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Dillenburg, S. R., Barboza E. G., Rosa M. L. C. C., Caron F., Cancelli R., Santos-Fischer C. B., Lopes R. P., & RITTER M. A. T. I. A. S. D. O. N. A. S. C. I. M. E. N. T. O. (2020).  Sedimentary records of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3) in southern Brazil. 40(6), 1099 - 1108., 2020 AbstractWebsite


In this paper, a reinterpretation of the older 14C ages of the Pleistocene substrate of the Holocene barrier-lagoon system of three coastal localities in southern Brazil is presented (Hermenegildo, Cassino, and Curumim). Sedimentological, geochronological, palynological, and diatom analyses of a sedimentary deposit formed in an estuarine/shallow marine environment are examined. This sedimentary deposit is presently found between 22 and 25 m depth below sea level in the Pinheira coastal plain. Results from all studied sites indicate that the deposit was formed under a former sea level of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3) that may have oscillated in the study region between 5 and 23 m depth below present sea level, from 36.2 to 47.7 ka. These results are reinforced by studies of nearby sites, including southeast Brazil. The Pleistocene substrate of the Holocene lagoonal-barrier system, at depths lower than 5 m below sea level, seems to correspond to sedimentary deposits of the Pleistocene barrier formed during MIS 5, while at depths greater than 5 m below sea level, they might correspond to sedimentary deposits that were formed during the relative high sea levels of MIS 3.

Do Nascimento Ritter, M., De Francesco C. G., Erthal F., Hassan G. S., Tietze E., & Martínez S. A. (2016).  Manifesto of the South American school of (actualistic) taphonomy. Palaios. 31, 20-24., Number 2: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology AbstractWebsite

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