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Stefan, M, Brodin G, Haas F, Marklund M.  2010.  Effects of the electron spin on the nonlinear generation of quasi-static magnetic fields in a plasma. J. Plasma Phys. 76(6):865.effects_electron.pdf
Haas, F, Zamanian J, Marklund M, Brodin G.  2010.  Fluid moment hierarchy equations derived from gauge invariant quantum kinetic theory. New J. Phys. 12(7):073027.fluid_gauge.pdf
Haas, F, Marklund M, Brodin G, Zamanian J.  2010.  Fluid moment hierarchy equations derived from quantum kinetic theory. Phys. Lett. A. 374(3):481.fluid_moment.pdf
Fedele, R, Eliasson B, Haas F, Shukla PK, Jovanovic D, Nicola S.  2010.  Soliton solutions of 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation by a potential control method.. AIP Conference Proceedings. In: B. Eliasson and P. K. Shukla. (org.). New Frontiers in Advanced Plasma Physics: Proceedings of the 2010 ICTP International Advanced Workshop on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics, Trieste, Italy 5-16 July 2010. 1306:61.soliton_solutions.pdf
Misra, AP, Banerjee S, Haas F, Shukla PK, Guimarães LP.  2010.  Temporal dynamics in the one-dimensional quantum Zakharov equations for plasmas. Phys. Plasmas. 17(3):032307.temporal_dynamics.pdf
Haas, F, Manfredi G, Shukla PK, Hervieux P-A.  2009.  Breather mode in the many-electron dynamics of semiconduct or quantum wells. Phys. Rev. B. 80(7):073301.breather_mode.pdf
Haas, F, Shukla PK, Eliasson B.  2009.  Nonlinear saturation of the Weibel instability in a dense Fermi plasma. J. Plasma Phys. 75(2):251.nonlinear_saturation.pdf
Haas, F, Bret A, Shukla PK.  2009.  Physical interpretation of the quantum two-stream instability. Phys. Rev. E. 80(6):066407.physical_interpretation.pdf
Haas, F, Shukla PK.  2009.  Quantum and classical dynamics of Langmuir wave packets. Phys. Rev. E. 79(6):066402.quantum_classical.pdf
Haas, F, Shukla PK.  2009.  Translating oscillatory nonlinear structure in a plasma boundary. Phys. Plasmas. 16(9):092107.translating_oscillatory.pdf
Haas, F, Lazar M.  2008.  Macroscopic description of the quantum Weibel instability. Phys. Rev. E. 2008(4):046404.macroscopic_description.pdf
Haas, F, Shukla PK.  2008.  Nonlinear structure in a current-carrying collisional dusty plasma. Phys. Plasmas. 15(9):093702.nonlinear_structure.pdf
Sabry, R, Moslem W, Haas F, Ali S, Shukla PK.  2008.  Nonlinear structures: explosive, soliton and shock in a quantum electron-positron-ion magnetoplasma. Phys. Plasmas. 15(12):122308.nonlinear_structures.pdf
Haas, F, Eliasson B, Shukla PK, Manfredi G.  2008.  Phase-space structures in quantum-plasma wave turbulence. Phys. Rev. E. 78(5):056407.phase_space.pdf
Haas, F.  2008.  Quantum Weibel instability. Phys. Plasmas. 15(2):022104.quantum_Weibel.pdf
Haas, F.  2007.  Contingência nas ciências físicas. Caderno IHU Idéias Unisinos. 68:1.contingencia_ciencias.pdf
Haas, F.  2007.  Física moderna e o paradoxo de Zenon. Caderno IHU Idéias Unisinos. 70:1.fisica_moderna.pdf
Haas, F.  2007.  Harris sheet solution for magnetized quantum plasmas. Europhys. Lett. 77(4):45004.Harris_sheet.pdf
Haas, F.  2006.  Computação quântica: desafios para o século XXI. Caderno IHU Idéias Unisinos. 53:1.computacao_quantica.pdf
Haas, F.  2006.  MHD equations for quantum plasmas. XI Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics. :p.477., Cidade do México: AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 875MHD_equations.pdf
de Assis, LPG, Helayël-Neto JA, Haas F, Nogueira ALMA.  2006.  On the integrability and chaos of an N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs mechanical model. Fifth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics - IC2006. :059., CBPF, Rio de Janeiro: J. High Energy Phys. (SISSA, IC2006)integrability_chaos.pdf

J. High Energy Phys. (SISSA, IC2006), 059 (2006).