Brasil em números

População: Elementos demográficos para compreender o Brasil e suas transições, at Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 15/10/2019:

Apresentações disponíveis para download:

Dagnino R. Population: Demographic elements to understand Brazil and its transitions. Brazil in figures. 2019;27(2019):70-89. Abstractbn_2019_v27_populacao_population_ricardo_dagnino.pdfWebsite

Identifying the demographic elements that comprise the population status (structure, dimension and spatial distribution), the demographic variables (birth, mortality, migration) and the demographic dynamics allows us to better understand Brazil and its transitions. The present article – grounded on data based on the last Population Censuses of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and on data used in the Population Projections of the IBGE - 2018 Review – intends to draw a current picture of the resident population in Brazil. Over the last decades, the population structure has been undergoing significant changes resulting from what demographers tend to describe as demographic transition – a social phenomenon that affects all the Brazilian population, although it can have many faces stemming from regional and social diversities. The phenomenon is materialized in the reduction of mortality followed by a drop in birth rates (CARMO; CAMARGO, 2018).

Brasil em Números 2019

Brasil em Números 2019

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