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Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, R. P. da Silva, T. N. Costa, and T. L. K. da Silva, "Uso da digitalização 3d e da parametrização de medidas antropométricas para produção de moldes personalizados para o vestuário", Educação Gráfica (Online), vol. 19, pp. 122 - 142, 2015. AbstractFull Text

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the feasibility of parameterization of custom basic molds, eliminating the need for making a mold for each user. This method uses the three-dimensional scanning to obtain the anthropometric measurements, and the user’s body silhouette and parameterize these measures, causing the production of a single basic mold is necessary to meet users with different anthropometric characteristics. A low-cost 3D scanner was used, Microsoft Kinect, to obtain the 3D model of the user’s body and the Grasshopper modeling algorithm for setting the mold. Thus, a research participant was scanned and, from your 3D model, anthropometric measurements were obtained for setting the mold. The final model was built and experienced by the participant for validation purposes. The results were satisfactory in showing high precision in anthropometric model produced. Thus, the study addressed brings important contribution to the development of products for clothing in areas as they provide flexibility in the basic mold production process and product measurements with high accuracy and hence increase the degree of comfort for the user.

Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, R. P. da Silva, and V. J. Batista, "APLICAÇÃO DA FASE DE PROJETO INFORMACIONAL NO PROJETO DE VASOS SANITÁRIOS PARA IDOSOS", II Conferência Internacional da Integração do Design, Engenharia e Gestão para a InovaçãoIDEMI/2012, Florianópoilis, pp. - , 2012. Abstract
Brendler, C. F., F. S. Viaro, F. G. Teixeira, R. P. da Silva, and U. M. Bruscato, "USO DA FABRICAÇÃO DIGITAL E PROTOTIPAGEM NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DO PROJETO DE PRODUTO: ANÁLISES DO PRODUTO ATRAVÉS SIMULAÇÕES DIGITAIS", SIGRADI 2013 - XVII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital GraphicsAnais..., Valparaíso, pp. 459 - 463, 2013. Abstract
Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, R. P. da Silva, and V. J. Batista, "Application of the informational phase of the project on the design of toilets for elderly", Human Factors in Design, vol. 1, pp. 1 - 8, 2012. AbstractWebsite
Brendler, C. F., and F. G. Teixeira, "Método para obtenção de medidas antropométricas utilizando um digitalizador 3D de baixo custo", Design e Tecnologia, vol. 6, issue 11, pp. 53 - 67, 2016. AbstractFull Text

The aim is to develop a method for obtaining anthropometric parameters using a low cost three-dimensional digitizer. The research methodology is divided in five steps: literature review; collection and analysis of anthropometric data using the direct method and also the development of the indirect method for obtaining anthropometric measurements; comparison and data analysis; discussion of results and the completion of the research. The digitization process developed it is based on Microsoft Kinect, a low-cost device, and also on the software kscan3D. For the anthropometric collection from the three-dimensional model is used Autodesk 3D Studio Max. This research presents requirements and constraints for generate the three-dimensional model in order to obtain a mesh with satisfactory precision. It is presented a flowchart to guide the implementation of the developed method in the design process as well as a summary table containing guidelines for this application. The developed method achieved 97.96% of compatibility considering the results of the measured variables in relation to the direct method. These results were obtained with an exposure time of the individual of only 3 minutes and 28 seconds, which is less than the time required in the direct method – 1 hour and 12 minutes. This demonstrates one major contribution of the developed method.

Brendler, C. F., F. S. Viaro, F. B. Bruno, F. G. Teixeira, and R. P. da Silva, "Recursos didáticos táteis para auxiliar a aprendizagem de deficientes visuais", Educação Gráfica (Online), vol. 18, pp. 141 - 157, 2014. AbstractWebsite
Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, M. S. Müller, and A. R. M. da Silva, "DIGITALIZAÇÃO 3D UTILIZANDO KINECT E SISTEMAS CAD E CAM PARA CONFECÇÃO DE ÓRTESE DE MEMBRO INFERIOR", 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em DesignAnais do 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, vol. 1, issue 4, GramadoSão Paulo, Editora Edgard Blücher, pp. 2479 - 2497, 2014. Abstract

The goal this article is to show an alternative to the process of making orthoses of a lower limb through of 3D scanning system of cost low. This alternative eliminates the plaster process traditionally utilized in the manufacture of orthoses of the lower limb. Therefore, was done an analysis of the manufacturing process orthoses in a specialist manufactory in a Porto Alegre – RS city. After that was done a 3D scanning in a subject for verification of possibility to make a virtual 3D model of the scanned leg. The 3D scanner utilized during the 3D scanning process was the Kinect device of the Microsoft. Thus, the manufacturing process orthoses by 3D scanning obtained satisfactory results, may be a solution for replaced of plaster model in the manufacturing process. The work is in progress for verification and analysis of precision between the plaster models and virtual model obtained through of the low-cost 3D scanning system.

Brendler, C. F., and F. G. Teixeira, "Guidelines assisting the application of anthropometry in the custom product design development", Estudos em Design (Online), vol. 21, pp. 01-16 - 16, 2013. Abstract
Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, W. Kindlein, M. Pohlmann, and W. Rossi, "FABRICAÇÃO DIGITAL PARA AUXILIAR NO ENSINO-APRENDIZADO DE ALUNOS COM DEFICIÊNCIA VISUAL: ESTUDO DE CASO DOS SISTEMAS NANOESTRUTURADOS", 12º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em DesignBlucher Design Proceedings, vol. 12, Belo Horizonte, pp. 2389 - , 06 de outubro, 2016. Abstract

Dados obtidos com o Censo Demográfico, em 2010, revelaram que quase 24% da população brasileira possuem algum tipo de deficiência, sendo a deficiência visual a de maior ocorrência. Dentre as políticas sociais que buscam atender às diferentes necessidades dos cidadãos, vale destacar o direito universal à educação. Recursos didáticos de diferentes naturezas vêm sendo empregados como ferramenta para auxiliar o ensino-aprendizagem de pessoas com deficiência visual. Vale, porém, questionar se esses recursos são realmente eficazes na compreensão de determinados conteúdos? Assim, o presente trabalho propõe a validação de modelos didáticos 3D para permitir a compreensão de sistemas nanoestruturados por deficientes visuais. A avaliação dos modelos foi realizada por usuário cego e, para tanto, foi utilizada uma adaptação do instrumento SETT (Alunos, Ambiente, Tarefas e Ferramentas). Os resultados indicam que os modelos produzidos por impressão 3D necessitam de revisão no que tange à legenda em Braille, mas, quanto aos demais aspectos, são viáveis para o uso como recurso didático para alunos com deficiência visual.

Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, W., KINDLEIN Jr., M. Pohlmann, and W. S. Rossi, "Transdisciplinaridade e integração de conteúdos da geometria descritiva, desenho técnico e modelagem na representação de micropartículas cristalinas", Educação Gráfica (Online), vol. 19, pp. 01 - 20, 2015. AbstractFull Text

Education systems are undergoing transformations in order to adapt their curriculum to develop skills that are required of professional from courses that have design disciplines. Also increasingly evident is the need for a transdisciplinary teaching that involves collaboration among different disciplines of the same science. In this context, this article focuses, by the case study of synthetic diamond particles, on the integration among Descriptive Geometry, Technical Drawing, Materials and Processes disciplines with the aid of CAD systems. Through this integration and a transdisciplinary teaching, it is possible to correlate the knowledge that involves three-dimensional modeling, the projection of objects and analysis of the geometric shape. The generated models represent an innovative feature for the process of teaching and learning in the disciplines that involve the design as it provides an effective contact between the student and the object of study through, the manufacturing experience and the concrete three-dimensional experience.