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Saffi, MA, Furtado MV, Montenegro MM, Ribeiro IW, Kampits C, Rabelo-Silva ER, Polanczyk CA, Rosing CK, Haas AN.  2013.  The effect of periodontal therapy on C-reactive protein, endothelial function, lipids and proinflammatory biomarkers in patients with stable coronary artery disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 14:283. AbstractWebsite

BACKGROUND: Scarce information exists regarding the preventive effect of periodontal treatment in the recurrence of cardiovascular events. Prevention may be achieved by targeting risk factors for recurrent coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with previous history of cardiovascular events. The aim of this trial is to compare the effect of two periodontal treatment approaches on levels of C-reactive protein, lipids, flow-mediated dilation and serum concentrations of proinflammatory and endothelial markers in stable CAD patients with periodontitis over a period of 12 months. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a randomized, parallel design, examiner blinded, controlled clinical trial. Individuals from both genders, 35 years of age and older, with concomitant diagnosis of CAD and periodontitis will be included. CAD will be defined as the occurrence of at least one of the following events 6 months prior to entering the trial: documented history of myocardial infarction; surgical or percutaneous myocardial revascularization and lesion >50% in at least one coronary artery assessed by angiography; presence of angina and positive noninvasive testing of ischemia. Diagnosis of periodontitis will be defined using the CDC-AAP case definition (>/=2 interproximal sites with clinical attachment loss >/=6 mm and >/=1 interproximal site with probing depth >/=5 mm). Individuals will have to present at least ten teeth present to be included. One hundred individuals will be allocated to test (intensive periodontal treatment comprised by scaling and root planing) or control (community periodontal treatment consisting of one session of supragingival plaque removal only) treatment groups. Full-mouth six sites per tooth periodontal examinations and subgingival biofilm samples will be conducted at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months after treatment. The primary outcome of this study will be C-reactive protein changes over time. Secondary outcomes include levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides, IL-1beta, IL-6, TNFalpha, fibrinogen, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin. These outcomes will be assessed at all time points over 12 months. Flow-mediated dilation will be assessed at baseline, 1, 3 and 6 months after periodontal therapy. DISCUSSION: This trial will provide new evidence regarding the effect of periodontal treatment on risk markers for recurrence of cardiovascular events in stable coronary artery disease patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Identifier, NCT01609725.

Peikriszwili Tartaruga, M, Bolli Mota C, Peyre-Tartaruga LA, Kruel LFM, Vallier JM, Brisswalter J.  2013.  Efficience metabolique et prediction de la performance en course a pied de longue distance: interet de la normalisation allometrique. SCIENCE ET SPORTS. 28:165–171., Number 4: Elsevier Abstract
Oliveira, HB, da Rosa RG, Gomeñuka NA, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2013.  Estabilidade dinâmica da caminhada de indiv{\'ıduos hemiparéticos: a influência da velocidade. Revista da Educação F{\'ısica/UEM. 24:559–565., Number 4: {Universidade Estadual de Maringá Abstract
Lombardi, TTN, Simoni AT, Estanislau BR, Dagnino RS, Arruti JM{\'ıcio.  2013.  Ethnicity and race data collection at some Latin American countries census. XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference. Abstract
Walter, N, Vargas JC.  2013.  Expansão territorial e novas mobilidades:. :11. Abstract
Pignaton de Freitas, E, Heimfarth T, Wagner FR, Pereira CE, Larsson T.  2013.  Exploring geographic context awareness for data dissemination on mobile ad hoc networks. Ad Hoc Networks. 11:1746-1764., Number 6 AbstractWebsite
Faria, P.  2013.  Externalismo semântico. Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica. (Branquinho, J., Santos, R., Eds.).:1-12., Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa Abstract

O externalismo semântico (a tese segundo a qual valores semânticos são, ao menos parcialmente, constituídos pelas relações não-representacionais dos usuários da linguagem com seu ambiente natural e social) é apresentado aqui em perspectiva histórica. Na reconstrução proposta, a genealogia da tese exposta e defendida por Hilary Putnam no clássico 'The meaning of "meaning"' (1975) remonta à filosofia da linguagem de Bertrand Russell nos anos 1903-1914 (em particular, à concepção russelliana da semântica dos termos singulares). A tese foi então gradualmente articulada na crítica à compreensão dita 'descritivista' da referência que emergiu da obra pioneira de Ruth Barcan Marcus em lógica modal quantificada e foi sistematizada por filósofos como Keith Donnellan, David Kaplan e, sobretudo, Saul A. Kripke. A este último, em particular, deve-se a introdução da noção de designação rígida que, estendida aos designadores de espécies naturais, abriria o caminho, finalmente, para a formulação madura do externalismo semântico no 'locus classicus' de Putnam.

Allem, LE, Gao S, Trevisan V.  2013.  Extracting sparse factors from multivariate integral polynomials. Journal of Symbolic Computation. 52:3–16.: Elsevier Abstract
Ritter, MN, Erthal F.  2013.  Fidelity bias in mollusk assemblages from coastal lagoons of southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 16:225-236., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The South America southern coast exhibits many outcrops with abundant shell beds, from the Pleistocene through the Recent. How much biological information is preserved within these shell beds? Or, what is the actual probability a living community has to leave a fossil record corresponding to these shell deposits? Although ecological and biogeographical aspects might had been pointed, considering these temporal scales, up to the moment there is no taphonomically-oriented studies available. Quantitative comparisons between living (LAs), death (DAs) and fossil assemblages (FAs) are important not only in strictly taphonomic studies, but have grown a leading tool for conservation paleobiology analysis. Comparing LAs, DAs and FAs from estuaries and lagoons in the Rio Grande do Sul Coastal Plain makes possible to quantitatively understand the nature and quantity of biological information preserved in fossil associations in Holocene lagoon facies. As already noted by several authors, spatial scale parts the analysis, but we detected that the FAs reflects live ones, rather than dead ones, as previously not realized. The results herein obtained illustrates that species present in DA are not as good preserved in recent (Holocene) fossil record as originally thought. Strictly lagoon species are most prone to leave fossil record. The authors consider that the fidelity pattern here observed for estuarine mollusks to be driven by (i) high temporal and spatial variability in the LAs, (ii) spatial mixing in the DA and (iii) differential preservation of shells, due to long residence times in the taphonomically active zone. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.

Gonçalves, V, Machado M, Da Silva ML, De Santana Amaral JT.  2013.  Foreword: XII Hadron Physics. American Institute of Physics Conference Series. 1520:1–2. Abstract
Staats, CC, Kmetzsch L, Schrank A, Vainstein MH.  2013.  Fungal zinc metabolism and its connections to virulence. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 4, Number OCT AbstractWebsite
Altmann, S.  2013.  Geometrie und objektive Realität der Idee der Sittlichkeit in der Kritik der praktischen Vernunf. Das Leben der Vernunft. (HÜNING, D.; KLINGNER, D.; OLK, C., Ed.).:354-363.: De Gruyter Abstract
Silveira, CP, Piffer AC, Kmetzsch L, Fonseca FL, Soares DA, Staats CC, Rodrigues ML, Schrank A, Vainstein MH.  2013.  The heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 of Cryptococcus neoformans is associated with the fungal cell surface and influences the interaction between yeast and host cells. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 60:53–63. AbstractWebsite
Oliveira, VM, Lopes KA, Detoni GC, Ferreira C, Tratis L, Portela BS, Queiroga MR, Tartaruga LAP, Tartaruga MP.  2013.  INFLUÊNCIA DO GRADIENTE DE INCLINA{\c{C}}ÃO NA MÁXIMA PRONA{\c{C}}ÃO SUBTALAR EM VELOCIDADE SUBMÁXMIA DE CORRIDA. Acta Ortopédica Brasileira. 21, Number 3 Abstract
Eckhard, D, Bazanella AS, Rojas CR, Hjalmarsson H.  2013.  Input design as a tool to improve the convergence of {PEM}. Automatica. 49:3282–3291., Number 11 Abstract

The Prediction Error Method (PEM) is related to an optimization problem built on input/output data collected from the system to be identified. It is often hard to find the global solution of this optimization problem because the corresponding objective function presents local minima and/or the search space is constrained to a nonconvex set. The shape of the cost function, and hence the difficulty in solving the optimization problem, depends directly on the experimental conditions, more specifically on the spectrum of the input/output data collected from the system. Therefore, it seems plausible to improve the convergence to the global minimum by properly choosing the spectrum of the input; in this paper, we address this problem. We present a condition for convergence to the global minimum of the cost function and propose its inclusion in the input design. We present the application of the proposed approach to case studies where the algorithms tend to get trapped in nonglobal minima.

Pignaton de Freitas, E, Muller I, Allgayer R, Pereira CE, Cavalcante A, Marinho M, da Costa JPLC, de Júnior RTS.  2013.  Intelligent and Flexible Manufacturing Product Line Supported by Agents and Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 46:222-227., Number 9 AbstractWebsite
Bianchi, O, Repenning GB, Canto LB, Mauler RS, Oliveira RVB.  2013.  Kinetics of thermo-oxidative degradation of PS-POSS hybrid nanocomposite. Polymer Testing. 32:794-801., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Machado, MVT, Mariotto BC.  2013.  Looking at the photoproduction of massive gauge bosons at the LHeC. arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.7075. Abstract
They, NH, Marques DM, Souza RS.  2013.  Lower respiration in the littoral zones of a subtropical shallow lake. Frontiers in Microbiology. 3:1–10., Number 434 Abstract
Tartaruga, MP, Brisswalter J, Mota CB, Alberton CL, Gomeñuka NA, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2013.  Mechanical work and long-distance performance prediction: the influence of allometric scaling. Journal of human kinetics. 38:73–82., Number 1: Sciendo Abstract
Tartaruga, MP, Brisswalter J, Mota CB, Alberton CL, Gomeñuka NA, Peyré-Tartaruga LA.  2013.  Mechanical work and long-distance performance prediction: The influence of allometric scaling. Journal of Human Kinetics. 38:73-82., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Altmann, S, Silva MS.  2013.  Metafísica e Ciência. Diálogos com a escola: experiências em formação continuada em filosofia na UFRGS. (SPINELLI, P; PORTO, L.S.; ZANUZZI, I.; SANTOS, R.B., Ed.).:113-150., Porto Alegre: Evangraf Abstract
Staats, CC, Kmetzsch L, Lubeck I, Junges A, Vainstein MH, Schrank A.  2013.  Metarhizium anisopliae chitinase CHIT30 is involved in heat-shock stress and contributes to virulence against Dysdercus peruvianus. Fungal Biology. 117:137–144., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Carli, LN, Bianchi O, Machado G, Crespo JS, Mauler RS.  2013.  Morphological and structural characterization of PHBV/organoclay nanocomposites by small angle X-ray scattering. Materials Science and Engineering C. 33:932-937., Number 2 AbstractWebsite