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Machado, MVT.  2005.  Geometric scaling in ultrahigh-energy neutrino scattering and nonlinear perturbative QCD. Physical Review D. 71:114009., Number 11: APS Abstract
Graef, F, Alberton CL, Tartaruga LAP, Kruel LFM.  2005.  Heart rate in immersed individuals over different water temperatures. Rev Port Cienc Desp. 5:266–73., Number 3 Abstract
Klaudat, A.  2005.  Hume e a determinação da mente. Ensaios sobre Hume. :187-204., Belo Horizonte: Segrac Abstract
DAGNINO, RS, FREITAS MWD, VALERIANO MM, LADEIRA FSB, CARPI JÚNIOR S.  2005.  Identificação de antropossolos em Picinguaba (Ubatuba, SP) para o estudo do Tecnógeno. 10º Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternário. Guarapari, ES. Abstract
de Medeiros, MH, Ribas LR, Coertjens M, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Tartaruga MP.  2005.  A influência da escala alométrica na relação entre economia de corrida e variáveis biomecânicas de corredoras de rendimento. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica (17.: 2005: Porto Alegre, RS). Livro de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2005.. Abstract
Lengyel, AI, Machado MVT.  2005.  Investigating the role of average color dipole size in BFKL Pomeron phenomenology. arXiv preprint hep-ph/0503282. Abstract
Altmann, S.  2005.  Predicação, verdade e existência em Kant. Analytica. Revista de filosofia. 9:137-159., Number 2 AbstractWebsite
Fraga, CHW, Bloedow LS, Carpes F, Tartaruga LAP, Tartaruga MP, Follmer B, Oliveira AR, Guimarães ACS.  2005.  Proposta metodológica para verificar a influência do ciclismo nos aspectos cinemáticos na corrida do triathlon. Anais do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Biomecânica. Abstract
de los Bloedow, LS, Fraga CHW, Carpes F, Peyré-Tartaruga LA, Tartaruga MP, Follmer B.  2005.  Proposta metodológica para verificar a influência do ciclismo nos aspectos cinemáticos na corrida do triathlon. Salão de Iniciação Cient{\'ıfica (17.: 2005: Porto Alegre, RS). Livro de resumos. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2005.. Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2005.  The QCD pomeron in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions: IV. Photonuclear production of vector mesons. The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields. 40:519–529., Number 4: Springer Abstract
Lengyel, AI, Machado MVT.  2005.  Revisiting the phenomenology on the QCD color dipole picture. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements. 146:214–216.: Elsevier Abstract
Vasconcelos, ATR, Ferreira HB, Bizarro CV, Bonatto SL, Carvalho MO, Pinto PM, Almeida DF, Almeida LGP, Almeida R, Alves-Filho L, Assunção EN, Azevedo VAC, Bogo MR, Brigido MM, Brocchi M, Burity HA, Camargo AA, Camargo SS, Carepo MS, Carraro DM, De Mattos Cascardo JC, Castro LA, Cavalcanti G, Chemale G, Collevatti RG, Cunha CW, Dallagiovanna B, Dambrós BP, Dellagostin OA, Falcão C, Fantinatti-Garboggini F, Felipe MSS, Fiorentin L, Franco GR, Freitas NSA, Frías D, Grangeiro TB, Grisard EC, Guimarães CT, Hungria M, Jardim SN, Krieger MA, Laurino JP, Lima LFA, Lopes MI, Loreto ÉLS, Madeira HMF, Manfio GP, Maranhão AQ, Martinkovics CT, Medeiros SRB, Moreira MAM, Neiva M, Ramalho-Neto CE, Nicolás MF, Oliveira SC, Paixão RFC, Pedrosa FO, Pena SDJ, Pereira M, Pereira-Ferrari L, Piffer I, Pinto LS, Potrich DP, Salim ACM, Santos FR, Schmitt R, Schneider MPC, Schrank A, Schrank IS, Schuck AF, Seuanez HN, Silva DW, Silva R, Silva SC, Soares CMA, Souza KRL, Souza RC, Staats CC, Steffens MBR, Teixeira SMR, Urmenyi TP, Vainstein MH, Zuccherato LW, Simpson AJG, Zaha A.  2005.  Swine and poultry pathogens: The complete genome sequences of two strains of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and a strain of Mycoplasma synoviae. Journal of Bacteriology. 187:5568–5577., Number 16 AbstractWebsite
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2005.  {Heavy quark photoproduction in proton-proton collisions}. Phys. Rev. D. 71:014025. Abstract
Gonçalves, TL, Erthal F, Corte CLD, Müller LG, Piovezan CM, Nogueira CW, Rocha JBT.  2005.  {Involvement of oxidative stress in the pre-malignant and malignant states of cervical cancer in women}. Clinical Biochemistry. 38, Number 12 Abstract

Objectives: To evaluate the potential role of oxidative stress in the evolution of cervical cancer, including its pre-malignant states. Design and methods: Erythrocytes thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels, plasma vitamin C and thiol content and total blood $δ$-ALA-D levels were estimated in 46 untreated cervical cancer and pre-malignant patients and in 46 age-sex-matched controls. Results: Erythrocytes from patients, regardless of disease state, pre-malignant (low squamous intraepithelial lesion-LSIL and high squamous intraepithelial lesion-HSIL) or cancer, showed a significant 2-3 times increase in TBARS levels (P {\textless} 0.01). Plasma vitamin C was lower in the carcinoma group (P {\textless} 0.01). The reactivation index of $δ$-aminolevulinate dehydratase ($δ$-ALA-D) was higher in the patient group, when compared to control (P {\textless} 0.01). Conclusion: LSIL, HSIL or cervical cancer can be associated with changes in 3 indicators of oxidative stress: increase in erythrocyte TBARS, ALA-D reactivation index and a decrease in vitamin C content, that may play an important role in carcinogenesis. © 2005 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.

Lengyel, AI, Machado MVT.  2005.  {Revisiting the phenomenology on the QCD color dipole picture}. Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl.. 146(Fiore, R, Ivanov, I. P., Papa, A., Lohr, B., Eds.).:214–216. Abstract
Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2005.  {The QCD pomeron in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions. IV. Photonuclear production of vector mesons}. Eur. Phys. J. C. 40:519–529. Abstract
Gaelzer, R, Ziebell LF, Schneider RS.  2004.  The Effective Longitudinal Dielectric Constant for Plasmas in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields, September. Brazilian Journal of Physics. 34:1224–1240., Number 3B Abstract

We prEsent a detailed derivation of the effective dielectric constant to be used in the dispersion relation for electrostatic waves in the case of a Plasma immersed in a inhomogeneous magnetic ?eld, with inhomogeneity perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic ?eld.

Remor, E, Young NL, Von Mackensen S, Lopatina EG.  2004.  Disease-specific quality-of-life measurement tools for haemophilia patients, Oct. Haemophilia. 10 Suppl 4:30-4.
Susin, C, Haas AN, Oppermann RV, Haugejorden O, Albandar JM.  2004.  Gingival recession: epidemiology and risk indicators in a representative urban Brazilian population, Oct. J Periodontol. 75:1377-86., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

BACKGROUND: Gingival recession is a common manifestation of periodontal disease, but it is also associated with other risk factors. A few studies have investigated the epidemiology and risk factors of this condition. This study describes the epidemiology of gingival recession in a representative, urban Brazilian population and assesses various risk indicators. METHODS: A representative sample of 1,460 subjects was selected using a multi-stage, probability, cluster sampling strategy. The subjects were interviewed using a structured questionnaire and had a full-mouth clinical examination in a mobile examination center. RESULTS: More than half (51.6%) and 22.0% of the individuals and 17.0% and 5.8% of teeth per individual showed gingival recession > or = 3 mm and > or = 5 mm, respectively. The prevalence, extent, and severity of recession correlated with age. Recession showed a nonlinear relationship with age, with 25 to 50 year olds showing the highest level of recession. Males aged > or = 30 years showed significantly higher prevalence and extent of gingival recession than females. The percentage of teeth with recession was significantly higher in the lower socioeconomic groups irrespective of age, and in subjects > or = 30 years of age with irregular dental care than in subjects with regular care. Using a multivariable model, cigarette smoking and presence of supragingival calculus were the factors most significantly associated with localized and generalized recession, whereas gender, dental visits, and socioeconomic status were not significant risk indicators. CONCLUSIONS: The high level of gingival recession in this Brazilian population may be primarily related to destructive periodontal disease and is significantly associated with a high level of supragingival dental calculus and cigarette smoking. Population-based programs aimed at the prevention of periodontal diseases may reduce the prevalence of severe gingival recession in this and similar populations.

Arranz, P, Remor E, Quintana M, Villar A, Díaz JL, Moreno M, Monteagudo J, Ugarriza A, Soto I, Pérez R, Chacón J, García-Luaces M, Cid A, Balda I, López MF, Gutíerrez MJ, Martínez E, Marrero C, Prieto M, Sedano C, Vaca R, Altisent C, Hernández-Navarro F, Group H-QL.  2004.  Development of a new disease-specific quality-of-life questionnaire to adults living with haemophilia, Jul. Haemophilia. 10(4):376-82.
Silveira, OJG, Ziebell LF, Schneider RS, Gaelzer R.  2004.  The Dispersion Relation for Electrostatic Fluctuations in Weakly Inhomogeneous Plasmas, December. Brazilian Journal of Physics. 34:1638–1644., Number 4B Abstract

We compare and discuss several approximations to the dispersion relation for electrostatic waves in inhomogeneous Plasmas, either obtained directly from Poisson?s equation, or from the dielectric constant obtained using a dielectric tensor derived using the plAne wave approximation, or from the dielectric constant derived using the effective dielectric tensor.

Schneider, RS, Ziebell LF, Gaelzer R.  2004.  On the Onsager symmetry of the effective dielectric tensor for Plasmas in inhomogeneous magnetic field, December. Brazilian Journal of Physics. 34:1645–1650., Number 4B Abstract

The prEservation of Onsager symmetry for the effective dielectric tensor is discussed for a homogeneous Plasma immersed in a inhomogeneous magnetic ?eld, using the unperturbed orbits correct up to order $k\_B$, which is the scalelength of the field inhomogeneity. General features of the calculation of the components of the tensor are discussed and detailed calculations are developed for the $zz$ component, which is shown to satisfy the conditions for Onsager symmetry, in agreement with prEvious results obtained using less prEcise exprEssions for the unperturbed orbits.

Favart, L, Machado MVT.  2004.  {Deeply virtual Compton scattering in the saturation approach}, 8. {12th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2004)}. :507–510. Abstract