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de Barros, A. M., F. G. Teixeira, and R. P. da Silva, "Processo de projeto de produto a partir do paradigma da orientação a objetos", Estudos em Design (Online), vol. 22, pp. 151 - 163, 2014. AbstractWebsite
de Barros, A. M., F. G. Teixeira, and R. P. da Silva, "PROCESSO DE PROJETO DE PRODUTO A PARTIR DO PARADIGMA DA ORIENTAÇÃO A OBJETOS", 10º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em DesignAnais..., São Luiz, MA, pp. - , 2012. Abstract
Bittencourt, E., F. G. Teixeira, J. L. F. Aymone, and J. G. Creus, "MODELAMENTO E ANÁLISE NUMÉRICA DO PROBLEMA DE HIDROCONFORMAÇÃO", XXIX Jornadas Sudamericanas de Ingeniería EstructuralXXIX Jornadas Sudamericanas de Ingeniería Estructural, Punta del Este, pp. - , 2000. Abstract
Brandi, L. B., U. M. Bruscato, F. G. Teixeira, C. R. Manica, R. W. Pereira, and O. Schaeffer, "Processo de Fabricação Digital de Artefato para Transporte de Maças", XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics SIGraDi: Design in FreedomProceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - SIGraDi: Design in Freedom, vol. 1, MontevideoSão Paulo, Editora Edgard Blücher, pp. 324 - 327, 2014. Abstract


Brandi, L., F. G. Teixeira, A. Maldonado, R. Pereira, L. I. A. N. E. ROLDO, and F. Silva, "OBTENÇÃO E COMPARAÇÃO DE TEXTURAS POR PROCESSO DE DIGITALIZAÇÃO TRIDIMENSIONAL", 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em DesignAnais do 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, vol. 1, issue 4, Gramado, pp. 1889 - 1901, 2014. Abstract


Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, W., KINDLEIN Jr., M. Pohlmann, and W. S. Rossi, "Drawing, virtual modeling and 3d print in the production of didactic models for the teaching - learning of visually impaired students: case study of nanostructured systems", International Journal of Education and Research, vol. 03, pp. 453 - 466, 2015. AbstractFull Text

The present study focused on the inclusion of visually impaired individuals in regular and special
need education based on the proposal of educational resources to be applied in different
disciplines. This study case involved the development of models of nanostructured systems. The
production of these models included image design and stylization, 3D virtual modeling and 3D
print. The representation techniques used in this study generated a didactic kit for the teaching of
nanostructured systems. The proposed models can be used for both sighted and visually impaired
students, whether blind or with low vision.

Brendler, C. F., F. P. da Silva, and F. G. Teixeira, "Avaliação de modelos obtidos por diferentes sistemas de digitalização 3d para produtos personalizados", DAPesquisa, vol. 10, pp. 68 - 86, 2016, 2015. AbstractFull text

The purpose is to evaluate models obtained by different 3D scanning systems, and that the geometric variations can generate implications for anthropometric measurements for custom product design. For comparison and analysis, the right leg of a subject was scanned by white light 3D scanner (Artec Eva) and the infrared scanner (Microsoft Kinect). 3D models obtained by the scanners were compared using the Geomagic Qualify software. Also, by CNC machining of visual comparisons were performed analysis, for pressure mapping and thermography. The results were satisfactory both for the use of Kinect scanner and for Artec Eve. However, there was a dimensional difference of about 7 mm between the 3D models, which shows higher accuracy measures the models obtained by Eve Artec scanner. However, does not invalidate the use of Kinect for developing custom product designs. What will determine the most suitable for each type 3D scanner product is the degree of accuracy necessary for the product to perform its function with greater comfort and efficiency.

Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, M. S. Müller, and A. R. M. da Silva, "DIGITALIZAÇÃO 3D UTILIZANDO KINECT E SISTEMAS CAD E CAM PARA CONFECÇÃO DE ÓRTESE DE MEMBRO INFERIOR", 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em DesignAnais do 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, vol. 1, issue 4, GramadoSão Paulo, Editora Edgard Blücher, pp. 2479 - 2497, 2014. Abstract

The goal this article is to show an alternative to the process of making orthoses of a lower limb through of 3D scanning system of cost low. This alternative eliminates the plaster process traditionally utilized in the manufacture of orthoses of the lower limb. Therefore, was done an analysis of the manufacturing process orthoses in a specialist manufactory in a Porto Alegre – RS city. After that was done a 3D scanning in a subject for verification of possibility to make a virtual 3D model of the scanned leg. The 3D scanner utilized during the 3D scanning process was the Kinect device of the Microsoft. Thus, the manufacturing process orthoses by 3D scanning obtained satisfactory results, may be a solution for replaced of plaster model in the manufacturing process. The work is in progress for verification and analysis of precision between the plaster models and virtual model obtained through of the low-cost 3D scanning system.

Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, R. P. da Silva, and V. J. Batista, "Application of the informational phase of the project on the design of toilets for elderly", Human Factors in Design, vol. 1, pp. 1 - 8, 2012. AbstractWebsite
Brendler, C. F., F. G. Teixeira, R. P. da Silva, and V. J. Batista, "APLICAÇÃO DA FASE DE PROJETO INFORMACIONAL NO PROJETO DE VASOS SANITÁRIOS PARA IDOSOS", II Conferência Internacional da Integração do Design, Engenharia e Gestão para a InovaçãoIDEMI/2012, Florianópoilis, pp. - , 2012. Abstract