be a unique, memorable and inspiring collaborative knowledge experience that will facilitate several creative activities. Inspaedia is the natural consequence and development of the prototype resulting from the research in Design PhD thesis entitled " Innovation, design et cetera ". Therefore, the new platform is being developed under the post-doctoral Design in FA/UL – Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (Portugal); Science Without Borders Program with a Special Visiting Researcher fellowship from CAPES (Brazil) at the PGDesign UFRGS – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; CITAD – Research Centre for Territory, Architecture and Design of Lusíada Universities (Portugal); FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). The aim of this paper is to disclose the new research developments and the results from the systematization of experience and user's interaction on the Inspaedia platform. We want to share and discuss the interim results achieved so far with the participants of the 6th AHFE through a visual based presentation of the Inspaedia. We will choose the best outputs to be included in the next phases of the Inspaedia research project.

da Silva, A. R. M., E. P. Calegari, and F. G. Teixeira, "PROPOSTA INTERDISCIPLINAR: DESIGN E TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PRODUTOS PARA CRIANÇAS COM DEFICIÊNCIA VISUAL", Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabillidade de Interfaces Humano-TecnologiaAnais do ..., vol. 1, Joinvile, pp. - , 2014. Abstract
da Silva, F. M., F. G. Teixeira, and P. Maldonado, "INSPÆDIA, INSPIRING A COLLABORATIVE INTELLIGENCE NETWORK: DESIGNING THE USER EXPERIENCE", 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and ErgonomicsProceedings of the 5th AHFE Conference 19-23 July 2014, vol. 1, Cracóvia, pp. 463 - 472, 2014. Abstract


da Silva, A. R. M., E. P. Calegari, F. G. Teixeira, and R. S. da Silva, "Proposta interdisciplinar do design de produtos com a terapia ocupacional no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos para crianças com baixa visão", Revista Design & Tecnologia, vol. 4, pp. 10 - 19, 2014. Abstract