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Goncalves, VP, Machado MVT.  2006.  {Vector meson production in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions}. J. Phys. G. 32:295–308. Abstract
Remor, E, Arranz P, Quintana M, Villar A, Jimenez-Yuste V, Diaz JL, Rincon C, Marrero C, Moreno M, Lucia JF, Martinez E, Soto I, Sedano C, Gonzalez-Boullosa R, Prieto M, Garcia-Luaces M, Hernandez-Navarro F.  2005.  Psychometric field study of the new haemophilia quality of life questionnaire for adults: the 'Hemofilia-QoL', Nov. Haemophilia. 11(6):603-10.
Remor, E, Arranz P, Quintana M, Villar A, Jiménez-Yuste V, Diaz JL, Rincón C, Marrero C, Moreno M, Lucia JF, Martínez E, Soto I, Sedano C, Gonzalez-Boullosa R, Prieto M, Garcia-Luaces M, Hernández-Navarro F, Group H-QLP.  2005.  Psychometric field study of the new haemophilia quality of life questionnaire for adults: the 'Hemofilia-QoL', Nov. Haemophilia. 11(6):603-10.
Goldani, M, Homrich C, Silva A, Bettiol H, Nava T, Agranonik M, Barbieri M.  2005.  Impact of Multiple Births on Low Birth Weight Rate in Porto Alegre, Brazil, 31 August. ESPR - European Society for Pediatric Research. , Siena - Italy
Favart, L, Machado MVT, Schoeffel L.  2005.  {Extraction of the skewing factor from the DIS/DVCS ratio}, 11. Abstract
Blank, D.  2005.  A tragédia da miopia coletiva, 10 fev. 2005. Zero Hora. :15-15.blank_tragedia_miopia_coletiva_2005.pdf
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Oliveira LF, Almeida CC, Diehl F, Genro BP, Lanziotti V, Quillfeldt JA.  2005.  Amnestic effect of intrahippocampal AM251, a CB1 selective blocker, in the inhibitory avoidance task in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 83(2):119-124.
LADEIRA, F, Dagnino R, Freitas M, Valeriano M, Carpi Junior S.  2005.  Análise paisagística integrada do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Picinguaba, Ubatuba – SP. XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geografia Física Aplicada. , São Paulo Abstract


BRANDÃO, L.  2005.  Compreensão e produção do discurso oral em portadores da Doença de Alzheimer. Distúrbios neurológicos adquiridos. , São Paulo: Manole
Blank, D, Neto ALA.  2005.  Controle de acidentes e violências na infância e na adolescência. Semiologia e atenção primária à criança e ao adolescente. , Rio de Janeiro: Livraria e Editora Revinter Ltdablank_controle_de_acidentes_e_violencias_2005.pdf
BARILLI, SLS, dos SANTOS ST, Montanari T.  2005.  Efeito do decocto dos frutos de buchinha-do-norte (Luffa operculata Cogn.) sobre a reprodução feminina e o desenvolvimento embrionário e fetal. XVII Salão de Iniciação Científica. Livro de Resumos. :p.539., Porto Alegre, RS: Pró-reitoria de Pesquisa, UFRGSsic2005resumo.pdfsic2005luffa.pdfsic2005luffappt.pdf
Freitas, TG, Augusto PM, Montanari T.  2005.  Effect of Ruta graveolens L. on pregnant mice. Contraception. 71(1):74-77.Disponívelem:
DAGNINO, RS, FREITAS MWD, VALERIANO MM, LADEIRA FSB, CARPI JÚNIOR S.  2005.  Identificação de antropossolos em Picinguaba (Ubatuba, SP) para o estudo do Tecnógeno. 10º Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternário. Guarapari, ES. , Guarapari Abstract2005_dagnino_et_al_abequa_identifica_antropossolos.pdf

This study is part of an integrated landscape analysis at Serra do Mar State Park – Picinguaba Nucleous, at Ubatuba, São Paulo State, based on the ecodynamics studies of Tricart (1977), the dynamic cartography of Journaux (1985) and the geosystemic approach of Bertrand and Bertrand (2002). Human impacts on natural landscapes were studied under three approach levels: terrain shape, processes and superficial deposits. The identification of anthroposoils is expected to bring indicators of man induced transformations of the landscape physiology and thus contribute to the understanding of Technogen. The applied methodology is based on remote sensing (Landsat 7-ETM+) to map actual land use and vegetation cover through image classification and on GIS geomorphological mapping with 30m grid DEM (refined from SRTM-90m data by kriging interpolation) and derived products, as slope angle, terrain curvature and others. The resulting layers are integrated with environmental variables towards the identification and the mapping of altered deposits. This methodology will be completed with the identification of deposits (Fanning and Fanning, 1998) and with the soil classification according to EMBRAPA (1999) and Curcio et al (2004). The study will be evaluated in field work and the final results shall further support a conservation plan for the area.

Haas, F.  2005.  Jacobi structures in R3. J. Math. Phys. 46(10):102703.Jacobi_structures.pdf
Haas, F.  2005.  A magnetohydrodynamic model for quantum plasmas. Phys. Plasmas. 12(6):062117.magnetohydrodynamic_model.pdf
Garcia, LG, Haas F, Goedert J, de Oliveira LPL.  2005.  Modified Zakharov equations for plasmas with a quantum correction. Phys. Plasmas. 12(1):012302.modified_Zakharov.pdf
Blank, D.  2005.  Mudando a forma de enxergar os acidentes. Crianças e adolescentes seguros. , São Paulo: Publifolhablank_mudando_a_forma_de_enxergar_os_acidentes_2005.pdf
Blank, D, Liberal E.  2005.  O pediatra e as causas externas de morbimortalidade. Jornal de Pediatria. 81(5 suplementar):s119-s122.blank_o_pediatra_e_as_causas_externas_de_morbimortalidade_jped_2005.pdf