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Costa, Maria de Lourdes, Silva, Maria Lais Pereira da, Gaffney, Christopher Thomas, Broudehoux, Anne-Marie, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Eds.).  2014.  Produção e gestão do espaço. , Niterói: FAPERJ : UFF, EAU PPGAU : Casa 8 Abstract
da Silva Frozza, CO, da Silva Ribeiro T, Gambato G, Menti C, Moura S, Marcos Pinto P, Staats CC, Padilha FF, Begnini KR, de Leon PMM, Borsuk S, Savegnago L, Dellagostin O, Collares T, Seixas FK, Henriques JAP, Roesch-Ely M.  2014.  Proteomic analysis identifies differentially expressed proteins after red propolis treatment in Hep-2 cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 63:195–204. AbstractWebsite
de Carvalhoa, KEC, Júniorb MB{\'ıvar G, Sáa KN.  2014.  REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE REUMATOLOGIA. rev bras reumatol. 54:260–267., Number 4 Abstract
da Silva, MLL, Machado MVT.  2014.  Scalar photoproduction on the proton at CLAS and GlueX energies. arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.4511. Abstract
Tartaruga, MP, Mota CB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Brisswalter J.  2014.  Scale model on performance prediction in recreational and elite endurance runners. International journal of sports physiology and performance. 9:650–655., Number 4: Human Kinetics, Inc. Abstract
Tartaruga, MP, Mota CB, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Brisswalter J.  2014.  Scale model on performance prediction in recreational and elite endurance runners. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 9:650-655., Number 4 AbstractWebsite
Neto, BAD, Mota AAR, Gatto CC, Machado G, Fasciotti M, De Oliveira HCB, Ferreira DAC, Bianchi O, Eberlin MN.  2014.  Solid, solution and gas phase interactions of an imidazolium-based task-specific ionic liquid derived from natural kojic acid. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 25:2280-2294., Number 12 AbstractWebsite
Techio, J.  2014.  Solipsism and and the Limits of Sense in the Tractatus. Philosophical Topics. 42:339-369. AbstractWebsite
Mota, AAR, Gatto CC, Machado G, De Oliveira HCB, Fasciotti M, Bianchi O, Eberlin MN, Neto BAD.  2014.  Structural organization and supramolecular interactions of the task-specific ionic liquid 1-methyl-3-carboxymethylimidazolium chloride: Solid, solution, and gas phase structures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118:17878-17889., Number 31 AbstractWebsite
Faria, P.  2014.  Temporalismo e eternismo. Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica. (Branquinho, J., Santos, R., Eds.).:1-19., Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa Abstract

Temporalismo e eternismo são teses semânticas. Segundo a primeira, que prevaleceu ao longo da maior parte da história da lógica no Ocidente, existem proposições completas cujo valor de verdade varia com o tempo (proposições temporais), e a investigação das relações entre tempo e verdade é parte integral da lógica. Para a segunda, que emerge gradualmente na obra dos pioneiros da lógica moderna e recebe sua primeira formulação sistemática na obra de Frege, o que o temporalismo percebe como uma proposição com valor de verdade variável deve ser concebido, antes, como uma função proposicional em que pelo menos uma variável livre (usualmente inarticulada na expressão linguística da proposição) toma como argumentos instantes ou intervalos de tempo. As duas teses têm consequências importantes, aqui brevemente resenhadas, para a concepção das relações entre tempo e modalidade e para a semântica das atitudes proposicionais.

Carmo, RL, Dagnino R, Johansen IC.  2014.  Transição demográfica e transição do consumo urbano de água no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População. 31:169–190., Number 1 Abstract
Lampoltshammer, TJ, Pignaton de Freitas E, Nowotny T, Plank S, da Costa JPCL, Larsson T, Heistracher T.  2014.  Use of Local Intelligence to Reduce Energy Consumption of Wireless Sensor Nodes in Elderly Health Monitoring Systems. Sensors. 14:4932–4947., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

The percentage of elderly people in European countries is increasing. Such conjuncture affects socio-economic structures and creates demands for resourceful solutions, such as Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), which is a possible methodology to foster health care for elderly people. In this context, sensor-based devices play a leading role in surveying, e.g., health conditions of elderly people, to alert care personnel in case of an incident. However, the adoption of such devices strongly depends on the comfort of wearing the devices. In most cases, the bottleneck is the battery lifetime, which impacts the effectiveness of the system. In this paper we propose an approach to reduce the energy consumption of sensors’ by use of local sensors’ intelligence. By increasing the intelligence of the sensor node, a substantial decrease in the necessary communication payload can be achieved. The results show a significant potential to preserve energy and decrease the actual size of the sensor device units.

Kruel, LFM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Coertjens M, Dias ABC, Da Silva RC, Rangel ACB.  2014.  Using heart rate to prescribe physical exercise during head-out water immersion. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 28:281–289., Number 1: LWW Abstract
Kruel, LFM, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Coertjens M, Dias ABC, Da Silva RC, Rangel ACB.  2014.  Using heart rate to prescribe physical exercise during head-out water immersion. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28:281-289., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Da C. Godinho, RM, Crestani J, Kmetzsch L, De S. Araujo G, Frases S, Staats CC, Schrank A, Vainstein MH, Rodrigues ML.  2014.  The vacuolar-sorting protein Snf7 is required for export of virulence determinants in members of the Cryptococcus neoformans complex.. Scientific Reports. 4 AbstractWebsite
Fiore, R, Jenkovszky L, Libov V, Machado MVT, Salii A.  2014.  Vector meson production at the LHC. arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.01990. Abstract
Pinto, SS, Zaffari P, Bagatini NC, Baroni BM, Lanferdini FJ, Radaelli R, Pantoja P{\'ıcia D, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Schoenell MCW, Cadore EL, others.  2014.  Water-Based Concurrent Training Improves Neuromuscular Economy, Force Development And Jump Height In Young Women: 930 Board\# 345 May 28, 200 PM-330 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 46:255., Number 5S: LWW Abstract
CARMO, R, Dagnino R, Saifi S, Caparroz M, CRAICE C.  2014.  {Caracter{\'ısticas demográficas e socioeconômicas de munic{\'ıpios do Projeto URBISAmazônia no Pará. Textos NEPO. 68: {Núcleo de Estudos de População Elza Berquó Abstract
Sampaio dos Santos, G, Machado MVT.  2014.  {Diffractive dissociation in proton-nucleus collisions at collider energies}. Eur. Phys. J. A. 50:166., Number 11 Abstract
da Silva, MLL, Machado MVT.  2014.  {Scalar photoproduction on the proton at CLAS and GlueX energies}. Acta Phys. Polon. Supp.. 7(Bicudo, Pedro, Giacosa, Francesco, Malek, Magdalena, Marinkovic, Marina, Parganlija, Denis, Eds.).:481., Number 3 Abstract
Ducati, GMB, Griep MT, Machado MVT.  2014.  {Study on the low mass Drell-Yan production at the CERN LHC within the dipole formalism}. Phys. Rev. D. 89:034022., Number 3 Abstract
Fiore, R, Jenkovszky L, Libov V, Machado M.  2014.  {Vector meson production in ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC}. Teor. Mat. Fiz.. 182:171–181., Number 1 Abstract
Simões, FJR, Pavan J, Gaelzer R, Ziebell LF, Yoon PH.  2013.  Particle-in-cell simulations on spontaneous thermal magnetic field fluctuations, October. Physics of Plasmas. 20, Number 10 AbstractWebsite

In this paper an electromagnetic particle code is used to investigate the spontaneous thermal emission. Specifically we perform particle-in-cell simulations employing a non-relativistic isotropic Maxwellian particle distribution to show that thermal fluctuations are related to the origin of spontaneous magnetic field fluctuation. These thermal fluctuations can become seed for further amplification mechanisms and thus be considered at the origin of the cosmological magnetic field, at microgauss levels. Our numerical results are in accordance with theoretical results presented in the literature.

Marinho, MAM, Ferreira RSJ, d. Costa JPCL, d. Freitas EP, Antreich F, Liu K, So HC, d. Sousa RTJ, Zelenovsky R.  2013.  Antenna Array Based Positioning Scheme for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, March. WSA 2013; 17th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas. :1-6. Abstract